New To Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2013
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We have had our Betta for about 9 months and he is doing well, in a totally cycled tank.   His tank is a very large vase from Ikea that holds about 4 gallons, he has live plants, a heater and a filter.  Since setting up my 75 gallon I read about many people putting their Bettas in their community tanks.  Is this better for the betta or are they happier staying on their own in a nice tank.
it all depends on the personality of the betta, also their tankmates what is your stock its best not to house them with fish with long fins and bright colors.
I am interested on how you have a filter in a vase! Picture? :D They really need lids as they CAN jump.
I would not put them in a community tank. I say time and time again after the "honeymoon period" when they are scoping everything out, on their best behaviour-their true colours come out and no matter how docile I find them still to be aggressive towards everything else. 
Just my experience. 
Ugh....will have to figure out a lid, the little filter hangs on the the back

thanks Ny82!  I will most likely leave him be, I don't see the point in risking it then


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It still looks quite small IMO. Does it have a heater? Would it be possible for you to get a bigger tank that is actually a "tank"? lol.
maybe you could get a bowl heater if you dont have a heater already
Its about 4 gallons, Most betta tanks are a lot smaller.  Yes it does have a heater

I did a 50% water change on it Sat. and put 2+ gallons back in it
I have a heater, its just not in the picture as I was about to do a water change.  Its a little heater that isn't adjustable and keeps the tank at 76
Could you get a different heater maybe? Not sure if that would be difficult or not but 80-82 would be much better for him
And got any pics of your betta? Would love to see him!
*edit* I think the issue that people might be seeing with it is that it's so tall. Longer is better but if that's all you have then not much you can do about it I suppose :p
IMO the reason we say 3-5 gallons is those tanks have more swimming room. With this being so vertical in nature, I wonder how much swimming space he actually has. While its great the water is being changed, it would not take much money / time to set him up with a nice tank. you may be able to find a nice priced fluval chi and get a lid for it, those are very attractive tanks that would make a great betta home
Oh ok I get what you are saying now....I didn't realize that the tank being vertical wasn't a good thing.  I thought the fact that it was bigger in volume was enough....always something for me to learn!!!  I will look into getting him a different tank soon.  I will also up the temp even more.  I knew that they needed a heater...even though the pet stores say "no" and they can live in a dixie cup....grrrrrr.  
Yeah that's why sometimes people ask for the dimensions rather than gallons :)
I imagine regardless of how inexperienced or experienced someone is there is always something to learn. Sad how they are treated. A place I went to had one in a tank with goldfish. :( Glad to hear you'll be looking for a different tank for him, looking forward to pics! :D

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