My Little Princesses Are Coming!

Thanks Chris.....I hope so too!!!

The transhipper lady just emailed me and said all 7 fish are on their way, so I'm feeling pretty confident again :D

They are all female and I have set up my old tank and put in 2 dividers for them. I am going to put my male in 1 section, 3 females together in 1 section and the other 4 together in 1 section.
personally i wouldn't have the second divider in there. the more girls you have together, the more the aggression is spread out, and the less damage and bullying gets done. its not like they will have any extra space due to the divider as they are still all in the same tank. its usually recommended to keep a minimum of 4 girls together but in my experience more girls is better.

P.S. Very very pretty girlies! i want the yellow one! :drool:
I would just keep the girls in one large space as well, unless you are able to divide it into 7 spaces for them.
Thanks for your advice ibble and newfishy!

I'll probably end up putting all females together. Are you sure 7 together isn't too much?

Now I have a good excuse to buy another male! :lol:

Oh ok....I read your posts wrong....

I don't think I can take the second divider out? I'm not sure if my dad glued it properly in there or not? I'll ask tomorrow (it's 11.30pm here and everyone is asleep)
no, the more a reasonable amount of space, spreads out the aggresion, thus less nips and fights.

even if he glued it in with silicon it only takes a sharp knife or a razerblade to remove it.
Ok I'll ask my dad tomorrow what he's done.

I'll take a photo of my tank, but I think the sections I have are too small for 7 females all together. I hope I can take the divider out now! lol

OMG YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are all alive and look well. They are floating in their bags in my tank.

They have the blue water. Do I tip the blue water in with the fish when it's time or do I scoop the fish out on it's own?


:shout: :D :) :good: :shout: :D :) :good: :shout: :D :) :good: :shout: :D :) :good: :shout: :D :) :good:
dont add the blue water to your tank, float the bogs till the bag water is the same temp, then slowly add tank water to the bags until doubled in volume, then drain some out of the bags. slowly add more tank water. once the level has doubled again, drain out all bag water and slip the girly into the tank. once the girls are settled top up the tank with fresh dechloranated water.

this is to get them aclamated to uk/us water, as it can be very different then the water they are usto.
I was able to remove one of the dividers aswell!!!

So now all 7 females are together in what would have been 2 seperate sections and Moey my male is in his own section.

He seems to have made himself a bubble nest too!!! :wub:

It's hard to get good pics of them because they are near a window and without the flash it's too dark, and with the flash it's sometimes too bright. I will do my best to take pics though!

Oh and also...if you stand outside and look into the window you can see their colours better. Maybe I'll try taking some outside pics?

The tank isn't fully decorated though. There are 2 rather big silk plants and I have taken one of my crappy live plants from my community tank and have left it floating in the corner of the betta tank for a bit of extra coverage. The red dragon seems to be doing all the bullying!

Now it's name time!!!
Oh how exciting!! I am so looking forward to seeing your pics!

And I'm not at all jealous :angel:
As promised....

Here are some pics.....

This is how I had it set up originally. Please remember it isn't fully decorated yet (buying and importing left me a bit skint lol)


This is how I have it now. With only 1 divider.


This is the girlies floating...I don't know about you guys, but I think it looks really cute :blush:


There are more pics coming...they just seem to be taking a long time to load

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