Change To Agressive Community


Fish Addict
Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, England
i currently posses a rekord 96 tankMy Webpage community setup (stocking info in profile) but i would like to change to aggresive mediumish fish the fish i would keep that i already have would be my krib and my loaches(i may be setting up a dp tank an have heard harlequins can live with them so i will probably give them a try, and my adf will be put in a crappy fish bowl with one or two more adfs) the rest will be rehomed. i was thinking stocking wise
1 paradise fish= 4 inch
1 blue gourami=4 inch
possibly 1-3 angel fish but am unsur and would love your thoughts on wether that is possible
1 krib= 3 inch
2 polka dot loches=2.5 inches each, 5 inches all together
i would love to hear your thoughts and reccomendations for other fish :nod:
thanks all
That doesn't sound very aggressive. But keep in mind angel fish are amazonian, you may ahve some trouble with the loach vs. angel.
oh yes i never thought of that thanks but if the loaches were in dire trouble i could rehome them
im not looking for an unbelievably aggresive tank just one a bt aggresive and made up of single characters
Oh, if that is your goal I find Barbs specifically tiger and green tiger somewhat aggressive. They are niqe fish I bet you would enjoy them
no i am not interested in tiger barbs they are nice fish though
i realy would like to know if i can keep angelfish
BUMP again please answer people

Your tank could house a pair of angels but they would probably clash with the gouramis.
The laoches would be more active if you got a couple more & they are ok with angels but just four loaches & two angels would be about all the tank can hold ( loaches get to 4"+) and I don't think you'd be happy with the angels.
How about a pair of Heterotilapa multispinosa or keyholes instead?
now no offence to you but i no thats not true my tank could hold wayyy more than that
i cant get more loaches as they were a one off and i dont see them in lfs any more
the stocking plan must include
1 paradise fish
1 blue gourami
1 krib
2 polka dot loaches and by the way polka dot loches are fully grown by 2.5 inches
now no offence to you but i no thats not true my tank could hold wayyy more than that
i cant get more loaches as they were a one off and i dont see them in lfs any more
the stocking plan must include
1 paradise fish
1 blue gourami
1 krib
2 polka dot loaches and by the way polka dot loches are fully grown by 2.5 inches
I've just seen your thread on the loaches - I was thinking of the fish more usually called "polka dot loach" - Botia kubotai.
A pair of angels need a large territory if they decide to spawn - well over half your tank which doesn't leave room for much else.
With your existing fish you have limited choices. A pair of keyholes or Laetacara sp would be ok but to be honest your tank really shouts out for mid level fish. You don't like tiger barbs but what about some of the other barb species?
Columbian tetras do a good pirhana impression at feeding time.
no thanks for the idea i suppose angels are a no no then
i dont realy want shoaling fish though any other suggestions

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