Keeps Shredding Fins!


New Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Hey whats up everyone! Alright, i've had my betta now for about a month and hes been awesome. Definitely feisty and really pretty color....Anyway, about a week ago i noticed that his anal fin was half gone, like it rotted away or was torn off. Well, i took him out of his 10G tank (which hed only been in for 2 weeks or so) and put him into a smaller vase. Started "treating" him with melafix and kept the water clean in the smaller jar. His fins started to grow back and were white at the tips. Growth was goin well and i had kept him out of the 10G tank for a week. I cleaned everything in the tank and covered the filter with pantyhose as well. Well, i ended up putting him back in yesterday and now his fin is just like before and all the growth is gone and they look shredded. Hes the only guy in the tank so nothing is nipping him, the filter is covered so his tail isnt getting sucked into that either. The water is crystal clear, ph is correct, temp is right....What in the world is goin on!
Have you got anything else in the tank that may have sharp edges.......ornaments, plastic plants etc
Whats up netty! I actually do have some silk plants in the tank....As soon as i go home i'll try to get a good pic of his fins and also a pic of the plants in there...
Alright...I just got home and snapped a few pics of him. I'll also put a before pic of his tail as well. Anyway, here are a few pics of the plants in there (silk) which after looking at the pics looks like hes nibbling at them, and also a couple pics of his tail. Take em out?






I wouldn't of thought he was doing it on the silk plants.....looks to me like he might be a fin nipper :crazy: we've got a couple that do that. Their fins grow back all lovely and then they bite them off again. So frustrating but not alot you can do about it I'm afraid. One of our bit the whole of his caudal fin off down to his body.....he's got about 1cm regrowth now :crazy:
I hope not haha...whats weird is that his fins are fine when hes in a smaller place, such as the vase i was keeping him in to monitor his fins. It was only about a half gallon vase. I had him in that for about a week before i got the new stuff and his fins were like the above pics shortly after he was put into the larger tank. Then when he was in the vase again there was nice growth and the fins were white at the ends and had no splicing in them! Hmm....Beast, what are you doin man lol!

I'll monitor him a bit more, wont put melafix in with him though, and hope for the best!
our new betta keeps nipping bits off of his fins as well lol
Here's a before and after pic of one of our tail biters



He actually bit more off after that pic was taken :crazy:
Wow, that is bad....But looks exactly like what Beast is doin! At least makes me feel a little better that he isnt sick or anything...I'll just keep an eye on him and see what happens i guess!!! Thanks for the replys man, i was just worried about him!
No probs......ours are still really active and eat like little piggys it's just frustrating to see them doing it!! But he's still a gorgeous beastie :good:
my ct spaz will eat his tail like that, be fine then all of the sudden, its gone! will grow back and he dose it again, he dose seem to do it more often when he is stresses, like if i move him around or strangely enough, if he is alone. he has completly stoped sience i have him in a divided tank where he can see another male betta, ?? maby he was bored and lonely?? idk?
Yeah, ive wanted to split my tank and put another in there but not sure how to do it yet cause i havnt really read up on it yet....just want to be able to keep the filter goin for both and dont want to get two filters...We'll see! Really want another though!

But hopefully he'll stop it lol
Yeah, ive wanted to split my tank and put another in there but not sure how to do it yet cause i havnt really read up on it yet....just want to be able to keep the filter goin for both and dont want to get two filters...We'll see! Really want another though!

But hopefully he'll stop it lol
Ug. does look like fin nipping. beast is just too tough for his own good :lol:

you have tried it all (and as i said put him in a treatment tank which seemed to be working) :lol:. How is your feeding pattern? I know my gf's bettas have done this when left for the weekend. Just a thought.

As far as dividing that 10gal. Put the Filter in the middle and divide it on both sides of the filter. Have the bettas housed on the outskirts. lots about dividing tanks if you search in these forums. ;) . You could make it in 10 mins.

Keep us updated on any changes with Beast tho. From what you have posted, it is fin nipping...... but you can never be too safe.

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