Platy Behaviour


Fish Fanatic
Jul 13, 2013
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I think my platy may be pregnant. He/she is hanging around the bottom do the tank. But he has a white/pale yellow thread hanging from him. He/she hasn't been this fat.... Pics coming.

Sorry about the poor quality, these pics were taken with an iPhone,
That looks like a boy to me...might be my eyes though lol. Could be bloated as platies are very greedy. 
Looks like a male to me too.
Are his scales sticking out? if not then he could have just gorged himself, starve for a couple of days then feed deshelled peas
No, I don't think it's your eyes, Ny; it looks like a male to me too :)
I would do a large water change (at least 50%) and not feed for a couple of days and see how he looks then.
Oh good it's not just me :p yeah I agree feed him a pea and don't feed flake for at least 24 hours and see how he is. 
I'd say male too. I'm just a little concerned that on the second photo, it looks a little like the scales are sticking up, which would indicate dropsy. It could just be the photo, though. Dropsy would be consistent with the other symptoms, though. :(
The problem is, I won't be here as of tomorrow. I'm going on a luxurious holiday. He is in a weird position now. He is inbetwen the leave stems of my plant. He is looking like a bat at the moment. Tail in the air ppointing towards the top of the tank, face pointing towards the floor. I'm distressed now!
I forgot to add, he is breathing as I can see fins flapping and that bit under the eye moving. Don't know the proper name for it. (No its not the mouth)
Do you want a photo of this unusual position?
I wouldn't be able to get a good one, as the stems of plant leaves are in the way :/ I'd prefer him to die now than when I am on holiday, as I am able toremove him. I still have a quarantine tank (one that you attach to the side) if that could be of any we? At least of he dies in there he won't be accidentally attached to the filter, and my other fish can't peck at him.

And, is this dropsy contagious? I don't have any other tank to put him in except that attachable tank. That shares the same water though. I am away for 2 weeks as of tomorrow so I won't be able to look after my little guys :(
It's not looking good.
Dropsy itself isn't contagious, as it isn't a disease, it's a symptom of an underlying problem. Go to Google Images, and search for "Platy with dropsy", see how the scales of those fish are standing on end, making the fish look a bit like a pinecone. Does this match what your fish looks like?
A bit. He went put of the plant, swam around for a while, and went back in but a different position. Should I move him into my little attachable quarantine tank? I'd hate for him to pass away in the main tank where all the fish can peck at him, or he can be shredded by the filter.
How do I ID the underlying problem?
OK, then if he does have dropsy, there isn't realistically anything you can do to save him, especially given that you are going away. If it makes you feel happier to put him in the separate tank, you can do so.
Most often, the underlying problem is water quality.
The underlying issue is 9 times out of 10 water quality or overstocking.
Well, I've been planning to re-start my tank for months now but I keep rethinking it and planning to wait until they all die. Not that I want them to die, but we all know it will all know it happen eventually. I need my tank empty, then I can start working on it. I have forgotten what it is called already, but my plant, glass of tank, heater, have all been grown in bushy black hairs. I have put medication for dropsy in also, which I forgot to mention. I will be planning a water change today, I'll do 40-50%. It will remain unchanged for 2 weeks, but when I am back I will do another soon enough.
ATM, I have a 34L tank. The contents of it are: 1 Dalmation Mollie, 1 guppy, 1 octocinclus (something like that) , and then that platy. The guppy and octo I want to keep, then the platy will probably die. As for the Mollie, I've had him 1 year now. Is he too big for the tank? I thought since the tank is small, he could be too big. I would of took him back to the lfs, but he seemed happy enough so I left him..
That overstocking is probably contributing to it. You have an odd mix.
ottos in my experience are happiest in groups of 3-4, mines became withdrawn after the other 2 died when I moved, I can't find any more to put in with it.
I find mollies to become aggressive. They can grow upto 5 inches so would say mollies need a bigger tank.  
Platies are active with others of their own. I had a lone platy in my tank, she didn't come out of her shell until I added another female and male. 
Your guppy should be ok, but in a 34L tank I would just have 2 male guppies-with big 50% changes every week. 
The thing is, the only reason I keep the fish I have now is because the guppy has been bred by one of my past fish. And I have had all of them for a year. If I got rid of them, my choice would be tetras. If I move a few things around, I might be able to upgrade to a 70L. I do know that mollies are aggressive, but he hasn't been aggressive to any of his tank mates. If he did, I would of said goodbye to him long ago. If I had the bigger tank, I could use my tank as a breeding space. I had fun breeding some guppies and platies before and I would like to have another go. Just would like a tank for them.

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