Search results

  1. O

    Fish Names?

    My betta's name is
  2. O

    New Betta Fish! 75 Gallon Tank!

    damn man, thats awesome! definitely looks sick! cant wait to see more...
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    Keeps Shredding Fins!

    Yeah, ive wanted to split my tank and put another in there but not sure how to do it yet cause i havnt really read up on it yet....just want to be able to keep the filter goin for both and dont want to get two filters...We'll see! Really want another though! But hopefully he'll stop it lol
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    Keeps Shredding Fins!

    Wow, that is bad....But looks exactly like what Beast is doin! At least makes me feel a little better that he isnt sick or anything...I'll just keep an eye on him and see what happens i guess!!! Thanks for the replys man, i was just worried about him!
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    Keeps Shredding Fins!

    I hope not haha...whats weird is that his fins are fine when hes in a smaller place, such as the vase i was keeping him in to monitor his fins. It was only about a half gallon vase. I had him in that for about a week before i got the new stuff and his fins were like the above pics shortly after...
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    Keeps Shredding Fins!

    Alright...I just got home and snapped a few pics of him. I'll also put a before pic of his tail as well. Anyway, here are a few pics of the plants in there (silk) which after looking at the pics looks like hes nibbling at them, and also a couple pics of his tail. Take em out? PLANTS HIS...
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    Keeps Shredding Fins!

    Whats up netty! I actually do have some silk plants in the tank....As soon as i go home i'll try to get a good pic of his fins and also a pic of the plants in there...
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    Keeps Shredding Fins!

    Because you touch yourself at night... And because this could either be an emergency or it could be a common betta thing. So if someone were to frequent the emergency thread and would know what could be causing it then i could get a reply. Also from previous posts that ive read where they have...
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    Keeps Shredding Fins!

    Think we've figured this out! Thanks Netty! And emzyp...hopefully you know i was kidding lol
  10. O

    Keeps Shredding Fins!

    Hey whats up everyone! Alright, i've had my betta now for about a month and hes been awesome. Definitely feisty and really pretty color....Anyway, about a week ago i noticed that his anal fin was half gone, like it rotted away or was torn off. Well, i took him out of his 10G tank (which hed only...
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    New To The Hobby, Into Motorsports, Saying Hello

    Guess i'll have to jump in on this too haha...I'm a HUGE Supra fan as well (depending on year of course lol). I'm also an IT person at my University and like remz here into motorsports....Just turned 22 monday, and while i didnt have the fastest car ever, it was just a blast to drive and it was...
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    A Complete Noob

    Ok, quick little update! Its to bad that i got to your post late amunet!!! I actually already threw away the filer that was in there...i completely disassembled my tank and took everything out, rinsed everything off again including the silk plants, heater, filter, gravel, thermometer and also...
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    Which Medication Is Best?

    which is why they said to post in the emergency section...
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    What Do You Think

    definitely get him...its a must
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    Death In The Tank

    Get him his own 10 gallon...hes a pimp so why not have a player mansion
  16. O

    A Complete Noob

    well, i picked up some melafix and ive also cut a piece of pantyhose that im going to put around the filter so his fins cant get sucked into it since he likes to play near it. Hes still extremely active and i also did a 75% water change which i acclimated til i put him in. I also picked up some...
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    A Complete Noob

    Sorry to bring my thread back from the dead guys! Well, i just ran into my first problem! I had to go away for a few days and got him all set to go....then when i came back half his tail was gone so i'm definitely thinkin fin rot since he doesnt live with any other fish and theres a slight pale...
  18. O

    I Got Pics

    after you get the pics onto your computer, say in your my documents folder just do this....go to and if you dont have an account, get one...if you have one then upload your pics They will upload onto photobucket...then after you see the pic displayed on your album page, copy...
  19. O

    Strange Betta Question

    For some extra stuff you should check out my post...I of course am no help haha, but the people on this forum are great and know a ton....but yeah, you could pick through the links and maybe find some more tips that would help you out
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    A Complete Noob

    Ok, i tried to catch a quick little vid of him playin with that filter but i always caught him at the wrong time! Anyway, i did catch him doin laps around the heater as usual as well, which hes been doin forever since ive been home haha. I also snapped a quick pic of a little bubble nest that he...
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    A Complete Noob

    The slower evaporation and dust are actually the exact reasons i might pick up a lighted hood haha! I figure the water is low enough where he wont jump out and since theres really nothin instigating him to jump out (another betta) i figure he'll be good until i go out and pick up a hood. Unless...
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    A Complete Noob

    Ok, i've spent the last couple hours (at work and when i got home haha) searchin about the best times to do a water change and from what ive read with a 10 gallon tank and how mine is set up (filter, heater, etc) i should do about a 30% water change every week or so. My question is mainly just...
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    A Complete Noob

    Yeah hes kind of buy a window! Kiddy corner wall actually...The window gets enough light that i havnt bought a hood (with light) or anything for the tank, that might come later though! Funny you should mention the tester, i actually went and got one of those tester thingys just to be on the...
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    A Complete Noob

    Thanks a lot man! Yeah, he zooms around...It could definitely be that hes just settlin in cause he seems healthy. I was pickin apart one of the sites that was linked in an earlier post and went through all the signs of a sick fish and he seems good to go! And the current actually seems pretty...
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    A Complete Noob

    definitely...the ones in there now are slik, with the exception of the grass, but that stuff is so thin that it moves around just like the silk does. Never thought about the stockings though! I'm definitley lookin for somethin smooth for him to chill, thanks!
  26. O

    A Complete Noob

    Hey whats up guys! Thanks for the help for everything and definitely thanks for the props...I just got home from work so i'm gonna eat quick and go over to pick up a little cave or somethin that i can put in there so he has somewhere to just chill haha. Anyway, i also snapped a few pics of him...
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    A Complete Noob

    Nevermind! Sorry for the bump! But anywho...Quick little update, he is in the new setup so hopefully all goes well! Only thing im going to change is i'm going to pick up somethin more as a hiding place instead of just the couple small silk plants... And also i need a vote from you guys! The...
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    A Complete Noob

    Ok, so i just got back from pickin up a new tank! I think ive said this but at first when i got my Betta i just wanted to keep him in a smaller vase of some sort, which hes in now, but then spendin the day with him hes pretty much a beast. So i just got back from pickin up a new 10 gallon tank...
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    A Complete Noob

    Wow, thanks for the links Keith! At first i was just wanting to do the minimum but again now that ive spent the day with him swimmin around i'm more than willing to get a better living space. Again thanks for all the posts...I'll definitely be readin up more and more now. As for the quad cities...
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    A Complete Noob

    Thanks for the posts guys...Now that ive spent a day with him i'm not gonna take him to work with me. I'm gonna keep him at home in my room instead so i can get a bigger place for him. Ames doesnt have the largest of all pet supplies so pretty much my only choice is earl may or walmart to get an...
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    A Complete Noob

    Ok, i'll use this as a kind of introduction as well! Hows it goin everyone, my name is Matt (most people just call me Owen). I'm 21 and am going to be a senior, Marketing major at Iowa State My main hobby is motorsports and I currently ride a Yamaha R6. Anyway, originally I wanted to get a fish...