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  1. R

    Tinfoil Barb

    Same here... my Tinfoils fins were less colourful when small, but they turned bright red and stayed that way since they got larger. Wish I knew what was causing that?
  2. R

    Mollies being scared to death?

    Nothing of the sort, although they seem to have pretty well gotten over their fear of me.
  3. R

    Mollies being scared to death?

    It's just weird that they were used to me before, then suddenly became so afraid of me.
  4. R

    Mollies being scared to death?

    Interesting that you mention that... I ran out of those a while back, and haven't replaced them yet. I will give it a shot. ;)
  5. R

    Safe Algae Eater...

    Hi and thanks, I think my 55 is at the max for commons (2 in there right now at about 5" right now)? Plus a CAE which I am watching very carefully! ;)
  6. R

    Safe Algae Eater...

    I've read about the Bristlenose, but would I have the same issues with it (regarding overstocking)? Thanks.
  7. R

    Safe Algae Eater...

    Ok, thanks. I definitely do not want to overstock, so I will go with the shrimp.
  8. R

    Mollies being scared to death?

    Hi, That is the strange thing, and the whole point of my thread. At first they weren't afraid of anything... in fact they used to come near my gravel vac and investigate. Then all of a sudden everything changed. At least I can say that since I have been spending more time watching them, that...
  9. R

    Safe Algae Eater...

    Hi, And thanks for your help as well. Are there any precautions one should note when having these shrimp?
  10. R

    Safe Algae Eater...

    Hi, A quick question then... the 10 gallon is intended to become a fry exclusive tank once the Mollie gives birth, at which time all adult Mollies will be moved back into my 55 gallon. So I suppose my concern is in finding something (perhaps as suggested) that will keep the tank clean until...
  11. R

    Safe Algae Eater...

    Hi, Was just wondering what would be the best choice for helping to "clean" up my 10 gallon. Right now it has four Mollies in it, and will hopefully soon be a fry tank. In the mean time, can anyone recommend what fish I could put in there to help out (since a common plec is out of the...
  12. R

    Mollies being scared to death?

    Hi, Thanks. I have been doing that a little more lately. Trying to get them accustomed to me. :)
  13. R

    Mollies being scared to death?

    Exactly what I was thinking. Perhaps they will begin to feel more secure. I do notice that they eventually end up hiding behind the filters and heater. Thanks.
  14. R

    Mollies being scared to death?

    Hi, They aren't pregnant for sure, and I'm experiencing the same thing with my platies in another tank... now they hide all day in any spot they can squeeze into... but they do come out for food! ;)
  15. R

    Mollies being scared to death?

    :) That's a good one! Seriously though, I do use a gravel vac, and always have. What I have noticed is that the 4 of them in the 10gallon (fry tank) are the ones that are scared of me, but the ones in the 55gallon are not. So I experimented, and moved a couple from the 55gallon to the 10 to...
  16. R

    Mollies being scared to death?

    Hi Everyone, I have four small Mollies in a 10G tank that have become absolutely petrified of me! Originally they often came to the tank when I arrived to feed them, change water, etc., but now, they begin swimming frantically, darting around trying to get away from me? In fact, they don't...
  17. R

    For those of you that use timers on your tanks...

    Hi, Speaking of timers... does it "shock" the fish when the lights go out, and they are suddenly surrounded by darkness (versus the gradual darkening of natural light)? I turn mine on at 8am and shut them off at 3:30pm (so they can experience the darkening naturally). Thanks....
  18. R

    A difficult question...

    Hi, Just wanted to thank everyone again for their help. The Angel was put to rest peacefully. :(
  19. R

    A difficult question...

    I don't know it's age, it was given to me. What is the average lifespan of an Angel?
  20. R

    A difficult question...

    I guess I will go with the Vodka.
  21. R

    A difficult question...

    Hi, No, not yet, but most likely in the morning. So what exactly did you do with the oil? Looking for the same type of result, painless and quick. Thanks.
  22. R

    A difficult question...

    Thank you.
  23. R

    A difficult question...

    Hi, I'm in Canada... but I'm sure I can get most products out of the US as well. I'll see if I can locate Maracyn at my LFS. Thanks again!
  24. R

    A difficult question...

    And now it is floating on it's side at the top of the tank... still breathing, still moving it's pectoral fins, but not much else. I guess it's time to say goodbye. Thanks for your input.... on another note however, is there a need to treat the tank if it is a bacterial infection? And if so...
  25. R

    A difficult question...

    Hello Everyone, You have all offered excellent advice in the past, so I am turing to you all for a final decision. My Angel (about four weeks ago) seemed to have been less active, as well, it was eating less. Most obvious however, was that it seemed to be more affected by the current (it...
  26. R

    2 Mollies and 2 Platys

    Thanks for the advice everyone! :D
  27. R

    2 Mollies and 2 Platys

    Currently housing these fish together temporarily in one tank, and just wanted to confirm that there would be enough room for them in there. Thanks!
  28. R

    Black sword (3") nipping at Tin Foil (8")?

    Yes, but we all have to deal with them. ;)
  29. R

    Pollutants from Emperor 400s????

    I swapped out the carbon for floss considering the things I've heard about it (carbon) recently. I think I have adopted another tank... not that I needed one! Thanks again. ;)
  30. R

    Pollutants from Emperor 400s????

    That sounds like a good idea for normal maintenance... staggering them. This case was an exception since he left it unchanged for so long. Thanks.
  31. R

    Black sword (3") nipping at Tin Foil (8")?

    :lol: I still can't believe I did that with the names! Thanks for the input, and I think I'll give the more swords/more hiding places a shot. I think the 55gal is barely large enough for the barb as it is. :)
  32. R

    Molly disease...

    :) Can you believe I actually tested that to see. And you are correct. :D
  33. R

    Pollutants from Emperor 400s????

    Would that be the case when there are four bio-wheels involved as well (which were not disturbed)? Thanks.
  34. R

    Pollutants from Emperor 400s????

    Marineland (who makes the filter) recommends changing the media every month to two months depending on your load. I think the bio-wheel holds the beneficial bacteria, and the media containers are more for filtration. Aren't you supposed to change carbon almost monthly as well to prevent...
  35. R

    Pollutants from Emperor 400s????

    Thanks. Yeah, his space behind his tank is hard to reach, so I didn't want to try and lift it over in case I dumped all the water everywhere! :) Next time, we... or perhaps he... will have to come up with a better way of doing this.
  36. R

    Pollutants from Emperor 400s????

    Hi, That's why I went over there to change them for him (he said it was some ridiculous time... like 6 months since he even changed them). Not sure what you mean by "left it running", but ALL of his media has now been changed (except the bio-wheels), I told him not to take the chance of...
  37. R

    Black sword (3") nipping at Tin Foil (8")?

    Oops... I've edited the post with the correct name... I have no idea why I listed it as a Cherry Barb! -_- It's a Tin Foil. To answer your questions... The tank is a 55 gallon long, and the water parameters are good... Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate <5mg/l PH ~7.4 Thanks!
  38. R

    Pollutants from Emperor 400s????

    Will do. Thanks for the help.