Reef Tank On A Shoe String

and it only took me 3 weeks *sigh* and multiple minor lacerations to build myself a sump. What have i learnt from this experience.

1. I couldn't put in a straight baffle if my life depended on it.
2. Buy a pre-built sump or buy a fish tank and add baffles to make a sump.

She ain't pretty but she's water tight.


My tank fully plumbed and in-situ. Feels like it's going to take 10 years to fill with water though. Curse you RO Unit !!!!! Sorry for the rubbish picture will take a better one once my pet rocks are stacked.
Looks good :D
I am on the verge of being able to fill mine but with around 550l to fill it may take a few days to produce enough RO for it! Even more so as I have to work and so much other bits to run around doing!
Lookig at an empty tank is agony haha! Waiting for my tank for the sump before I can baffle it up!

Can't wait to see your tank with the LR in :D
If i where doing it again i would leave it to run over night or set it going in the morning before leaving for work. 8 hours has produced about 200l of water for me so leaving it run while your in work or asleep should be perfectly safe. I got a 100gpd unit with about 120bar of pressure.
I don't know the gpd or pressure on mine as it was second hand and have no pressure gauge lol!
I only have a 80l bin for it to fill in to also before I can move it to the main tank! Not that it would matter it over filling just feels like a waste haha

Im very jealous of the height of your tank,think the slightly taller tanks look nicer!!
I think 20l an hour is about max you can expect from a standard RO unit under good pressure. I'm lucky cause we got massive water pressure which helps speed of RO a lot. I'm running my Ro on end of hose. Carrying 500l of water upstairs 25l at a time would make me :(
My tank is now fully operational and has 2 clown fish in it Berta and ernie. Had a look around at some corals decided i loved blue, green and purple acorapora to get home and google them and find out they are super hard to keep and need a 1+ year old tank. Curse you acrorapora !!! :drool: :sad:

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