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  1. T

    My Tank

    Ok so tonight I went to Petco and bought my fishies. 3 Tiger barbs who are schooling, I presume 2 have paired off, I will have to purchase another one at Petco, 3 silver mollies who are very small along with 2 gold gouramies who are even smaller. I asked the idiots when they fed them and they...
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    Community Tank

    No man, you print out the sheets take them in store. Even with shipping its still cheaper than petco in store.
  3. T

    Community Tank

    They do it, it's just a hidden thing. They are actually happy that their customers do that. Since they are pretty much better than Petco
  4. T

    Long Hairy Stuff!

    Than you have diatom, I am not experiance with thatrtype of algae but I am sure some one on here is.
  5. T

    Community Tank

    Ok cool, ya you can buy the Aquarium pharmectuticals test kit for 15 bucks instead of the instore price. Petco doesn;t do this which goes to shame. What type of ex. filter do you have, can?
  6. T

    What's The Best Way To

    Intresting, but if a fish gets highly stressed out and doesnt die, how long will it take for it to recover?
  7. T

    My Tank Pics

    Nice looking tank man!
  8. T

    Gravel Cleaner

    I know for a fact Petco sells a pretty good electric Vac priced at 25 bucks.
  9. T

    Filter Cleaning

    Give it a few hard squeezes whilst swishing it around. This will get that gunky slime off.
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    My Denisons Barb Is Sick

    Wouldn't she/he been able to save the fish by dipping the food into those vitamin gels?
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    The largest I have seen has been 3 inches. I can't find substantial info on them
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    Tetra Disease

    What's the name of that Tetra disease where it can affect a Tetra and kill other fish in the process? Is it a rare or common disease?
  13. T

    Expectant Mother

    It is fungus, that cotton thing you see is layer of bacteria growing
  14. T

    Tetramin Food

    If you could remember I said Hagen redesigned some of the aspects in the motors? I bought a 300 1.5 years ago and it makes a constant ghrizzing noise. I contacted hagen and they told me the impeller must be bent a bit, I took it out and nope perfectly straight and level.
  15. T

    Bl**dy Filters!

    Spice is right, two years ago I got a small shock. Since than I tape up the remaining sockets and put a splash guard for extra protection. Also in relation to your issue, why not just read the instruction booklet? I mean that's why they are made mate, so you can learn to use the product...
  16. T

    Long Hairy Stuff!

    Well what color is it, this comes from either Diatoms which are brown or green which is well regular algae
  17. T

    Breeding Trap

    Ugh I hate those breeder tanks. Last november 2004 my platy had about 50 kids. I put them all in a breeder and they got harrased by all the other fish in the tank. So a few weeks later she got pregnant again and I put the kids in a 2.2 G Aquatic Garden Aqurium with a sponge. Thy grew up nice.
  18. T

    Would There Be A Need For Something Like This?

    That link doesn't work :S
  19. T

    Super Duper Artistic Fishy Photos...

    He did that on purpose. I think it is uniqe, but man do you have some cloudy water.
  20. T

    Community Tank

    Dreworz, what type of filter are you planning on running, tell me what aquarium your going to use and what city you reside in. If you live in the US and are near a petsmart print out a filter or any of their items than go to the store. They do price checks and you can save almost 50 per cent...
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    What's The Best Way To

    Telee, can you please explain to me what shocking the tank means? Does it/will it disturb bacteria cultres in the water? even though there isn't many bacteria in the water that are free-flowing.
  22. T

    Holy Moley!

    Looks like a saltwater tank to me. Since it seems there is LR in the middle with and airstone. Otherwise I would love to have that, but I don't think my parents would like the water bill :lol:
  23. T

    Change To Agressive Community

    Oh, if that is your goal I find Barbs specifically tiger and green tiger somewhat aggressive. They are niqe fish I bet you would enjoy them
  24. T


    If you happen to look at my 20 Gallon fish list, I was wondering what other fishies I could put in. I've got my tank setup with nice coves and gravel/sand designs. With some nice silk plants that look very real. I am a good barb fan since I enjoy watching their feeding habits.
  25. T

    Looking For Something For My 29 Gal

    Your tank would be a perfect live bearer with cories tank
  26. T

    Change To Agressive Community

    That doesn't sound very aggressive. But keep in mind angel fish are amazonian, you may ahve some trouble with the loach vs. angel.
  27. T

    What's The Best Way To

    I wouldn't recomend it. I would try natural ways such as bogwood or peat. Even a seasonal experiance aquarist would not touch it with meds.
  28. T

    Dying Discus

    What are your water parameters right now? Ammonia , nitrite, nirate, ph , temp When was the last time you changed water?
  29. T

    Grapefruit Seed Extract

    Teelie, from what you said does that mean that a placebo will work for humans? I mean there have been studies done on humans and other mamals in which a placebo type drug was admistrated to the patient in which to make them believe it would be a cure for the problem they had? I see where you...
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    Ideas Please

    Dre, You could do like a fake silk plant amazon looking bio, with a school of 10 tetras.
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    Ideas Please

    Ok let me redo my reply. Dre, It would not such a wise decision on your part to include those fish in your tank. First of all an Albino shark needs a minimum of 50 US Gallons. Anything under will not suffice. The shark will grow to a maximum size of 6 inches. Those black tetras will become...
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    Ideas Please

    Dre you can do that if you want some nice yummy treats for the shark LOL
  33. T

    Ideas Please

    No link, that just my person thought. But it really applys to full body fish
  34. T


    No I have a pair of Tiger oscars in my 74 gallon. I know that in a few more months they will be too large for my tank. Either I will have to upgrade or give them to a better home. From what I have read around, a lot of people recommend 115 gallons minumum for oscars.
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    Would There Be A Need For Something Like This?

    A lot of people on generators that run on diesal
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    Salt Is Ok For Cories...

    So your saying wild ones can handle salt?
  37. T


    I see, intresting. I bought the puffer for cheap at 4 bucks. I know an lfs run by a good asian man in Panorama city. Sold me the puffer oscars and 2 malawi cichs. for 24 bucks. All of which were healthy
  38. T

    Ideas Please

    Here revised spelling See you have a 30 gallon tank. Each Cory needs what 25 gallons? So if you get 5 their gallon usage would be 150 gallons plus the need for the other fish. That would mean you would have to use a 350 GPH filter. And if your substrate is going to be more than 1 - 1.5 inches...
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    Salt Is Ok For Cories...

    So if BOX A advises to put one rounded teaspoon for every 5 US Gallons you would wan't to put a half teaspoon?
  40. T

    Ideas Please

    A lot as in, well depends. It's hard to explain- See You have a 30 gallon tank. Each cory needs what 25 gallons? So if you get 5 their gallon usage would be 150 gallons plus the need for the other fish. That would mean you would have to use a 350 GPH filter. And if your substrate is going to be...