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    This Weekend I Am....

    working :(
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    Rowa Phos And Rowa Carbon

    I would go small amounts and switch often with rowa phos. I tend to find mine clumps up quite quickly and therefore loses effeciency. Plus a smaller amount in a bigger bag is more likely to get aggitated and therefore work better.
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    Woot Quadruple 0

    Finely got my tank stats to Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Phosphate 0 and Nitrate 0 How often do you need to water change just to top up traces as i'd rather not poor money "salt water" down the drain if my stats are going to hold at 0.
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    Cleaner Shrimp Moult

    My cleaner shrimp has moulted and is sort of yellowy brown where he used to be white as well so i would assume it's natural unless anyone else comes on to say otherwise.
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    Live And Dead

    Yeah as weeza said Live rock + aragonite "Coral" sand. No need to spend money on live sand. You can buy dead rock and seed it from live but it can cause all sorts of problems you don't want as a beginner and if you have the patience buy Live rock off ebay or similar as you can get some really...
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    Possible 4Ft Tank!

    You could break it down and re silicon it from scratch. But it depends on the state of the glass. If it's scratched and knocked around probably not worth it. If it's in good condition but just dirty it probably is. Breaking down and re siliconing a tank isn't much fun though :)
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    Help Me Find Nemo! :d

    The difference's between perc and occ are so small that you are unlikely to notice the difference weez. Just choose a pair that appeals to you and don't get hung up on there genus. Did a shark feed dive in austrailia (not one of the girly cage ones.) and i have to say it was an adrenalin buzz...
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    Anyone Ever Cut 8 Mm Glass

    Problem you will have with that thickness of glass is you will never get a clean edge using a glass cutting tool. I used a mix of a dremel with a diamond blade and wet and dry sand paper to smooth the edges as best i could and used silicon to fill the gaps. Try to minimize the cutting down to...
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    Super Rare Coral For Sale In Uk

    Think I'll leave that one for the reef masters and those with more money than sense.
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    Securely Fixing Lr!

    epo putty works really well for securing rock and once cured it is super hard. Only down side is due to drying time you need to stick it in a tank or bucket of salt water to allow it to dry. I'd reccomend 6-12 hours ideally. I know you said no reef putty but this dry's far harder than the...
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    Would I Deffo Be Fine To Add Clownfish

    Why not take a sample of your water to the lfs and they can test it at the same time just to double check it. I do this quite a bit just as a safety net as i'm also new to the hobby. I've not as of yet been charged for a salt water test although the other lfs in my area charges £2.50 for a fresh...
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    Acropora Frags

    What sort of dipping do you reccomend. Fresh water or a product like coralrx ? does your dipping process vary for softies as opposed to stonies ? I know it will take ages from a small frag but i would rather kill a £5 frag than a £50 coral. Plus I like fragging due to watching the coral develop...
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    Acropora Frags

    Would it hurt if i added a couple of acropora frags to my frag rack. I know that they are notoriously hard to keep alive but as long as they where only small frags would it hurt anything really other than my wallet ? I want to grow all my coral from frags and fell in love with acropora just to...
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    Feather Dusters are apparently part of dwarf angels diet in the wild so i'm not surprised he was fascinated by them. Most places i've read it's hit and miss with both coral beauty's and flame angels whether they are coral nippers. Will 2 tangs be ok in a tank that size. More a query than...
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    Marine Photo Caption

    Marine photographer suffers shell shock.
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    Marine Photo Caption

    Recessions impact seen in empty houses.
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    Cheer Me Up

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    Dismantling A Tank

    This is how i made my sump. I found it to be a bit of a nightmare if i'm honest. Silicon is amazingly effective at holding glass in place and if the glass is close together it can be a nightmare to get started. I tried stanley, fishing wire and guitar string and none where very effective in my...
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    Troublesome Phosphate Level

    I'll see over next couple of days if it drops pretty rapidly i would assume it was my feeding. If it stays quite high still it's probably the rock.
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    Salinity Level At Different Temps!

    Salinity doesn't vary with tempature it's just our ability to measure it that is thrown out but water temp. I think specific gravity is effected by tempature due to different density of the water.
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    Troublesome Phosphate Level

    No coral at the moment just CUC and 2 clowns. reading is between 0.03 and 0.1 on salifert test kit. I'd probably say 0.06-7 ish. It's not a problem persay I just don't want algea issues plus issues later when i start looking at hard corals. My cheato seems to grow like a manic under the grow...
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    Troublesome Phosphate Level

    I was feeding frozen and didn't know that was the case. Was just defrosting in a feeding bottle in tank water and then squirting it in. I'm currently feeding flake though. I feed a 1cm flake every 3-4 hours. doing small and often as my clowns where a pain to get feeding.
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    Troublesome Phosphate Level

    Well i know that phosphate can leech into things and as most of my Lr was second hand i'm assuming that is the problem. It probably is just a be patient thing but you never know what people might come up with.
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    Troublesome Phosphate Level

    I can't seem to drop my phosphate down to unreadable levels. I've been running cheato and rowaphos(in skimmer) all my other water statistics are spot on. I've now added phos guard to my sump as well. Is it just a matter of being patient or will i eventually have to bite the bullet and get a...
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    Good Beginner Corals

    If i buy a chilli coral and it dies i'm blaming you sorgan :P
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    Topping Up To Level Salinity

    Why does this sentence make me envision woody hiding in the hedge outside your house on a I Phone.
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    Cleaner Shrimps

    No coral at all at the moment. I really love acropora but having read up on them i'm going to get something a little simpler to start, maybe in 6-12 months.
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    Cleaner Shrimps

    When i asked about shrimp previously i was advised that they require the tank to be a bit more stable than for initial fish stocking. How long approx before you would advise adding shrimps. Also is it ok to mix them i fancied 3 Scarlet Skunk cleaners (Lysmata amboinensis) 3 Peppermint shrimp...
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    Thermostat Settings

    I wouldn't expect to see that sort of flucutation unless something was seriously wrong though anyway.
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    Evaporation Control

    Surely the simplest way to say this is. The return pump will run till the sump is dry but the water will only flow over the overflow if the water level is higher than overflow. So the evaporation always shows in sump as level in display is constant. 1 other thing I thought of which you might...
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    Correct Params

    I really want to do one of these now but i'll feel like a johny come lately.
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    Thermostat Settings

    The lights will be 6 tube t5 and 125w eco light for sump. At the moment i don't really get any noticable fluctuation in tank temperature so i thought 1.5 degrees was a good margin to protect against heaters locking on. But i can see your point about lights. Maybe i'll fit a buzzer or something.
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    Sick Clown Fish

    I'm hoping the feeding issue might have been a light thing. I've moved my sump light onto main tank and they took a little food. Mixture of cyclops, mysis and brine. There are 2 tiny white dots on the fish the size of a pin head 1 below the eye and 1 on the fin. I might just be being paranoid. I...
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    Sick Clown Fish

    Has my clown fish got ich or parasites or something else. She hasn't been eating and now i have noticed a white patch under the eye and a frayed bit on top fin which is a bit white too ? Water parameters Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 2-5 Salinity 1.021 I'm wondering if i stressed them by...
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    Thermostat Settings

    I bought myself a TC-10 thermostat which will turn off my heaters if a set temperature is exceeded. My Heaters are set to shut off at 25c so i was thinking of setting it to shutoff at 26.5c. I was also thinking of wiring my lighting into the circuit so i have a easy visual sign if the max...
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    Reef Tank On A Shoe String

    My tank is now fully operational and has 2 clown fish in it Berta and ernie. Had a look around at some corals decided i loved blue, green and purple acorapora to get home and google them and find out they are super hard to keep and need a 1+ year old tank. Curse you acrorapora !!! :drool: :sad:
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    Advise On Lighting Please

    Pre-ordered mine :) Hopefully will come for my Birthday on june 1st.
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    Clown Fish!

    lol my oscars try and bite me sometimes. but due to the fact there mouths are big enough to hold an entire finger i'm very careful.
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    Clown Fish Feeding

    Think i got them beat with D and D reef paste :) at least the little one is nibbling it. The larger/ possible female is being more stubborn but no shock there :lol: Just like to quickly say the people at South West Marines where excellent. Pleasant and extremely helpful. Especially as the...
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    A Few Qs

    It's funny i want to do exactly the same thing weezawoo and grow all my corals on from frags rather than starting with big corals.