Search results

  1. Chris_C

    Do These Results Look Like They Should?

    Keep checking the aquarist classifieds website for deals on live rock. I managed to get pretty much 40kg of good quality live rock for £110 total off two different sellers. better than paying £440 from a LFS :lol: Here is a link for you :good: Click Me For Live Rock!!
  2. Chris_C

    My Ocean Reef

    Good stuff mate :) i look forward to pictures once you get your hands on the new fish and corals B-)
  3. Chris_C

    Do These Results Look Like They Should?

    Only just getting started like yourself but the levels all look good to me and ammonia and nitrate are not high :blink: Ammonia i find tricky to read on the API test but yours looks as close to 0 as can be .. no higher than 0.25 anyway. I have just invested in a Salifert ammonia and nitrate...
  4. Chris_C

    My Ocean Reef

    Love your yellow tang Andy! some really nice looking fish in there :good:
  5. Chris_C

    What's Your Favourite?

    Only just entered the marine world so more than likely have yet to discover a large majority of other wonders in the hobby. Fish Emperor Tang - just love there colours. Gutted i cant have one due to my tank being to small. Blood red fire shrimp - love the deep colouring and watching...
  6. Chris_C

    Salt Reccomendations

    Out of interest how many litres or gallons do you get from the 4kg packs etc.. :good:
  7. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Not got chance to go for a second opinion today or tomorrow and i'm off to Wembley this weekend for the football. I have just ordered a salifert ammonia test kit so hopefully that will arrive tomorrow. Then i have 2 different test kits to check against and should get a better idea of what is...
  8. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Yeah i said before in my long post that i tested 4 hours late tonight so understand there might be a change in pH. Is it possible to have such an increase from 7.8 to 8.4 just from testing 4 hours later in the day though? seems alot to me or is it normal? What do you think about my ammonia...
  9. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Im using the spray bar for agitation Seffie. The powerheads dont come close to the amount the of agitation the spray bar causes. I will try it as you are alot more experienced than me but cant see it causing much more agitation. This is the first time my pH has been that high tonight it has been...
  10. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Right i have added the powerheads now and flow is much much more lively :hyper: Since upping the flow i have noticed more aiptasia :blink: is it normal for more to appear? its like they have popped out to catch a wave B-) I did a short video just to ask if my water agitation is enough...
  11. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Ok will get all 3 in when I get home tonight :)
  12. Chris_C

    Does Anyone On Here..................

    How does this work Seffie? is it a case of just dosing the tank every now and again to help levels? also does it decrease the need for a reactor and refugium?
  13. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Ok in the last day or so one of my second hand koralia powerheads has packed in! from now on everything will be bought new to stop this problem. So i went and treated myself to a pair of new Koralia Evolution 2800. So with these two i have 5600lph turnover plus i have another koralia i can use...
  14. Chris_C

    Struggling To Read Api Test Kit

    Didn't know you could use a hose/outside tap. Will get looking into it! :good:
  15. Chris_C

    Struggling To Read Api Test Kit

    I will test some of the salted RO next time i pick some up. I live in private rented property so cant mess with the plumbing so an RO unit is out of the question :(
  16. Chris_C

    Struggling To Read Api Test Kit

    Hi Woody, i buy my RO and salted RO from the abyss in stockport at the moment. How does the aragamilk work? do you dose it with each water change?
  17. Chris_C

    Struggling To Read Api Test Kit

    The lights go on at 9am each day and i test around 4pm. I would be happier if my pH was around 8.0 but the most important thing is stability isn't it? so i'm not to worried.
  18. Chris_C

    Struggling To Read Api Test Kit

    I am running an external filter with LR in and got the outlet spray bar on that causing water agitation at the top.. would you say i need more or is that enough? Not the best picture but you can see top left my spray bar .. causes a fair bit of movement in the water surface.
  19. Chris_C

    Struggling To Read Api Test Kit

    Thanks for that lewis .. pH has been the same for the last week or so. Did a 25% water change yesterday afternoon and still the same. What is the best way to raise it? pH buffer? think i got some with the tank. Yeah i can tell the difference with yours when it comes to ammonia so will refer...
  20. Chris_C

    Struggling To Read Api Test Kit

    Since getting my API saltwater kit i have struggled to match colours. I am fine with Nitrite but the other 3 i struggle with.. can some of you give your opinion on the picture on what you think. I appreciate its not best to look at a picture but im interested in what people think and if im just...
  21. Chris_C

    Koralia Powerhead Problem

    Thanks Nemo :) will keep it in mind for future reference. Managed to get it open once it had dried out.
  22. Chris_C

    Koralia Powerhead Problem

    I was trying that yesterday with no success. Just tried it now after leaving it to dry out and success :rolleyes: sorry to clutter the forum Seffie.
  23. Chris_C

    Koralia Powerhead Problem

    Can somebody explain how to open up the powerheads? i have a Koralia 2 and cant seem to get the cage open. Dont want to break it being heavy handed. I just need to replace the shaft. Help would be much appreciated :good:
  24. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    :lol: i will make sure i am generous also :shifty: i have a few to shift so hopefully there is plenty in the bottle.
  25. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Hi Nemo :) Thanks for the info, i will purchase some tomorrow. When you say completely covered do you mean the head or the stem aswell?
  26. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    From what i have read, most cases of it not working are down to people not applying it right.. think i will give it ago.
  27. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Whats the turkey baster for :lol: Has anybody used Aiptasia X? looks impressive looking on youtube. Anybody had any bad experiences?
  28. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    I don't have my soldering iron anymore.. I thought I did. Anymore good ways of dealing with it? Soon as my hand goes in the tank the aiptasia retracts into the hole it grew out off.
  29. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Good idea Seffie :) found around 10 heads since discovering the first one :( I will enjoy watching the pep shrimps destroy it :D
  30. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Thanks Sorgan :D Yeah 95% is solid and wont move without real pressure (alot more than any fish or CUC can do) one or two of the lighter rocks over the bridge are a tad loose and i might stick them with something.
  31. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Sorry about the lack of posts the last few days .. not had much happening. Just been waiting for levels to sort themselves out. I since found out from Andy that my new flowery friend is good old Aiptasia :angry: so i have added peppermint shrimp to my list of CUC to be added in the next week or...
  32. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Right after a traumatic last hour or two i am finally happy with my new scape that is OFF the glass :D I hated the scape that i had before but i love this new one and wont be changing it again ... unless i have an avalanche in the tank :rolleyes: Just noticed something on the rock that...
  33. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    I know i know :lol: not got round to it yet.. have been thinking it over, just not sure how else to set the rock :unsure:
  34. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Today i got some new toys :hyper: The powerheads i had played up from time to time so went a purchased a couple of Koralia 2 powerheads off ebay for £30 which i thought was a bargain. I also hated the heater i had because it was big and ugly and i was scared of the fish burning themselves on...
  35. Chris_C

    New To Saltwater!

    Ebay is good for picking up cheaper test kits etc.. Here is an API kit to test for essentials (ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/PH) Its the cheapest i can find for you...
  36. Chris_C

    Tank Update

  37. Chris_C

    Ph Meter

    Thanks for the help :) will invest in the salifert kit it think.
  38. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Sounds like good stuff but most seem to be running it in a sump and say it takes over the tank if its in the main tank. Any idea how i would use it with no sump?
  39. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Thanks :good:
  40. Chris_C

    My Ocean In A Box :)

    Any chance you can expand on cheato mate? heard only bits about it. Is it something to dose to the tank or something that can go in my external filter or something similar?