Tang Tank Finally Stocked And Finished


Fish Crazy
Aug 10, 2010
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i have finally got my tang tank stocked and finished, made a couple of stocking errors in the process though. in the end i went for

20g (US)
fluval 105
arcadia eco LED light
150w heater

1 vallis
1 java fern
1 anubias

1 calvus
3 juv punks
1 masked juli
6 danios

and could not resit 2 syno multipunctatus catfish (only 2" big), they will out grow my tank and i will either move them on or i might of persuaded my wife to have a bigger tank by then :rolleyes: .

i did have 2 brevis at the start but they tore my tank to bits, i then bought a pair of multies, again the male tore my tank up. the multies are now in a 40ltr by them selves. i am debating whether to sell them though, if anybody is interested then could let them go.

the tank its self has been completely re-scaped,alot more open space and caves. its actually made the tank look alot bigger so i'm very happy now, can sit back and enjoy it.


Looks nice, you`ve done a good job :good: :good:
sorry for the late reply rifty. its tuffa rock. i got it from wharf aquatics in nottingham, no lfs sell it round me so it was a good find.

its done an ok job of buffering my ph, out of the tap its about 7.4, its now about 7.8. i thought my ph was higher but have found out my ph test kit is crap (nutrafin). friend brought his api kit round and it read completely different to mine.

i will get some decent pics up because they where took on my blackberry and look rubbish..

slight change of topic.....one of my punks is now protecting the shells in the corner, it does not in go in them but chases everything away..what is causing this because i thought my punks where far too young for this..does this behaviour give a clue to the sex of it?
Looking good, job well done, :good:

As for the punk, sounds like it's just picked out it's territory, :unsure:
lost one of my punks today. i've been keeping an eye on it for a week now. it was thin when i got it and despite making sure it eat well found it dead this morning. no out ward signs of illness (apart from been thin).

so that leaves me with 2 punks, 1 calvus and 1 masked juli.

the temptation to put another fish...........must resist....must resist...... :crazy:

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