My Ocean In A Box :)

Good god that's alot of nitrate! Are you using RO or tap? I would retest that if I where you. Seems high even for a cycle.
Good god that's alot of nitrate! Are you using RO or tap? I would retest that if I where you. Seems high even for a cycle.

Just what i didnt want to hear :crazy: I'm using RO. The water i started with was from an established setup i took along with live sand and rock. I know now i should have used my own water etc.. because ive had nothing but trouble. I have had that result the last 2 tests i have done. The only other thing i can think of is that i did alot of rock and sand moving the day before.
Ok mate I would scrap the sand, syphon it out and bin it and start with fresh stuff. Old sand is not such a great idea, keep about 2 cups full to re seed your new sand.

Also start changing your water as high nitrates will start killing any good stuff in your rock.
I did a 50% water change 2 days ago to get my salinity down. how much more do i change?

As for the sand i cant afford to buy some until weekend really so do i just syphon it out and leave the bottom bare? i have seen worms and stuff moving around the sand.

As for my rock do you mean it will kill it off all together and it will be useless?
Nah the bacteria will be fine as it has but any critters will not like high nitrates for long, if you can afford it get a bottle of PRIME from seachem (most LFS should have it) it's not great to use it often but as a quick detox it will work just fine.

Start getting the sand out if you can, if you use a syphon and have the exit over a sieve or something you can save any life in your sand, if you can't afford new sand for a few days then just wait a few days, you have no real stock so don't worry about it to much.

Sorry to make you panic mate
Nah the bacteria will be fine as it has but any critters will not like high nitrates for long, if you can afford it get a bottle of PRIME from seachem (most LFS should have it) it's not great to use it often but as a quick detox it will work just fine.

Start getting the sand out if you can, if you use a syphon and have the exit over a sieve or something you can save any life in your sand, if you can't afford new sand for a few days then just wait a few days, you have no real stock so don't worry about it to much.

Sorry to make you panic mate

Don't apologise mate! i'm glad of the help :) i'm a little confused with what you said .. do you mean take the sand out and wait a few days to add the new or keep the current sand and change it over when i have the new sand in hand?

Is this the right stuff in reference to PRIME?
Wait untill you have new sand or any dmsand sifting life will be unhappy with you.

Yep that's the stuff, I have a bottle handy at all times just incase something goes up the creek, which on my side happens quite often
Wait untill you have new sand or any dmsand sifting life will be unhappy with you.

Yep that's the stuff, I have a bottle handy at all times just incase something goes up the creek, which on my side happens quite often

Ok will get some now :) as for the sand how much would you say i would need for a 3 foot tank? i have found some on the net named ..


is this ok and how many bags do you think i would need?
Managed to get a 250ml bottle of prime for £8 so bought that :) most the 100ml ones where nearly £5 plus £2 so thought i might aswell get the 250ml with free postage.

Will sort the sand over the next 24 hours hopefully.

Thanks for you help Sorgan :good:
No problem matey! If you can get some cheato at some point as it will help suck up nitrates.
No problem matey! If you can get some cheato at some point as it will help suck up nitrates.

Any chance you can expand on cheato mate? heard only bits about it. Is it something to dose to the tank or something that can go in my external filter or something similar?
Sounds like good stuff but most seem to be running it in a sump and say it takes over the tank if its in the main tank. Any idea how i would use it with no sump?

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