Cycle Problem Or Not?

The 10 new fish will cause the ammonia in your tan to start building faster. You are not trying to get zero nitrates. Zero nitrates means that you are controlling the water completely with water changes. That doesn't seem so bad until you realize that the more fish you have the bigger and more frequent those changes will become. That can quickly become over 50% daily if you fail to properly build the bacterial colonies in the filter. It actually is starting to make me suspect that someone talked you into putting zeolite into your filter. If you did, the chemistry will be just fine until the day that the zeolite is exhausted. On that day, the ammonia spike will kill lots of fish before you notice it. The stuff works great to control chemistry but is very, very unforgiving of you failing to test the water very frequently.
The real answer is no more fish, that means none at all, until you start getting the chemistry of your tank to respond properly to the ammonia that is coming from your fish. As long as there is no nitrate and no other chemicals in the water, you are changing the water often enough for the fish but are not building bacteria. When you are keeping the ammonia and nitrites near zero but seeing the nitrates building slowly, you are nearing a cycled tank that you won't need to fight constantly. In my well established tanks, I don't worry about my fish if I miss a weekly water change because I know the bacterial colony will take care of the poisons in the water. In a new tank without those bacteria, you can't let a day go by without testing, just in case you have a big chemical spike that day.
I have not added anything to the water except tap water treatment
For my water changes.
Except for that it was just the adding of the established gravel
To the filter and tank so unless zeolite is somehow else products
In a way that I am sumhow unaware of then it's safe to say
That's not an issue.
Zeolite is a product that some filter makers include with their filters. It is a white looking material that looks a lot like carbon except that it is not black like carbon. If you have some white looking stuff in the filter, read the manufacturer's booklet to find out what it is. Ceramic biomedia is a great thing to have and is also a white color but zeolite is not a good thing to have while trying to cycle a tank.
there is activated carbon and 500g of bio-rings inside the filter
is it the bio- rings that u are refering to?
Biorings are fine, they are ceramic bio media. What is your chemistry doing now and what water changes are you doing?
Chemistry is still the same levels all at 0
I have not changed water since a week ago today as there has seemed no need to yet
The water has gone very clear now and all fish are very happy
Do u think I am right not to change the water till I see some change so that it might give
Us an idea of where I'm upto with the cycle
As long as all chemistry stays at zero, there is no reason to do the water changes. Keep an eye on pH just in case you have a low KH. It doesn't take much to move pH if that is the case.
Ph is at 7.0 Everytime
have never had any different
I Also have another smaller 10g tank which is a little older
And that has always been at 7.0 since i first tested it aswell.

I will carry on testing and keep u informed
movement at last ammonia has been 0.25 for last 2 days. i did small water change last night
while i was fitting new fluval 305 filter got alot more room in the tank now and looks alot clearer (result).

just done another test and ammonia still at 0.25 and nitrite now at 0.25

progress is being made
latest test showing 0.25 ammonia nitrite 0 and nitrate 5.0

how is that i can have ammonia and nitrate readings but no nitrite
surely the ammonia should be untracable and only small amounts of nitrite if i am getting nitrate readings?
Its because we are only taking a "snapshot in time" when we do our ammonia, nitrite and nitrate tests. The detectable amounts of these things move through the process in little peaks and valleys if you were to draw a graph across time. If you were to take measurements ever half hour, say, you'd see the peak go by at some point.


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