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agree with just about everything except this bit

3) having your answer just repeated with no additional content. (guess I've just done that! :blush: )

quite often i'll pop up and say i agree with the advice above, particularly if there are two conflicting opinions on a thread it helps the OP decide who is right if they can see that several people agree.
As a fairly new member to this forum, but well versed on others including modding(which is a thankless task), I have to agree with some of this. It is incredibly frustrating when you go to the trouble of responding only to then wonder if your advice, opinion or comment helped or hindered the OP. It really doesn't hurt to say if it helped or provide an update etc. Thanks is always nice.;)

Manners are often in short supply on forums but that's because people often don't appreciate how harsh the cold written word can come across -_- . Also, imvho, the lack of adequate grammar, punctuation and use of full English also does not help. The odd typo is fine, it happens, also some mispelling - especially when responding quickly, but some is sheer laziness and without any consideration for those who will read the post, lattitude is always there for people who don't have English as their first language. If you know you don't know how to spell something, why not check it first - oddly there are lots of online dictionaries etc - lol.

I do find it useful if people say they agree with a previous posters advice, or if they don't then an explanation why is invaluable. It helps formulate how much weight to give to a particluar view especially if an intervention is being proposed/suggested which might save or cost a fish its life.

There - my two penn'orth - lol :)
agree with just about everything except this bit

3) having your answer just repeated with no additional content. (guess I've just done that! :blush: )

quite often i'll pop up and say i agree with the advice above, particularly if there are two conflicting opinions on a thread it helps the OP decide who is right if they can see that several people agree.

i was just about to say the same thing :good:

another thing that annoys me is when people post stupid questions when a quick search on google can answer!
like is my guppy pregnant ;) where their are some 5000's posts on the same thing and a simple search will resolve ;) LOL
agree with just about everything except this bit

3) having your answer just repeated with no additional content. (guess I've just done that! :blush: )

quite often i'll pop up and say i agree with the advice above, particularly if there are two conflicting opinions on a thread it helps the OP decide who is right if they can see that several people agree.

Ahh, Miss Wiggle, I get your point but you see by saying you agree with previous advice IS actually adding content as you are placing your respected comments for one side or another when a conflict is present. What I was suggesting was some members that are guilty of merely copying a previous answer in their own words to sound clever when the post has already been well and truely answered. Not too much of an issue though, I do agree :blush:
While in a lot of cases, I don't agree with adding a post simply stating "I agree", especially if there have been 5 answers already all along the same lines, I do think it has benefit when it is maybe the second reply. As a newbie, when I posted a question and someone gave me an answer, I had no clue whether they knew what the were talking about or not. It was always nice to have more reinforement of the original reply even if it was in the simple form of "I agree". For me, it seems that 3 was the magic number. If I got an answer and 2 agreements, I felt comfortable that the advice was good.
Ahh, Miss Wiggle, I get your point but you see by saying you agree with previous advice IS actually adding content as you are placing your respected comments for one side or another when a conflict is present. What I was suggesting was some members that are guilty of merely copying a previous answer in their own words to sound clever when the post has already been well and truely answered. Not too much of an issue though, I do agree :blush:

ah but then you may be adding something. I do a lot of training at work and one of the key things to realise is that not everyone absorbs information in the same way, sometimes someone else's method of explaining things will help you to understand something that you didn't understand from the first explanation.

So sometimes rephrasing a previous answer can be of great benefit! :D :p
Isnt this thread just General Chit Chat, Discussing something General on the forum.
Isnt this thread just General Chit Chat, Discussing something General on the forum.
It is discussing something about the forum and thus, IMO, not general chat. GC is discussing what someone wore to the Acadamy Awards last night, how many points LeBron scored last night or who won the NASCAR race yesterday, things totally unrelated to the hobby or the forum.
Isnt this thread just General Chit Chat, Discussing something General on the forum.
It is discussing something about the forum and thus, IMO, not general chat. GC is discussing what someone wore to the Acadamy Awards last night, how many points LeBron scored last night or who won the NASCAR race yesterday, things totally unrelated to the hobby or the forum.

But what is to be achieved by discussing this, Unless you are going to make a feature where you have to reply once someone has ansered your question. Otherwise this is just constructive moaning about something general, Saying thanks is not about fish, it about something that you would like to happen..
Ahh, Miss Wiggle, I get your point but you see by saying you agree with previous advice IS actually adding content as you are placing your respected comments for one side or another when a conflict is present. What I was suggesting was some members that are guilty of merely copying a previous answer in their own words to sound clever when the post has already been well and truely answered. Not too much of an issue though, I do agree :blush:

So sometimes rephrasing a previous answer can be of great benefit! :D :p

Unless that original answer is wrong, I trawl a lot of computer forums and some of the advice on them is truly awful and they are wrapped into there own ignorant bliss that they won't see logic even after proven research is presented. Don't even get me on yahoo answers although there are occasional snippets of glory most of its like some of the people that reply have been hit over the head repeatedly with a frying pan to the point where there 2 brain cells rubbed together is not enough to stop them dribbling :drool: let alone give advice.
And then again,.... as it is with most things, there are many instances where someone may be replying with reference to his own experience in respect to the question, (and truthfully so), but someone else has read (or experienced) the opposite and totally contradicts the theory by blatant attacks on the previous opinion..... without acknowledging that it may just be possible that they both are indeed correct, but minor circumstances in conditions, causes the difference in observation or conclusion in their expression.

The other thing is that while you are posting your reply, someone else is also replying to the same topic, but his/her posting comes through before yours does.... and the answers are the same....Looks like you copied the previous reply....

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