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  1. P

    Recommend Me A Small Internal Filter

    What about this one: Looks like it has an adjustable flow.
  2. P

    20gallon Journal - Updated Daily - Indir

    I might be able to help with the bubbles. It might be that your aeration is too strong. Our spray bar was spraying directly onto the water surface and caused the water to foam a little in the way you describe. We've now turned it to the glas so the water is just falling into the tank and the...
  3. P

    Another Case Of Awful Betta Fin Wrot

    Sounds very similar to how Tyson's rot started. Bits literally fell of until he's left with what he has now :( His rot kicked in as quickly and aggressively. He's hanging in there and we've got our fingers crossed for him. I'm treating him with Interpet no 8 at the mo but am going to get some...
  4. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    Just to let you know - he's hanging in there bless. Got an airstone in there now but it's a tad noisy so I keep popping it off to give him some respite. He ate some daphnia earlier and was looking a bit brighter but he is very up and down. Have been in contact with Netty who has been incredibly...
  5. P

    Not Replying Once Your Question Is Answered.

    As a fairly new member to this forum, but well versed on others including modding(which is a thankless task), I have to agree with some of this. It is incredibly frustrating when you go to the trouble of responding only to then wonder if your advice, opinion or comment helped or hindered the OP...
  6. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    I've dropped Netty a PM - thanks again Wilder and Stang1 for your help with Tyson - he's still with us and swimming a bit better this morning. Finger's crossed :thumbs:
  7. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    That's great - many thanks. I'll sort all that out for him tomorrow. Just done a 50% water change as a trace of ammonia was showing - so taken clean water out of the Orb. We'll do a full change tomorrow, if there's any ideas how do we do that without stressing Tyson too much I'd love to hear...
  8. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    I have Amoxicillin in capsule form 250g.
  9. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    thanks for this. Didn't know about the aeration - will sort that! It is the med you say - what else would you recommend? I did read on an american site about using penicillin. Now, naughty I know - but I have some from when I had a chest infection a year ago. But how to use and doseage I have...
  10. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    They're spots on the tank - not Tyson. He is grey under his chin and gills - but no spots.
  11. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    The speed of the attack has shocked us. I will let you know how he goesl - am trying to be optimistic and praying for the little guy. He is such a sweetie and such a character - doesn't look much the thug that we lovingly call him now does he???? We've never seen the tetras having a go or going...
  12. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    Thank you for your reply - very much appreciated. Here's a couple of pics of then and now. Although the then are a few weeks ago - it is how he looked on Sunday. Monday morning his fins looked a little odd, pale and weaker. Today - well you can see. He is very pale too. Then now
  13. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    Our beautiful betta Tyson has developed the most horrendous case of what I beleive to be fin rot. He is currently in isolation but was in the Orb which has zero ammonia, zero nitrite and 10 - 20 ppm nitrate. 35 l orb shared with 5 tetras. They all get on really well. Was absolutely horrified...
  14. P

    Accurate Test Results

    Have just done a bit of an experiment with the API kit and JBL strips. Tested the water from the Orb with the JBL which showed zero nitrite and 10 nitrate. Did the tests including ammonia with the API and got zero Ammonia(clearly zero), Nitrite again clearly zero and nitrate fairly clearly 10...
  15. P

    Managing Reopening Of Old Threads

    I can't help but notice that a lot of old threads are re-opened on this forum without actaully recognising that it is an old thread and whether the new post adds value etc. Sometimes we just don't notice how old the thread might be as it might pop up on a search etc and sometimes it's helpful to...
  16. P

    My 4 1/2 " Female Convict Has Just Been Eaten!

    This thread is two years old :blink:
  17. P

    Accurate Test Results

    Thanks for that. We'll give it another go and see what happens. Before today they've been we think, fairly OK - it's just now when we're expecting them to be much lower. ie zero, and they're not we're a tad confused. :S (something that's very easy where I'm concerned lol )
  18. P

    Accurate Test Results

    A question related to this thread please. I've been using the API kit for a couple of weeks coming up and muist admit to struggle with the readings sometimes. I agree though that if you have zero readings it should be easy - or is it? This morning - OH tested the ammonia in our Vision 260 which...
  19. P

    Snail Infestation

    OMG - how I feel for you - what a nightmare!!!! I must admit, I'm not sure how effective non-chemical intervention will be as it doesn't appear to take much to get them well and truly embedded. I'm here fretting over a mere handful! So will be very interested to see if anyone has any ideas for...
  20. P

    Heaters How Many

    Just turn the heater up a couple of notches to get the temp you need. That heater is fine for your tank. I have a Juwel 260 with a 200 watt ;) but I do run two just in case one fails. hth
  21. P

    Dealing with pest snails!

    I seem to have aquired some snails with my plants :( didn't realise the need to wash etc beforehand. Do now - lol Now it's not millions and what are there are teeny tiny, do I need to worry or do anything? I'm due to start stocking with fish in two weeks if the cycle goes well once mature media...
  22. P

    What Is This Fish Please?

    Would anyone else be rather worried anout an LFS who didn't know what a Jack Dempsey was and who sold it on without knowing? I'd find another aquatic store to deal with tbh.
  23. P

    Omg The Bettas Lady's New Bettas!

    They are all stunning!!! I can so see why people end up with loads. I love the one you have as your avatar now too - such stunning colours. My thug had better behave himself or he'll be getting traded in!! lol - Only joking - love him too much :wub:
  24. P

    Cycling(fl), Cloning, Stocking....

    Yes it is 260 litres but after substrate and wood and stuff we expect more likely 220 - but we'll know for sure when we do the big water change. Many thanks for your help. Very much appreciated. :good: :)
  25. P

    Cycling(fl), Cloning, Stocking....

    Super! So a nice group of say 6 corys (trinliatus) and 8 Emperor Tetra and maybe a couple of honey gourami be an OK start?
  26. P

    Cycling(fl), Cloning, Stocking....

    Many thanks for that OM47 :good: - does fit with my thinking so that's great. Getting to understand I think lol. What about stocking then when the time does come? Any thoughts there please?
  27. P

    Cycling(fl), Cloning, Stocking....

    Many thanks for the reply :) Have got lots of plants which I hope will deal with nitrates on an ongoing basis - but did a 50% water change 6 days ago and a 20% change yesterday. Should I do another change before Tuesday when I get the mature media and if so what percentage please? Timing...
  28. P

    Cycling(fl), Cloning, Stocking....

    Hi all We set up out Juwel Vision 260 a week ago. info as follows: 7th Feb 09: 37.5 kg Play Sand 180 litres water – treated 90ml aquasafe 16.00 9ml ammonia.9.5% 8th Feb: 16.30 9ml Ammonia 9.5% 9th Feb 21.00 9ml Ammonia 9.5% PH7.5 (tetratest) No2 <3 (tetratest) Ph 6.8 JBL No3 10 jbl – I...
  29. P

    I Can't Believe What Happened

    This thread is over 3 years old ;)
  30. P

    Where To Get Plants From - Uk

    Cheers for that - I'll watch it and if it starts getting a tad large I'll cull it!!! or now I'm quite happy as is OH as at least it makes the tank look a bit more interesting while we wait for it to cycle lol. :lol:
  31. P

    Some New Pic's

    I've just got one of those too and this thread has informed me of it's ture requirements which I further researched on another Aquatic plant site which says it is a bog plant and will in time rot in a tank :no: , Shame because it is a great looking plant :/ This is the site I came across...
  32. P

    Where To Get Plants From - Uk

    I've found from another website that the two variegated are indeed bog plants so will rot in the tank. They are Dracaena and Wheat Plant. So for the info of others - to be avoided!! They will be removed from my tank forthwith.
  33. P

    Where To Get Plants From - Uk

    I'd read that too but don't know if it's true.
  34. P

    Moving House With Fish

    I'd do a big water change a couple of days before you move. Then on the day, put the fish in big bags wrapped with plenty of towels in one of those thermal picnic boxes to help protect them. Then get as much of the other water as poss into jerry cans. Then take it all as is as much as possible...
  35. P

    Moving House With Fish

    How far are you moving? Would you be able to move the fish say the day before you moved in?
  36. P

    Some Problems

    Try putting the address into streetmap or multimap - that'll show you where they are ;) hth ;)
  37. P

    Where To Get Plants From - Uk

    Ok - so I ordered from ebay: Pack of 25 - £6 inc postage Pack of 50 - £12.40 inc postage 5 x Amazon Swords - £1.99 plus postage Am awaiting delivery of Valisneria Americana Gigantea All arrived today and this is what they look like. Please note though, I have not tried to aquascape the tank...
  38. P

    Want To Move Tank And Reaquascape Too - Need Advice

    If you get good sand and wash it well any cloudiness will disappear within a very short time - ie less than half an hour so you'll be fine.
  39. P

    Tetratec Ex1200 Very Noisy

    We set up our new Tetratec EX1200 this past weekend. It's as quiet as they come, Very impressed actually :good: So if yours is at all noisy there is something not quite right. Did you take the carbon packs out or at least remove them from the plastic bags they were in:? Sorry if that's a...