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  1. K

    Please Help Me

    ur lfs is pretty much telling u to cycle ur tank the way i have done mine i had 4 danios in it and they are still alive danios are the best fish to cycle with because they are hardy fish this means thay can stand alot more fluctuation in parameters than most other fish i.e rising ammonia and...
  2. K

    Please Help Me

    wow serious overstock they did a similar thing to me in my 10 g tank thats y i ended up buyin a 55g tank just so i had somewher to re-home the fish would of been cheape to take the fish back i suppose but i was always gna want a bigger tank anyways how many of ur fish survived the cycle
  3. K

    Please Help Me

    the tank will not start cycle without ammonia that which can only be made by . fish waste/poo (u need fish for this) . or u will need to go and by some pure ammonia from a shop and add small amounts everyday until ur filter grows enough bacteria to turn the ammonia into nitrite and then it will...
  4. K

    Bristlnose Pair

    i have just bought 2 bristlenose plec i have a 55g tank and was wondering on what the chances of them getting on fine together when they are older are they are very tiny at the min must only be a few weeks old. they are both very busy in my tank at the min cleaning up i dont know what sex they...
  5. K

    Please Help Me

    u can do a fishless cycle or a fish in cycle most people do a fish in but i think the right and patiant way would be to do a fishless cycle by adding ammonia urself which u can by from a supermarket. this is instead of using fish to produce the ammonia required for the cycle from their waste
  6. K

    Please Help Me

    i have read about the chemicals u are using and from what i agther they can be a waste of time because they need ammonia water and oxygen to live and multiply which in a bottle is very hard to sustain if u understand what i am saying. and also the chemical (bacteria) helps turn the ammonia which...
  7. K

    Please Help Me

    i would leave ur filter well alone for atleast 2 month to let it get established as good bacteria is growing there and any disturbance will slow down ur cycle u say u have no fish in at the moment. have u been adding some kind of ammonia as this is neede to start the cycle
  8. K

    Please Help Me

    like i said i had the same problems as u but 4 weeks ago and my tanks is not that much bigger than urs so hopefully things should sort themselves out soon enough as mine did. i would just test every day or 2 and if ur ammonia goes above 2.0 do a decent water change maybe 30% (more if needed) and...
  9. K

    Please Help Me

    hi there i am also pretty new to the hobby but will help u with what i know sure someone will give bit more advice. the cloudiness will be coming from 2 things firslty the chemical exchange that is taking place between the ammonia and nitrite this can last for a few weeks i think and also the...
  10. K

    Bristlenose Plec

    i have bought 2 bn as the lfs also said i should be fine in a 55g tank also i have a 15g tank which i could ship him to if they get aggresive they are both tiny must only be a few weeks old but instantly took a shining to to their new tank but some bloodworm in half an hour after putting them in...
  11. K

    Bristlenose Plec

    my tank is 55g im starting to get abit of algea now at the bottom of my tank and on the glass.
  12. K

    Bristlenose Plec

    my filters are starting to settle now nitites dropping and nitrates rising so ill just give it a few weeks before adding. do bristlenose plecs do fine on there own or would i be better adding 2 of them?
  13. K

    Angels With Current?

    i forgot to mention that my tank is a corner tank i have a wave maker at the back corner facing down the right side so the current is running in almost a clockwise motion getting weaker as it gets round the tank there are lots of caves and cranys for my fish to hide in if they wish but they all...
  14. K

    Angels With Current?

    i have just bought an angel for my community tank he seemed very quiet at first but after a few hours is now happily swimming with his new mates just wondering if he will be fine with a good current in the tank.
  15. K

    Best Way To Make A Current?/

    is there a best way to aim them or does it not make a difference also what size should i get i have a 55g tank should i get one that will do a 100g tank?
  16. K

    Best Way To Make A Current?/

    im an going to be adding some denison barbs in a couple of weeks and as they like a good current in the tank i am wondering whats is the best way to go about it. i have a fluval 305 which i have the water in running half in and half out of the water in my tank this is making quite a few waves...
  17. K

    Cycle Problem Or Not?

    latest test showing 0.25 ammonia nitrite 0 and nitrate 5.0 how is that i can have ammonia and nitrate readings but no nitrite surely the ammonia should be untracable and only small amounts of nitrite if i am getting nitrate readings?
  18. K

    Bristlenose Plec

    how long should i wait before adding a bristlenose plec to my tank im sure i read somwhere thats its best to wait about 6 months after cycling but cant find where i read it now also would one be okay on its own or should i add to to give him some company?
  19. K

    Cycle Problem Or Not?

    movement at last ammonia has been 0.25 for last 2 days. i did small water change last night while i was fitting new fluval 305 filter got alot more room in the tank now and looks alot clearer (result). just done another test and ammonia still at 0.25 and nitrite now at 0.25 progress is being made
  20. K

    Swapping Filter Over

    only had tank up for 2 weeks had established gravel in since start
  21. K

    Swapping Filter Over

    okay people here's the score went out today b4 having chance to read some of your replies and bought the fluvel 305 at £85 saw the tetratec for £95 was thinking about it but decided to go for the fluvel as the shop owner recommended it even tho it was cheaper and also because of the reviews i...
  22. K

    Swapping Filter Over

    i think im gna go with the fluval 305 has got lots of good reviews and goes for around £75 now my next question is what do u think the best way to set the media is? should i buy any more media? i currently have sponge -> bio rings -> thin sponge -> carbon -> thin sponge in that order thats...
  23. K

    Swapping Filter Over

    so by putting the media in from my old filter it will avoid start the cycle again or a mini cycle?
  24. K

    Swapping Filter Over

    i am mid cycle with my 55g tank and i have decided i want to swap my filter over to an external because the one i have in at the moment is very large and quite ugly. so firstly what is the best filter to go for between £50 - £100 prefferably and also what is the best way to go about adding it...
  25. K

    Feeding Bloodworms

    thanks for the help i put it in a container for a few mins with tank water and fed them a bit a at a time they ate the lot in a few minutes how often should i give them bloodworms is once a week enough?
  26. K

    Feeding Bloodworms

    ive just bought some frozen bloodworms for my fish and was just wondering on the best way to prep and feed them and how much should i give them i have 10 danios and 6 mollies.
  27. K

    Cycle Problem Or Not?

    Ph is at 7.0 Everytime have never had any different I Also have another smaller 10g tank which is a little older And that has always been at 7.0 since i first tested it aswell. I will carry on testing and keep u informed Thanks
  28. K

    Cycle Problem Or Not?

    Chemistry is still the same levels all at 0 I have not changed water since a week ago today as there has seemed no need to yet The water has gone very clear now and all fish are very happy Do u think I am right not to change the water till I see some change so that it might give Us an idea of...
  29. K

    Cycle Problem Or Not?

    there is activated carbon and 500g of bio-rings inside the filter is it the bio- rings that u are refering to?
  30. K

    Cycle Problem Or Not?

    I have not added anything to the water except tap water treatment For my water changes. Except for that it was just the adding of the established gravel To the filter and tank so unless zeolite is somehow else products In a way that I am sumhow unaware of then it's safe to say That's not an issue.
  31. K

    Cycle Problem Or Not?

    okay so heres the latest my brother in law very generously took my son out for the day on saturday and decided to take him to the fish shop he came back with 6 danios and 4 mollies i had told him to get either 3 danios or 2 mollies to go with the others already going of the fact i havent...
  32. K

    Cycle Problem Or Not?

    i have the 2 mollies and also 4 danios i have no live plants thats y i am so curious as 2 y im getting now levels from what ifo i can gather that should be more than enough in a 56g
  33. K

    Cycle Problem Or Not?

    just tested water again same results as yesterday 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate i have not done any water changes and have fed them twice both small amounts to see if anything pops up on amonia or nitrite level but nope any ideas? or am i just waiting for a spike to come?
  34. K

    Will My Community Work Together?

    i take it you think there is enough room for them then. i was just worried about over stocking but wanted to get some more mollies and another female swordtail anyway so sounds like a good idea thanks
  35. K

    Will My Community Work Together?

    just wondering how well my community will go with the following in a 56 gallon corner tank 7 glowlight danios 2 mollies 2 swordtails 1 bristlenose plec 1 angelfish and 3 torpedo barbs (dont know much about these but fell in love with them today in the shop) anybody any info on them?
  36. K

    Cycle Problem Or Not?

    i have just come home for dinner and checked tap water no ammonia found also i tested the water in my tank without doing any changes and now have 0 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate i fed the fish a small amount this morning.
  37. K

    Cycle Problem Or Not?

    i did a 10 -15 % change before and nitrite and nitrate levels are back to 0 but ammonia is up to 1 now this is the first time i have detected any ammonia should the ammonia not be constantly down to 0 now nitrite and nitrate have shown or could it still be because it is still early stage of...
  38. K

    Cycle Problem Or Not?

    i have been doing water 10% every other day nitrite levels havent gone above 0.25 yet today was the first day i saw anything i will keep testing and do bigger water changes if nitrites spike more? will that be ok?
  39. K

    Silver Shark

    hi im new here and a newbie to keeping fish u said u have a 200l just wanted to let u know that i have a 250l tank and was looking at getting a bala/ silver shark. im sure someone with more experience will correct me if im wrong but i believe that is to small for 1 adult bala never mind...
  40. K

    What Else?

    7 glowlight danios 2 choclate mollys 1 bristlenose pleco 1 red tail shark 2 swordtails 1 angelfish i have a 56 gallon tank what else can i have to fully stock my tank any ideas please?