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  1. Ny82

    My New Cories!

    I am so sorry I forgot to add pics!        I am on twitter so will have a look   Ok firstly the pics         The melini came to me on the friday. I went out on the saturday, I came back and one had died. I didn't notice the tank temp had rocketed up to 28 in the heat. I took my water and...
  2. Ny82

    Big Ear Spawn

    Stunning colours! Lucky you!
  3. Ny82

    Sebastian, All Settled In

    Such clear pics-I love the name sebastian it's adorable! I am sure i've asked before but do you use a fancy camera-slr/dslr?
  4. Ny82

    My Aquatic Experience :)

    I am in 2 minds with this post I don't know if it's a wind up because surely common sense would kick in at some point? The 60L was very overstocked, that probably brought on the ich. Guppies and gouramis are usually a no no.  Why did you put him in the bath? That really was a silly thing to do...
  5. Ny82

    What Sand Do You Use?

    Since getting back into cories, I changed all my gravel to sand. My landlady had almost a full bag of play sand in the shed so that's what went in. It's very fine and the cories love digging! Best choice I have made. My fry tank has the black unipac "sand" which is jst fine gravel, it's not nice...
  6. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    I haven't been home in a week due to being at my parents, they aren't handling this heat very well. I hope I still have fry left! My other half was looking after the fish (I know-alarm bells ringing lol) he's phoned me every 2nd day when he's fed them and telling me the tank temps. 2 of my...
  7. Ny82

    Fat Fish But Looks Male To Me ?

    What happened with this male lee? Has the lump gone down any?
  8. Ny82

    My Babies Are Gone Forever! :'(

    Aww that's always the worst having to give them up. Hopefully your babies will be well looked after. 
  9. Ny82

    Scotlands Heatwave?

    Aww what a shame on the kids, my little ones covered in factor 50 constantly! Drinking 8 packs of fruit shoot a day lol.
  10. Ny82

    Scotlands Heatwave?

    I didn't have a fishtank back then! I am so glad lol.  Oh wow that is big! My little one was 7lbs 14. I though that was big! 
  11. Ny82

    Scotlands Heatwave?

      Aww I feel for you. My little ones 4, she was born in June 09,  I remember it being the hottest april, may and june ever! Not being able to get comfy. I thankfully did not get cankles, I was so fed up though. Saying that, I was at my fittest, I was walking or jogging everyday, I wanted to do...
  12. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    Thanks.I had no choice but enter that one as you saw when I put the before and after pics! Dodgy lighting teamed up with crappy iphone camera - and that's the result lol. 
  13. Ny82

    My Gold Sev

    Aww he is adorable! 
  14. Ny82

    Scotlands Heatwave?

    haha me too, my window switch is away on the drivers side of my car so my window doesn't go down, the passenger one does but that's useless! Typical vw :p At least it's not the regulator. 
  15. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    Aww thankyou so much. I appreciate it :)
  16. Ny82

    Scotlands Heatwave?

    This is the only problem we aren't used to it! it is getting a bit too hot, if it drops to the mid 20's and stays there it will be perfect! Decent summer at last!
  17. Ny82

    Scotlands Heatwave?

    Yeah it's insane. I have been in Edinburgh this week visiting my parents my dad collapsed and was in the hospital on a drip-he's not handling this heat very well. Today it's about 33/34 degrees. To us anything in double figures is a heatwave!  It's a bit too hot now, the tanks are suffering too...
  18. Ny82

    Say Cheese!

    That emerald crab is awesome and those flame tetras-wow! I haven't seen any around here. I am on the lookout for new stock as I am finally - FINALLY giving up the guppies!  How do you get so close to your peppered cories? I have the long finned variety, they move as soon as I try to get close! I...
  19. Ny82

    Platy Behaviour

    That overstocking is probably contributing to it. You have an odd mix. ottos in my experience are happiest in groups of 3-4, mines became withdrawn after the other 2 died when I moved, I can't find any more to put in with it. I find mollies to become aggressive. They can grow upto 5 inches so...
  20. Ny82

    Death Of A Fish - What To Do Next?

    Sorry to hear about your loss. In my opinion I think your single goldfish will be happy in the tank having all that space to itself. I would definitely not be putting a goldfish in a 60L tank, they are far too big for that.  Maybe when you get your big tank you can add more and they can grow...
  21. Ny82

    My Blue Velvet Shrimp. Neocaridina Heteropoda

    Aww it's so cute! Lovely colour. 
  22. Ny82

    Platy Behaviour

    The underlying issue is 9 times out of 10 water quality or overstocking.
  23. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

     Kribensis are the easier of choice....Rams, they are pretty little things and you have the knowledge to keep them.   I never got into Gouramis.     Opaline gourami is my favourite, but my tank is too small :(  Yes I read that rams are quite sensitive to water chemistry and require special...
  24. Ny82

    Feeding Habits....

    I feed my fry tetramin baby flake food 4 times a day, brine shrimp on a sunday first and last thing (I do water changes twice daily) My main tank however I feed once a day, flake mostly, treat on a sat and brineshrimp on sunday.
  25. Ny82

    Found A Great Addition To Any Tank! Led Signs.

    Hmm, i'm not really sure about it. Don't go for stuff like that. Looks ok though. Does it just hang behind your tank?
  26. Ny82

    How Long To Leave Air Pump On For?

    I usually put mines in when I have fry, I leave it on 24/7. However, my friend turns his off during the night, Up to you really. Some people say that as long as you have surface agitation from your filter, (water breaking the surface and causing ripples) then you have enough oxygen and there is...
  27. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

      No I wont, I don't think my tank is big enough. I am really fussy at the moment, really want a pair of kribs or rams. Something different. I do love the powder blue dwarf gourami but the disease puts me off them. I also love the tiny ones too-ember, platinum and neon tetras-again disease is a...
  28. Ny82

    Do You Think This Would Kill My Fish?

    Mines only had spots on the tails, I turned the heat up to 28/29, daily water changes plus medicating with salt, was clear within a week but did it for 2 to prevent it returning. 
  29. Ny82

    Platy Behaviour

    Oh good it's not just me :p yeah I agree feed him a pea and don't feed flake for at least 24 hours and see how he is. 
  30. Ny82

    Platy Behaviour

    That looks like a boy to me...might be my eyes though lol. Could be bloated as platies are very greedy. 
  31. Ny82

    How Do I Care For My Molly Fry?

      Then you would take the advice on board. I have seen mollies as big as 5 inches long. As for fry, I feed my fry 4 times a day and do water changes twice a day in their tank.
  32. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    lol, nevermind, you have read the story now! It's been long and winded, had a lot of disasters along the way but the past few months I haven't been feeling it. 
  33. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    So is this-plus counts towards your posts ;)
  34. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

      Thankyou for taking the time to read it. I have come to an end of a very stressful but interesting period. I think it's time to move on. 
  35. Ny82

    New To Bettas

    I would not put them in a community tank. I say time and time again after the "honeymoon period" when they are scoping everything out, on their best behaviour-their true colours come out and no matter how docile I find them still to be aggressive towards everything else.  Just my experience. 
  36. Ny82

    Pregnant Of Just Fat

    Dropsy is a bacterial disease which attacks the internal organs. I have never had it, it's usually caused by stress, overcrowding, diet or bad water conditions.  As far as I am aware, there is no cure for it. I don't know if salt works for it, like I say I have never dealt with it so I don't...
  37. Ny82

    Pregnant Of Just Fat

    Those scales are sticking out, see-i'm not going crazy. I suspect she has dropsy.
  38. Ny82

    My 26 Gallon Bow Front

    This is definitely a contender for tank of the month when you have been here longer! Is there any fish in it or just shrimpies?
  39. Ny82

    Pregnant Of Just Fat

      Hahaha she does doesn't she? I got really worried thinking it was something a lot worse. Lets hope it's the angle of the pic.
  40. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

      I must be the only person in the world who can kill anubias. Yes that's right, I killed my anubias and I also melted my java moss which was tied to the slate!!! Yes. I am a jinx.