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  1. elisew

    Plecs In Tang Tank

    I have 3 bn plecs in my Tang tank, they're all fine and seem to cope really well in the higher ph. :good: Not sure but I think the snowball plecs are too sensitive to a higher ph :unsure:
  2. elisew

    3D Background Stockists ?

    Not sure if you've seen the Pangaea ones? The guy I bought my Malawis from is a UK Seller, might be worth a look? I'm in 2 minds whether to have one of the backgrounds in the Malawi tank, i really like the look of the Pangaea ones but I haven't got far enough to check prices yet though...
  3. elisew

    Is It Just Me Thats This Sad?

    I have to admit to being guilty of this too :blush: :blush: I`m not addicted, I`m not addicted, I`m not addicted......yeah right! :grr: :lol: :lol:
  4. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    I have now added 2x 6" L200 plecos to the Malawi tank and I`m hopefully going to be getting some gorgeous yellow Baenschi Benga Peacocks too. The benga are quite small so as they`re a peaceful peacock I`m planning on adding them to my tang tank temporarily. Once they`ve grown on a bit and I can...
  5. elisew

    2" Corydoras In Mbuna Malwi Tanks

    Really glad to hear it :good: :good: I have synodontis petricolas, some hybrid synos and 2x 6" L200 plecs in my Malawi tank. The petricola are pretty small but I have no problems with any aggression towards them or the plecs. BN plecs as long as they`re a decent size of at least 3-4" should...
  6. elisew

    Brown Algae Problem

    apart from patience and good water changes there`s not a lot you can do really. Give the plant leaves a bit of a rub just before you do your water change it will help, also doing a couple of water changes a week may help too. It`s frustrating and unsightly but it will clear up eventually :good:
  7. elisew

    450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

    You`re getting there :good: Once you get nitrite readings which then get to 0 (same as ammonia) you`ll hopefully be ready to roll :)
  8. elisew

    Tang Food

    I feed mine a combination of......frozen brine shrimp in garlic, cyclops (specifically for the cyps for their tiny mouth and they go mad for it), spirulina flake, Tropical tanganyika flake which contains Krill and squid, normal tropical flake, frozen greenfoods, frozen daphnia and frozen mysis...
  9. elisew

    Fish Room Project

    Cheer up, progression can be good and anyway, that space was made for a 72" tank :good: :good: :lol: I really like the first background :drool:
  10. elisew

    Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

    As has been said, the API master test kit is a good test to use, it pretty much covers everything except for your GH and Kh but you could buy that separately if necessary. You really need to be doing a minimum of 30-50% water change per week but I would strongly advise doing at least a 75-80%...
  11. elisew

    Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

    Sorry about your fish dying :/ What test kit are you using because there's no result there for ammonia? If you're not testing for ammonia, that could be your problem :unsure:
  12. elisew

    Fish Room Project

    I've only just seen this :blush: So, a lot of chopping and changing then? Looks like you have it all covered though :good: I'm glad you're digging your heels in with the dubs, I know how much you've taken to them. I'll follow this with interest, I'll be able to read about how many times...
  13. elisew

    Tang Tank Finally Stocked And Finished

    Looks nice, you`ve done a good job :good: :good:
  14. elisew

    Multifasciatus Fry.....yayyyyy!

    A quick update on the multi fry, they`re growing really well and look soooooo cute so I thought I`d add some more pics :)
  15. elisew

    Can I Mix In Some Tiger Barbs And Maybe Other Stuff?

    It`s widely commented on and suggested that SA/CA and African cichlids shouldn`t be kept together yet isn`t the pink convict a CA cichlid? :unsure: I don`t mean to be rude but Kitty Kat didn`t say anything about your fish being treated badly so why so defensive? At the end of the day the...
  16. elisew

    Cloudy Water Won't Clear Up

    Glad you`re on your way to getting it all sorted :good: You`ll probably find that if you`re normally doing only 20% water change per week, the grotty debris is settling and causing your cloudy water over the weeks, a minimum of 30-50% per week is usually recommended and then possibly a 60-70...
  17. elisew

    Tang Lighting

    I agree with kiriyama, I have T5`s 39W on my Tang tank, one is marine white and the other is more a warm white and it doesn`t look as bright but warmer than the Malawi tank that has 2 marine white T5`s 39W :good:
  18. elisew

    There Coming Tuesday

    Looks nice :good: :good: Can`t answer your question about the multis, sorry but I don`t know off the top of my head :/
  19. elisew

    Lost A 'punct

    Really sorry to hear that doresy :sad:
  20. elisew

    2" Corydoras In Mbuna Malwi Tanks

    Oh dear, not good! :no: Do you have a small seperate tank to put them in? You need to get the corys out of the Malawi tank asap :unsure:
  21. elisew

    Tang Compatability

    Just the 2 punks, you will have to get the MA staff to make sure it is a male and a female though, they can become very aggressive towards their own unless you have loads in a species only tank. 2 calvus is fine :good:
  22. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    That`s great news!! :good: :good: Your fish are happy that you`re keeping them see! :lol: :lol:
  23. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    My Pseudotropheus elongatus Neon Spots have spawned, the females` mouth is now absolutely bulging with eggs :kana: :kana: I got a few video clips of them spawning, 0.37 seconds into the first vid and the female can then be seen to be releasing and picking up her eggs: At 26 seconds...
  24. elisew

    2 Yellow Labs Mimic Eachother Movements

    I may be wrong but that behaviour sounds more like a bit of aggression, possibly 2 males sorting out a territory? My labs do it all the time. If it was a male and a female you'd be likely to see them 'going around' on a flat surface or on the sand and it's much slower, this is them spawning and...
  25. elisew

    Too Many Water Changes?

    I think the only time that too many large water changes would be detrimental to your tank would be IF you were cycling it, you wouldn't be giving the beneficial bacteria a proper chance to grow and it would take longer but if the tank is already cycled there should't be a problem. Am I right in...
  26. elisew

    2" Corydoras In Mbuna Malwi Tanks

    I changed from a planted tropical tank to a Tanganyikan setup, I was contemplating a Malawi setup and was advised by a breeder/hobbyist not to keep my corys as they would likely be attacked and killed by Tangs and/or Malawi so I would recommend that you don't put corys with them :good:
  27. elisew

    Have You Ever Bought From Here..

    I`ve never bought from them myself however, after reading the neg feedback in just the last month I personally would steer clear ;)
  28. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Thanks :D As much as I love my Tangs, the Malawis are very colourful, it`s nice to get such colour without having to turn to the salty side :nod: My cyps are starting to colour up more now, they`re beginning to get a nice purple sheen to their bodies and there`s a bit more yellow and...
  29. elisew

    Tang Compatability

    None of the fast start stuff will do anything except lead you to believe the tank is ok and then make a mistake by not testing often enough, it`s not good stuff from what I`ve heard, even the lads at my local MA don`t recommend using it :no: A lot of lfs refuse to give filter sponge that`s...
  30. elisew

    Tang Compatability

    Do you have any friends nearby who keep fish? Adding some media from a mature filter would really help quicken things up for you. It's really frustrating I know but the wait will be worth it :good: :good:
  31. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Thanks very much B-) I'm extremely happy with the setup except for the ocean rock to be honest, I just couldn't find slate at a decent price so used the surplus ocean rock from my Tang setup :/ I wouldn't class myself as majorly experienced, I started with a 35L tank with guppies and mollies...
  32. elisew

    Family Argument On Whether She Is Pregnant 2

    What other fish are in the tank? You may find that she did have fry but they got eaten before you had chance to see them. ;)
  33. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Hmm, then I`d have to say that they`re not holding yet, I`m sure they`ll be getting the job done properly soon and I don`t think the males are complaining at the practising. The Jacob female makes me laugh when the male is flicking and swirling above her, he moves so hard and so quickly that he...
  34. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    Thanks Mark, to have lost only 1 fish out of 40 isn`t bad really so I can`t complain :/ I`m sorry that the bigger tank isn`t happening but I`m glad you`re keeping your Malawis :D
  35. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Hope she does spit soon otherwise she`ll waste away :blink: My Jacobs and Sunsets have been giving it some welly but no actual result yet I don`t think, not sure I`d know if the females were holding anyway :unsure: I`m sure they`ll get there eventually though :lol: :lol:
  36. elisew

    Tang Compatability

    Yes but so do the ventralis. They`ve swooped down and had more of my punk fry than the calvus have, but then it`s bound to happen, it`s nature :X
  37. elisew

    Tang Compatability

    Gobies? :unsure: If you`re on about Gobies then I would advise caution and lots of it. My local MA had a pair that they`d ordered in for a customer but they`d got stuck with them as the customer changed their mind :rolleyes: You need to have a proven pair to have these guys in a tank...
  38. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Thanks Mark :good: They are lovely but very, very skittish. :crazy: Tony did warn me that because they tend to thrash around while in transit they sometimes get a white film over their eyes, it`s kind of like giving themselves a black eye but for me not to worry. I wouldn`t mind so much...
  39. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    I added socolofi x 7, OB Fire x 3 males and a gorgeous pair of Taiwan Reef, the male is huge!! :hyper: Pics are on my 380L Malawi thread ;) Unfortunately one of the OB males died yesterday, he`d been very, very stressed from when they first arrived and he pretty much just laid on the sand...
  40. elisew

    Wanted - Green Phantom Or Rusty Plec/plecs Decent Size

    I think £25-£30 is a fair price from reading around but £40 I think is a bit steep to be honest, plus the P&P as well, especially seeing as we`ve spent just over £300 for the new Malawis :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: I do agree that we all pay a price when there`s something in particular we...