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Fish Herder
Tank of the Month 🏆
Apr 6, 2013
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I like to post pics when I get some decent ones. If it gets annoying let me know. (doesn't mean I will stop though
hermit crab. Not sure the exact species.

Emerald Crab

Cherry Shrimp. Rili variation.
That second pic looks like he's about to destroy your camera! :lol:
Good pics stan! Keep 'em coming. :D

sorry had to :p great pics tho love the picture of the shrimp
Thanks guys! Blondie, the top 2 are crabs in my 55gl SW tank and the third is in my 10gl FW shrimp tank.
Here are some from my 29gl FW community. But mostly corys, I think they love the camera. I have been trying for 3 days to get a good pic of my BN pleco and he just WON'T SIT STILL!!!
Half my school of vonrio or flame tetras

Peppered cory

Peppered cory

Peppered corys in action!
Are those flame tetras albino? they look a bit different to mine.... :)

Cute cories also!
Yes they are albino flame tetras. I wish I was good enough to capture the iridescence of the corys scales. These pics make them look so dull.
Ironically, the albino version is more colorful than the regular version :lol: .
CrazyAboutFish said:
You've made me want some of those tetras now!
I love those fish. I got them when I started the tank because the LFS said that they are a good fish to cycle a tank with (I knew next to nothing then). I thought ugh but ok because there were a lot of other prettier fish in the store that I wanted. But now I would not have the tank without them. They swim everywhere, school together very nicely and get along with everyone. Plus after I got them home they started getting that striking red color to their fins. I think of them as an undervalued species because I never see anyone with pics of them or saying how much they like them.
CrazyAboutFish said:
Well, if they could fit in my 34L I'd be whisking myself off to an lfs.
Time for a new tank for you me thinks. ;)
I don't have room for a bigger one :/ That's the only thing stopping me. And the price I guess..
That emerald crab is awesome and those flame tetras-wow! I haven't seen any around here. I am on the lookout for new stock as I am finally - FINALLY giving up the guppies! 
How do you get so close to your peppered cories? I have the long finned variety, they move as soon as I try to get close! I need a fancy camera :p
I want a new tank! I need those tetras!
Your gonna make me go out and buy another tank one of these days...

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