Scotlands Heatwave?


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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My cars sitting there telling me its 34C outside in the highlands. You know, The place where 10c tends to be a heatwave for us.
I can't even walk outside without sweating a few buckets full :|
Yeah it's insane. I have been in Edinburgh this week visiting my parents my dad collapsed and was in the hospital on a drip-he's not handling this heat very well. Today it's about 33/34 degrees. To us anything in double figures is a heatwave! 
It's a bit too hot now, the tanks are suffering too, I left the tank lights off and it seems to be stable at 23 degrees, only a few days ago it wasn't coming down from 26. 
Hopefully this weather lasts now, it's been the best summer in years!
Yea, When it lasts for a week that's fine. But it's been going on for too long and we aren't used too it. It's horrible :p
This is the only problem we aren't used to it! it is getting a bit too hot, if it drops to the mid 20's and stays there it will be perfect! Decent summer at last!
techen said:
Yea, 20c I could work with
haha me too, my window switch is away on the drivers side of my car so my window doesn't go down, the passenger one does but that's useless! Typical vw :p At least it's not the regulator. 
T'is as a tad hot int it!
I don't like it too hot at all, makes me feel all sticky! Might have to sleep on top of the covers tonight!
I love VW and audi, But I ended up getting a Citroen C4 and it's not half bad lol.
I'm convinced that BBC is lieing to me about the real temperature.  It is consistently reading 3-4c hotter here than BBC is telling me!
I hate heat. I love cold... I'm Canadian and while it get hotter for longer where I'm from... I can only adjust one way and I am a cold person!!
Its 39c here in wales
I heard on the news that london is hitting 45c
Try being in this heat and 8 months pregnant! 

My feet are so swollen my ankles have disappeared and they actually hurt just looking at them!
Not to mention the ten pack of sausages on my hands! :(
Sophie said:
Try being in this heat and 8 months pregnant! 

My feet are so swollen my ankles have disappeared and they actually hurt just looking at them!
Not to mention the ten pack of sausages on my hands!
Aww I feel for you. My little ones 4, she was born in June 09,  I remember it being the hottest april, may and june ever! Not being able to get comfy. I thankfully did not get cankles, I was so fed up though. Saying that, I was at my fittest, I was walking or jogging everyday, I wanted to do race for life but had to sit it out. My bump didn't show until 6 months either!
Not long to go now, hang in there, it's so worth it :)

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