Mollies being scared to death?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
Brampton, ON, Canada
Hi Everyone,

I have four small Mollies in a 10G tank that have become absolutely petrified of me!

Originally they often came to the tank when I arrived to feed them, change water, etc., but now, they begin swimming frantically, darting around trying to get away from me? In fact, they don't even eat until I walk away!

Last night, one of them tried so hard, it smacked itself into the bottom of the tank, and nearly killed itself.

Nothing has changed (in the tank, or how I feed them), and the water levels are ok (Nitrate <.05, Nitrite 0, PH ~7.5), and they return to normal once I have left the vicinity (I can watch them from across the room and there is no issue with their behaviour).

Anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks again!
Hmmmm....that's very strange. Maybe you resemble a very large fish? :rofl:

All kidding aside, do you use a gravel vac? My mollies definitely do not like the vac. I don't have very many mollies so I can just take them out when I clean the gravel and put them back once it's done. Perhaps they associate your presence with something unpleasant such as that?
Squirrelbuddies said:
Hmmmm....that's very strange. Maybe you resemble a very large fish? :rofl:

All kidding aside, do you use a gravel vac? My mollies definitely do not like the vac. I don't have very many mollies so I can just take them out when I clean the gravel and put them back once it's done. Perhaps they associate your presence with something unpleasant such as that?

That's a good one!

Seriously though, I do use a gravel vac, and always have. What I have noticed is that the 4 of them in the 10gallon (fry tank) are the ones that are scared of me, but the ones in the 55gallon are not.

So I experimented, and moved a couple from the 55gallon to the 10 to see what would happen. At first, the two new ones came to the front of the tank when I came around (as normal) while the others freaked. Now, they are all freaking! So needless to say, I put the other two back in the main tank.

I was wondering if the tank lighting/position may have something to do with it?

Strange indeed!
Mt platys get abit funny now and then, one minute up at the front of the tank, next running away like nobody business, are they pregnant as females can get abit funny when there about to give birth.
Wilder said:
Mt platys get abit funny now and then, one minute up at the front of the tank, next running away like nobody business, are they pregnant as females can get abit funny when there about to give birth.

They aren't pregnant for sure, and I'm experiencing the same thing with my platies in another tank... now they hide all day in any spot they can squeeze into... but they do come out for food!

Yenko said:
Try adding some cover to the tank. Real plants are best, but plastic plants will also work.
Exactly what I was thinking. Perhaps they will begin to feel more secure.

I do notice that they eventually end up hiding behind the filters and heater.

I notice that one of my platties seem afraid of me too.

What I have been doing is slowly walking over the tank. Then I will sit there for a while and it sees that I am there ... then comes out and swims around .. I do not move too much .. and it is getting better now.

I think if you were to spend some time just looking at them .. not too much movement they will then get used to you and see you are not a threat.

I am not an expert .. just experience from my platty.
desley said:
I notice that one of my platties seem afraid of me too.

What I have been doing is slowly walking over the tank. Then I will sit there for a while and it sees that I am there ... then comes out and swims around .. I do not move too much .. and it is getting better now.

I think if you were to spend some time just looking at them .. not too much movement they will then get used to you and see you are not a threat.

I am not an expert .. just experience from my platty.


I have been doing that a little more lately. Trying to get them accustomed to me.

My mollies don't seem to be afraid of anything, including the gravel vac. I do sit and watch my fish for what seems like hours sometimes. I love watching my fish. :wub:
gale said:
My mollies don't seem to be afraid of anything, including the gravel vac. I do sit and watch my fish for what seems like hours sometimes. I love watching my fish. :wub:

That is the strange thing, and the whole point of my thread.

At first they weren't afraid of anything... in fact they used to come near my gravel vac and investigate. Then all of a sudden everything changed.

At least I can say that since I have been spending more time watching them, that they seem to be much less afraid, as long as I don't make any sudden movements that is!

Try feeding them some of the freeze dried tubifex worms that come in little compressed cubes. I stand very still and hold the cube at the surface of the water while it gets soaked and starts coming apart. After a couple of times of doing this even my non-homebred swordtails (who were very shy to begin with) will come over and try to rip it out of my fingers. Now they all come over immediatley when they see me.
Seems a little strange but maybe all they need is to get used to you being around. My mollies swim all over the place and come nibble at my finger when i feed them :D Im sure they will eventually get used to your presence and the gravel vac.
Polardbear said:
Try feeding them some of the freeze dried tubifex worms that come in little compressed cubes. I stand very still and hold the cube at the surface of the water while it gets soaked and starts coming apart. After a couple of times of doing this even my non-homebred swordtails (who were very shy to begin with) will come over and try to rip it out of my fingers. Now they all come over immediatley when they see me.
Interesting that you mention that... I ran out of those a while back, and haven't replaced them yet.

I will give it a shot.

Mollybreeder said:
Seems a little strange but maybe all they need is to get used to you being around. My mollies swim all over the place and come nibble at my finger when i feed them :D Im sure they will eventually get used to your presence and the gravel vac.
It's just weird that they were used to me before, then suddenly became so afraid of me.

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