Bristlenose Plec


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2009
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how long should i wait before adding a bristlenose plec to my tank
im sure i read somwhere thats its best to wait about 6 months after cycling but cant find where i read it now
also would one be okay on its own or should i add to to give him some company?
generally once the filters have established and settled down, you can add catfish. Many people suggest waiting for a couple of months just to make sure the filter is established, but the filter bacteria shouldn't fluctuate unless you add medications or disturb the filter media too much (ie: wash it under tap water, or change the filter media).
my filters are starting to settle now nitites dropping and nitrates rising so ill just give it a few weeks before adding.
do bristlenose plecs do fine on there own or would i be better adding 2 of them?
I have 1 BN in my 29 Gallon and he seems fine by himself! Or possibly a she. Not quite sure what the sex is at this point. When I was researching them, you can have more than one (even though they do fine on their own) but if you end up with 2 males you could end up with some territorial issues.
my tank is 55g
im starting to get abit of algea now at the bottom of my tank and on the glass.
how are your test results and how long has the tank been fully cycled for
personally i would wait for 4 weeks of clear tests after cycle before adding the bn plecs
2 would be fine in that sized tank
maybe go for a male and female and breed them - always an idea

if your in the UK seanie112 forum member has some lovely bn plecs - i got mine from him and they are lovely and healthy and had no problems with them
Unless you want to breed them I think you should just get one. That way there won't be any territorial problems amd they do fine on their own. I have one and it is a great addition to my tank.
i have bought 2 bn as the lfs also said i should be fine in a 55g tank also i have a 15g tank which i could ship him to if they get aggresive
they are both tiny must only be a few weeks old but instantly took a shining to to their new tank but some bloodworm in half an hour after putting them in and they was eating that fine and have been busy cleaning glass and ornaments since.
they are going higher than i thought hey would tho with them being bottom dwellers is this unusual?
Bristlenose Catfish will explore all areas of the tank, so unless they are going to the water surface a lot, then I wouldn't worry.
Just make sure you have a good flow in the tank as they prefer well oxygenated water.
Only feed them bloodworm once a week as a treat as they prefer a vegetable based diet. Try feeding them algae wafers along with vegetables such as courgette, cucumber, peas etc. :good:
They are not going near the surface my tank is very well oxygenated with a good current so they must just be having a good explore
I only feed them bloodworm on a friday and I put a cucumber Cut in half in there for them how long is the cucumber okay in the water for if they don't eat it all within a day or 2

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