2" Corydoras In Mbuna Malwi Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2011
Reaction score
Holley, NY
Is it ok to keep 5 corys in a 55 gallon tank with 10 malawi? I am getting mixed reviews online. Thanks.
I changed from a planted tropical tank to a Tanganyikan setup, I was contemplating a Malawi setup and was advised by a breeder/hobbyist not to keep my corys as they would likely be attacked and killed by Tangs and/or Malawi so I would recommend that you don't put corys with them :good:
Unfortunately I had asked this question after I had added the corys to the tank. I was told by a couple people that they should be fine in there. I was wrong.

They both live normally in different water parameters. One of the cats already has a barb infection. I am trying to find someone who wants to take them off my hands.
Unfortunately I had asked this question after I had added the corys to the tank. I was told by a couple people that they should be fine in there. I was wrong.

They both live normally in different water parameters. One of the cats already has a barb infection. I am trying to find someone who wants to take them off my hands.

Oh dear, not good! :no:

Do you have a small seperate tank to put them in? You need to get the corys out of the Malawi tank asap :unsure:
The only other tank I have is a 29 gallon, which is going through some random mini-cycle right now. If I were to add the corys, who knows what would happen to that tank.
Ok, I just moved 4 of 5 corys into my other tank. I will have to keep doing pwcs until that tank completes it's mini cycle.

As for the 1 remaining cory...I will have to wait until he comes back out from hiding before I can get him.
Thanks for caring enough. I suggest in the future you check with the lovers of a species in that species forum before you add it to a community. Research saves a multitude of disasters. Advising that a cory be added to any aggressive tank is in the same league as swinging cats by their tails.
:hyper: :crazy: :shout: :grr: :sick:

Might as well add a goldy feeder or a tasty shrimp.

I am not sure what cat can go in a Malawi tank, a hardy plec perhaps. Although I donated a nice juvie BN plec to a tank and someone put a juvie African in and the BN soon became a snack. The same happened to a lovely C. sterbai, only it was a goldy that did the dirty deed they tell me.
I read that a larger syndontis may do well in the tank, but at this point, I will add no other types of fish.

24 hours after I relocated the corys to my smaller tank, I donated them to my girlfriend's parents tank. They have a 55 gallon tropical tank that only had 2 corys. Within a minute of releasing mine into their tank, they all started schooling together :) They are now happy!
I read that a larger syndontis may do well in the tank, but at this point, I will add no other types of fish.

24 hours after I relocated the corys to my smaller tank, I donated them to my girlfriend's parents tank. They have a 55 gallon tropical tank that only had 2 corys. Within a minute of releasing mine into their tank, they all started schooling together :) They are now happy!

Really glad to hear it :good: :good:

I have synodontis petricolas, some hybrid synos and 2x 6" L200 plecs in my Malawi tank. The petricola are pretty small but I have no problems with any aggression towards them or the plecs.
BN plecs as long as they`re a decent size of at least 3-4" should be ok, it`s only if they`re quite small that you`ll be likely to have any real problems having them in a Malawi tank ;)

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