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  1. Chris5787

    My Pleco

    What type of plec is it? I know my bristlies are pale for a while after the tank lights come on/
  2. Chris5787

    Help! My Bronze Cory Jumped Out Of His Tank

    Do you use water conditioner before putting the new water into the tank? Dont know whats wrong with the tetra, doesnt look good though. I know with neon tetra disease the colours fade on the affected fish, never seen it before though so dont know if this is what it looks like.
  3. Chris5787

    Help! My Bronze Cory Jumped Out Of His Tank

    :rip: stubby Whatever you do, dont give up because of this. Its happened to most of us in the past. I had an incident with a bronze cory baby that i had bred, didnt have a cover on the tank, jumped out and i didnt find him for a few hours. Unfortunately its all part of keeping animals, they...
  4. Chris5787

    Oto Cats And New Plants!

    theres nothing wrong with a few snails, just make sure you dont have a population explosion (Hard to avoid though)
  5. Chris5787

    Eep! Cherry Barb With Red Spots On Its Belly!

    What are the tank stats? Red gills could indicate ammonia poisoning, or something else. When you look at the fish from above, does it look like a pinecone?
  6. Chris5787

    Fry And Amano Shrimp

    Ive also heard about some shrimp eating pygmy cories, not sure what type of shrimp though.
  7. Chris5787

    Albieno Catfish

    Is it a cory or a bristlenose you are enquiring about? You've posted in the cory section yet mention albino bristlenose. The nitrate test result would also help. I couldnt understand the last bit, when you added this fish were others added with it?
  8. Chris5787

    Help! My Bronze Cory Jumped Out Of His Tank

    Could well be females. When you look at them from above, are there any scales sticking out? (Just trying to rule out dropsy). Well, i personally believe a 27lt tank is too small for the fish you have, and i believe most people would agree. The problem with the shops is that they just want to...
  9. Chris5787

    Second Attempt

    Well in the end i went for a fluval 2+ filter, not impressed so far. Pain in the ass to fit together (Suckers and holder mainly). The flow is way too high even on the lowest setting, and the venturi doesnt change a thing. Cost me a hell of a lot too. :unsure: Going to have to run the 2 filters...
  10. Chris5787

    14 Missing Fish ####?

    Im sorry, but dwarf gourami's do not eat live cardinal tetras. Blue Gourami's maybe, but not blue dwarf gourami's (Their mouths are way too small. What fish do you have altogether? What are the water stats?
  11. Chris5787

    Second Attempt

    I was thinking about a Fluval 1, because it only does 200lph. Its only meant for tanks up to 45 litres but i only have light stocking, so i was thinking it would be ok, what do you reckon? Ive got 2 of these filters, love them but im pretty sure a betta would get stuck behind it. Sponge...
  12. Chris5787

    Second Attempt

    Anyone got any ideas on a good replacement filter?
  13. Chris5787

    Help! My Bronze Cory Jumped Out Of His Tank

    They can reach about 5-6cm but the females really bulk up. Ive got 6 in a 75 litre, and 3 of them are massive. Unsure how long it would take for his tail to grow back, just keep and eye on him to make sure it doesnt get infected. If your in the uk, a good testing kit is API master test kit. Are...
  14. Chris5787

    Help! My Bronze Cory Jumped Out Of His Tank

    Sorry to hear about your fish. Im also sorry to say this but your tank is going to be way too small for that many fish, which may be leading to the water quality issues your having. As everyone else has said, water changes will help, as will adding melafix. Apart from the fins and tail the cory...
  15. Chris5787

    Second Attempt

    Ok so anyway, i know theres no water quality issue, as the rest of the fish are fine and water tests confirm this. Its not contaminants because again, rest of the fish are fine. This betta did seem to have its fins messed up when i found it dead. So could it be the filter? If so what filter...
  16. Chris5787

    Second Attempt

    The filter is an elite stingray 15. He was behaving ok this morning, just swimming at the back of the tank. He had'nt eaten yet, but i tried him with hikari betta pellets and frozen daphnia. No, this one was from a different shop to the last.
  17. Chris5787

    Second Attempt

    Water temp is 26C Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10 PH 7.6 60 litre tank, with 8 pygmy cories and an apple snail.
  18. Chris5787

    Second Attempt

    Thanks everyone, bad news though. Came home from work this evening to find him dead on the bottom of the tank, he looked fine but his fins were a little shredded. Im going to give up on bettas, not really worth the hassle. Will still hang around this site though, still love the way bettas look...
  19. Chris5787

    Second Attempt

    I think it was a half assed attempt at a flare, might be wrong though. Im just really paranoid now though, after what happened to the last one. He was hiding in his cave earlier and i started thinking it was happening again because thats what the other one did not long before he died. A few...
  20. Chris5787

    What Do Otos Eat?

    They should eat cucumber or courgette, mine used to eat algae wafers too.
  21. Chris5787

    Second Attempt

    After my first betta dying on me after only a few short days, i decided to try again. Heres my new betta, and hopefully il have more luck with this one.
  22. Chris5787

    Brown Alge In Betta Tanks

    Brown alage also usually occurs more in newly set up tanks, ive got it at the moment and am having to clean it off every few days. Just bought an apple snail so hopefully he will help.
  23. Chris5787

    Erm... Odd Delivery

    could it have been for a neighbour, who maybe gave the wrong house number?
  24. Chris5787

    My South Asian-like Tank

    To be honest, the cherry barbs only really shoal when they feel threatened, like when i do a water change. Otherwise they generally just swim all over, sometimes in small groups, sometimes on thier own, but i love their colours.
  25. Chris5787

    Fat Neon Tetra

  26. Chris5787

    My South Asian-like Tank

    I have 11 cherry barbs(was 12) and have never seen them nip another fish, and i have them in with angels.
  27. Chris5787

    They Just Flip Over & Die?

    I have seen this happen to cories when i carried out a water change, forgetting to add dechlorinator. In your case it sounds like you could well have anaerobic bacteria in the gravel, and when it is disturbed it releases the gas, leading to your cories deaths. If this is the case you need to get...
  28. Chris5787

    Please Help Id 4 Types Of Cory

    c.pygmaeus c.schwartzi??? could be a young one c.aeneus (Albino) difference in size is simply their gender.
  29. Chris5787

    My Little Princesses Are Coming!

    I hope you have not been scammed, they look like lovely fish.
  30. Chris5787

    First Betta

    Unfortunately he died on sunday morning. He went downhill really fast, see thread "Problem already".
  31. Chris5787

    Zeus Died :(

    Sorry for your loss. The white film you described is likely to have occured after death. I have had fish die and be found a few days later and they have a white covering.
  32. Chris5787

    Problem Already

    well stripping down the tank isnt an option unforunately, due to other tank inhabitants. So i will have to continue treating the tank and do a large water change at the end of it.
  33. Chris5787

    Problem Already

    but if i add another fish this week, will the bacteria still be in the tank and attack the new fish?
  34. Chris5787

    Problem Already

    i think im going to just get a vt, its put me off getting another crowntail. Does anyone know how long i should leave it before buying a new fish?
  35. Chris5787

    Problem Already

    Thanks Liz, I know it may sound bad asking this, but how long should i wait before buying another betta? I got attatched to him on the first day i had him, so im not happy i lost him. Next time, im not going to get too involved, or name it until hes been with me a few weeks.
  36. Chris5787

    Problem Already

    Well he died during the night. Will this disease pass on to any other bettas i may get in the future?
  37. Chris5787

    Problem Already

    Thanks, it all happened so suddenly though, so im not holding out much hope, the poor little guy has hardly any energy left. i think i jinxed myself by giving him a name.
  38. Chris5787

    Problem Already

    will waterlife myxazin be ok? or esha 2000? or king british bacteria control?
  39. Chris5787

    Problem Already

    also, what antibacterial meds do you recommend, because im not sure if i have any or not.
  40. Chris5787

    Problem Already

    Thanks modaz, will try and get this sorted now. Do i treat just the bowl he will be in? I havent managed to get him to eat anything so far, so dont know how i will get him to eat daphnia. Is frozen daphnia ok?