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  1. elisew

    My Cyps Finally Got There

    No that`s great thanks :good: :good: I think the option of separating the female would be the best one but it would mean removing the ocean rock and chasing around the tank, I think that may be too stressful for them. Difficult one really because I would love to be able to keep the fry :unsure:
  2. elisew

    My Cyps Finally Got There

    Yes they are so hopefully the rest wil catch on and get the biz done too :lol: Will update on how things are going :good: It`s great to watch, very entertaining :good: How long did your cyps hold for Sean? is it likely to be approx 4 weeks like the malawi? I`m looking forward to...
  3. elisew

    Members Tanganyikan Cichlid Photographs

    Cyprichromis leptosoma 'Utinta' Julidochromis dickfeldi Altolamprologus calvus (Black) Altolamprologus calvus (black) Neolamprologus leleupi Neolamprologus Multifasciatus Neolamprologus caudopunctatus Ophtalmotilapia ventralis (featherfins)
  4. elisew

    Members Mbuna Photographs

    Pseudotropheus Elongatus Mpanga - Male Female Pseudotropheus socolofi Pseudotropheus Elongatus Neon Spot - Male Holding Female Pseudotropheus Ndumbi Red Top - Male Pseudotropheus Ndumbi Red Top - Female Labidochromis Caeruleus (Yellow labs)
  5. elisew

    My Cyps Finally Got There

    Thanks :D She doesn`t look much bigger at the moment so I`m not sure that she`s holding a lot of eggs, I saw her release and catch 6 eggs but they carried on when I went up to shower so there may be loads more :unsure: I`ll try and get some pics up soon :good: I`m hoping that now one...
  6. elisew

    Members Aulonocara Photographs

    Aulonocara Sunset -Male Aulonocara Sunset- Female Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Eureka colour select - Male Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Eureka colour select - Female Aulonocara Malauna - Male
  7. elisew

    My Cyps Finally Got There

    I was sat having a cuppa this morning whie watching my Tang tank and saw a pair of cyps finally doing the biz :D :D I was mesmerized at how the male uses the white tips on his ventrical fins and kind of gently nibbles at the females back end to encourage her to release her eggs. So I now...
  8. elisew

    Small Fish, Big Attitude!

    My punks have such balls and think nothing of attacking hands when the tank is being cleaned. Feisty little things have one hell of a nip too :lol: :lol:
  9. elisew

    My First Multi Fry!

    Great news! :D :D Now they`ve started you`ll see lots more :good: :good:
  10. elisew

    New Tank For Malawi Cichilds

    I agree, the blue bulb won`t give you crisp, clear viewing and colour of the fish anywhere near as well as a white one (or 2) will give you :/ If you`re determined to go with the ocean rock, do keep an eye out that the fish don`t get stuck in the holes as they get bigger ;) A little...
  11. elisew

    Wee Tang(K) Project !

    Great photos :good: :good: They all look very comfortable in their homes :D
  12. elisew

    New Tank For Malawi Cichilds

    Well done on the tank size :good: What Is the best rock for Malawi cichilds.......Depends on what you mean by best? If you mean the most widely used for Malawi then I would say slate. Ocean rock is ok until one day a fish that has been swimming through the same hole for ages, forgets that...
  13. elisew

    Getting A New Tank!

    Definitely another option to consider :good: I have 1 FX5 running on my Tang setup and a powerhead too. Although the tank is very lightly stocked I do feel that the clarity of the water could be better and have considered adding another FX5 but reckon that could be massive overkill though...
  14. elisew

    Wee Tang(K) Project !

    What a great little setup!! :good: :good: They look very settled in a short space of time, I`ll keep my fingers crossed that you have the patter of tiny fins again very soon :D
  15. elisew

    Half Developed Fry

    Lisa how many fry has she spat? If you have a few then it might be an idea to put the female back into your main tank and leave her to spit any remaining fry in there, granted they`ll probably get eaten but that`s a risk you`ll have to decide on taking. On occasion the female will gather the...
  16. elisew

    Fly Macro

    Great pics!! :good: :good: I want a macro lens even more now!! :sad: :lol: :lol:
  17. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    I`m not, sorry :/
  18. elisew

    Getting A New Tank!

    Excellent news Jo and I`m really, really chuffed for you :good: :good: :good: On the filtration....I personally think you need to be looking at a minimum of something such as the FX5, possibly 2 of them. A sump is easy enough though and you could easily make one yourself with a smaller...
  19. elisew

    How Do I Delete My Account?

    Can the Admin/mods not change the posters name to 'Guest' once an account has been deleted, leaving the posts previously made in place? :unsure:
  20. elisew

    Underweight Labidochromis Caeruleus

    That's a shame that you can't get the premium granular :/ If it were me I would feed a mix of flake, frozen mysis/krill and chopped prawns and i'd feed small amounts but often throughout the day. It doesn't take long for females that have starved while they've held for approx 28 days to get...
  21. elisew

    Yellow Lab Holding Eggs

    I put the fry into a spare 20L tank that I had and it's setup all of the time now, I have the same choice that you're now faced with.....if I want to keep the fry then I need to have another tank running. You wouldn't need to cycle another tank, you could take the water from your main tank and...
  22. elisew

    Underweight Labidochromis Caeruleus

    If you can, I would strongly recommend this stuff: I feed all of my fish, including my Peacock and Mbuna fry on this stuff now and they absolutely love it, most people on another...
  23. elisew

    Yellow Lab Holding Eggs

    If the lab successfully holds then at approx 18-21 days you`ll begin to se the underneath of her chin go dark/black looking, this is the eggs hatching and her mouth becoming full of the this point the female can be removed from the tank and either put into a seperate tank OR stripped...
  24. elisew

    Thinking Of Upping My Water Changes

    No worries B-) If it were me......I`d look at doing a minimum of 15L-20L out Wed and Sun. Obviously it`s up to you though ;)
  25. elisew

    Thinking Of Upping My Water Changes

    This is something that will always come down to personal experience and preference as you`ll continuously get differing opinions. I find that small water changes will do what you`re to remove/reduce any detrimental levels in your tank any where near as effectively as bigger...
  26. elisew

    Coral Sand

    It depends on the ph of your water, you don`t need to use coral sand unless it`s to buffer/raise your ph. Coral sand is known to irritate the gills of some cichlids so a lot of people use sand in the tank and crushed oyster shell in the filter area in a sperate net bag (for example). The...
  27. elisew

    What Kinda Fish Can I Get

    We need to know what size tank you have? :/
  28. elisew

    Cyprichromis Leptosoma (Mpulungu) Fry

    There's definitely a fair few there!! :good: :good: They look great, it's lovely to see so many together and they'll be brilliant tank mates for the multis :good:
  29. elisew

    Pics Today

    Nice pics B-)
  30. elisew

    Anomalochromis Thomasi... Spawned!

    Out of those options I would say the Harlequins. I found cherry barbs to be zippy and at times a bit fin nippy and I don`t think that would be a good combination with the Thomasi. Tetras i.e the red eye are generally put in a tank where they can hold their own so possibly not a good...
  31. elisew

    Garage Clear Out

    You need to be using the correct sales format for selling your items. The sales form/template can be found here: :good:
  32. elisew

    Anomalochromis Thomasi... Spawned!

    From personal experience of the lampeyes I`d say that they`re even more sensitive than cardinals are so I`d advise against them to be honest. I`m trying to think of some fish that are pretty peaceful and not 'zippy' boisterous but my brain seems to be on a coffee break at the mo and I can`t...
  33. elisew

    Mixing Plecos?

    I don`t really see the point in asking for advice when you were always going to do what you wanted anyway :rolleyes:
  34. elisew

    Mixing Plecos?

    Neither tank is big enough as Mark has already said :no: You say it would only be temporary yet you`ve already experienced that the best laid pans can go tits up, you could plan to get another tank and what happens when something else goes wrong? It`s the plecs that suffer because they don`t...
  35. elisew

    Yet Another Lfs Visit Today !

    Only just seen this thread.......more multies huh? Always excellent to read and they look great :good: :good: :good: Mine have all gone to MA now, all of them will be going into their big display tank as an area in there has already been sorted in preparation for them. I`ll definately look...
  36. elisew

    Aqua One Eurostyle Tang Tank

    Nice setup and a good choice with the Tangs :good: :good: One thing I would say though is that the Tangs don`t 'need' any of the Lake Salt, Cichlid Trace Elements and more crucially a PH of well above 8.0. Tangs are able to fully thrive in a ph of between 7.8 and 8.4 very successfully...
  37. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    No sorry but I won`t post the fish and would much rather sell it as a complete setup :no: The plants can be sold seperately IF the fish get taken on by my local MA and if that happens I can by all means give you a shout to see if you`d still be interested in the plants or I`ll re-advertise...
  38. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    The guys at my local MA were gobsmacked today when I told them there`s been no interest in it but I`m not majorly desperate to get rid, I can always take the fish over to MA as the guys have said they`ll keep the glassfish in one of their permanent display tanks, they`re happy to have them...