100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

what did you add lisa?

I added socolofi x 7, OB Fire x 3 males and a gorgeous pair of Taiwan Reef, the male is huge!! :hyper:
Pics are on my 380L Malawi thread ;)

Unfortunately one of the OB males died yesterday, he`d been very, very stressed from when they first arrived and he pretty much just laid on the sand with his fins clamped until I found him floating and finding it difficult to stay upright yesterday morning. Being transported obviously stressed him to the max :sad:
sorry about the ob . checked the pics tho the others are gorgeous .
Thanks Mark, to have lost only 1 fish out of 40 isn`t bad really so I can`t complain :/

I`m sorry that the bigger tank isn`t happening but I`m glad you`re keeping your Malawis :D
thanks . the bigger tank will hapen , but it will just have to wait until i can do it without sacrificing fish .

and yep 1 loss out of 40 id consider that a success :good:
quick update , the female malauna should hopefully spit in the next few days , and the jacobs now look like they are at it too. theyre deffinately trying to but whenever they start doing the "dance" every other male in the tank is over like a shot trying to muscle in . proper men these male malawis :lol:

when the malauna spawned , the male sunset was trying to get in on the action , now its another fish the ,male malauna is just as bad !!!
That`s great news!! :good: :good:

Your fish are happy that you`re keeping them see! :lol: :lol:
quick update. the female jacob appears to be holding as well now . her buccal cavity does look a little enlarged , and she wasnt interested when i just fed them .

the yellow labs are growing nicely , as are the little usisya , altho these haven started to colour yet .
ive now got 3 holding females . aulonocara malauna ( almost ready to spit) , aulonocara jacobfreibergi , and hap sp.44
How are the holding females doing Mark? Any fry yet :unsure:

I have one more week before my Jacob and red top females are due to spit :fish:
all non starters lisa , the malauna went pretty much full term then ate them and the jacob and sp.44 both only held for a few days . . if you get fry do you plan on trying to raise them or are you just going to let nature take its course?
all non starters lisa , the malauna went pretty much full term then ate them and the jacob and sp.44 both only held for a few days . . if you get fry do you plan on trying to raise them or are you just going to let nature take its course?

Oh that`s a bummer, I`m really sorry to hear that Mark :sad:

I`m hoping that the Jacob and red top females will do ok but it`s hit and miss I guess so I`m not banking on them reaching the point of successfully spitting but we`ll see. I`m not going to mess around with stripping them or chasing the fry IF they`re spat, I`m just going to leave them to do what comes naturally. Maybe one day if/when I ever get a chance to set up a 'fish house' then I might look at saving the fry but until then nature can take it`s own course.

I`ve got 6 Baenschi Bengas now but because they`re only small they`re in the Tang tank. Hopefully because there`s no aggression in the Tang tank the Bengas will feel safe and colour up very soon and really well. Not sure what sex they are yet but apparently by the time they`re sexable the females can be holding already! Can`t wait to see them colour up though :D
you got some bengas? nice!! il have some unexpected fishy money to spend soon , im trying to decide between adding to the malawis or setting up the planted tank ive been trying to get up and running for ages. il most likely do the planted tank 1st tho because its been frustrating the hell out of me that i bought the tank about 2 months ago and its still empty , plus the fryeri i want from tony are still out of stock .

how are your little usisya doing? 1 of mine seems to be a runt but the others , when the light catches them right are just starting to show the teeniest hint of starting to turn yellow
you got some bengas? nice!! il have some unexpected fishy money to spend soon , im trying to decide between adding to the malawis or setting up the planted tank ive been trying to get up and running for ages. il most likely do the planted tank 1st tho because its been frustrating the hell out of me that i bought the tank about 2 months ago and its still empty , plus the fryeri i want from tony are still out of stock .

how are your little usisya doing? 1 of mine seems to be a runt but the others , when the light catches them right are just starting to show the teeniest hint of starting to turn yellow

Yeah I managed to get hold of 6 F1 Bengas and they`re lovely little fish, so calm and cute even though they look really drab at the mo :lol:

Usisyas sound the same as yours colouring wise, they`ve all grown really well to be honest, hubby commented on the pics I emailed him in Afghan about how well all the fish seem to be growing. I think the biggest difference I`ve noticed has to be the socolofi (sp?), they have grown loads just in the last couple of weeks and their ice blue colour seems to have really come out :good:

Is it the electric blue or icebergs that you`re hoping to get? :unsure:
its the electric blues im waiting for . i think its probably the yellow labs i see the most change in those boys have at least trippled in size , have got that lovely strong black in the fins . .

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