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  1. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    Zero ammonia and a trace of nitrite for today. This is the reason we have a qualifying week :)
  2. drobbyb

    Are Bosemani's And Praecox's Ok Together?

    That's the thing, what works in one person's tank may not necessarily work in another. It's the same with any livestock, fish included. If we tried to group humans into the same housing criteria as fish we find that what works in one person's house may be largely different from what works in...
  3. drobbyb

    Do You Give Preventative Meds To New Fish?

    I don't believe in treating a disease that you have no diagnosis for. The only exception to my rule is with wild fish. Wild fish can carry some nasty tings, and most likely your farm raised fish won't be immune to something not found in their environment.
  4. drobbyb

    How Long After Major Disease Outbreak To Add New Fish?

    I'm not exactly sure about septicemia, but as for other afflictions I believe the standard "You should be ok" is 30 days.
  5. drobbyb

    Expert Advice On Wild Discus.... Please.

    What are your water conditions and did you drip acclimate for a few hours?
  6. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    Well, the idea I had didn't work out. I like to think of it like this, I learned one way how not to do it :D I had to throw out the mess that I made, and the Eco-complete is mixed with the leftover clean gravel I had and I actually like the way the substrate looks (but my planting skills need...
  7. drobbyb

    Does Anybody Know What Type Of Driftwood This Is?

    The wood is Mopani wood.
  8. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    It's a substrate, Eco Complete. It's supposed to be good stuff. Russel, the owner of Scales and Tails, used it in his planted tank with great success. We are on the same water supply, so it should work similarly for me as well. Hopefully it's a good place to start.
  9. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    I picked up five 10 pound bags of ecocomplete for $10 from Scales and Tails yesterday. Hopefully my new stem plants will like it.
  10. drobbyb

    Safe, Non Toxic Way To Remove Paint From Glass?

    You hold it at an angle, ~20° and it should come off pretty easily.
  11. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    Ph: 8.2 Ammonia: .25 ppm Nitrite: .25 ppm Nitrate: 160 ppm Not long now!
  12. drobbyb

    Is This A Siamese Algae Eater?

    LOL Now we see why these 2 species get mixed up all the time :D
  13. drobbyb

    Is This A Siamese Algae Eater?

    Sorry Ludwig, that's a CAE. True SAE Flying Fox Without counting the rays of all the fins, the OP's pics look to be a Flying Fox.
  14. drobbyb

    A Southerner's Bolivian Ram Journal

    Wow, those are fantastic! I can't wait for my tank to get done cycling now lol!
  15. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    I thought about this very thing. It is possible to fully cycle a filter using a 5 gallon bucket, but in order to do so you would have to add ammonia multiple times daily. I moved everything into the 30 long for the remainder of the cycle.
  16. drobbyb

    Amazing Male Melanotaenia Praecox Display

    Yes, that's true, but they have groups of color changing cells that they can control. We call it a breeding stripe in the hobby.
  17. drobbyb

    Amazing Male Melanotaenia Praecox Display

    I was kinda freaked when I saw my female M. lacustris flash a breeding stripe. I never knew that they had the ability, but apparently they do.
  18. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    Ammonia was .25 ppm in 14 hours, nitrate way off the scale, nitrates still between 30 and 40. I performed a 50% water change and re-dosed with ammonia, don't want those nitrites to get too high :D
  19. drobbyb

    Amazing Male Melanotaenia Praecox Display

    Yeah, nothing beats a displaying rainbow. You would think that the color change would be gradual, but in fact it is almost instant and intentional. It's very dramatic (romantic to fish maybe?) :D
  20. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    Ammonia was at .25 this morning, nitrite off the scale, and nitrates about the same as yesterday, between 30 and 40 ppm. pH has fallen to 7.6, I gotta take a trip to the store to get some bicarb.
  21. drobbyb

    Anyone Ever Kept These? I've never seen them for sale before.
  22. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    I swapped my filters and media into my 30G tank yesterday. I topped up with 4.0 ppm ammonia, added bicarb to the water to raise the pH, and let it sit. Measurements as of today: Ammonia: 2.0ppm Nitrite: >5 ppm Nitrate: 30 ppm ± I also added an aquaclear 50 to the tank and added some...
  23. drobbyb

    Persistant Cloudy Water!

    Since you have fish already I recommend you read the article found here. It will explain the concept, and we can help answer questions if you have any.
  24. drobbyb

    Why Are Discus Fish So Expensive?

    I use a 5 gallon bucket less than half full for short distances. I wrap the outside in a large towel to help maintain temperature. If it's going to be more than a 15 min drive in the winter or summer, I use a picnic cooler to help maintain better temperature.
  25. drobbyb

    What Fish Is This?

    Source: I've never kept this species itself, but I've found quite a few websites whom all seem to agree to this. Basically, any fish which is large enough not to be considered food, is also similar in...
  26. drobbyb

    What Fish Is This?

    Spanner Barb
  27. drobbyb

    Persistant Cloudy Water!

    If you have the insert type filter, the one with the floss (some are blue and others white) covering carbon inside a plastic frame, then you may have removed the beneficial bacteria that keep your tank healthy. Filter insert Contrary to what the manufacturer says, you only need to replace...
  28. drobbyb

    Why Are Discus Fish So Expensive?

    It's funny though, it seems that "new (insert any consumable)" is generally believed to be better than any older method or product. You can cure Ich with simple salt and heat, no need for any expensive meds if the old cheaper method still produces acceptable results (with limits of course...
  29. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    Well, there is definitely some activity. My ammonia dropped to 1.0 ppm last night and there was a slight nitrite reading, not enough to measure, but the solution inside was slightly purple. It seems as if the faster reproducing A-bacs have caught up with the slower N-bacs. I re-dosed...
  30. drobbyb

    Under-Gravel Aquarium Filters?

    There's nothing wrong with undergravel filters. They perform the job just as well now as when they were invented. Plans and undergravel filters will not mix however if you plan to grow your plants in the gravel. As the plan's roots grow, they will clog up the little holes in your undergravel...
  31. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    I've encountered an odd test result. I tested all values twice just to be sure. Ammonia has dropped to 2 ppm, no nitrite reading, and 5.0 ppm nitrate reading. I tested the tap again just to ensure my results were valid and the result was 0 ppm. Do you think it is possible that there are...
  32. drobbyb


    I was thinking earlier today about how to teach someone how not to overfeed. So many new fish keepers overfeed their fish on a regular basis, and despite attempts to teach the proper way, they continue to do so to the detriment of their tank and stock. So, how would you teach a habitual...
  33. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    Yeah, I find myself missing it terribly. I dunno, some people get fish and are content just to keep them alive. I pay very close attention to my fish observing their behavior, condition, etc. It's just a passion, and I get a great sense of accomplishment from it. It's very positive for me...
  34. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    24 hours later and the ammonia has gone from 4.0 ppm to a little lighter green than what the color card shows for 4.0 ppm. I was expecting a 48 hour bounce back, but it seems that they are already making a difference. It's not enough yet to show a result on the nitrite card though. Day 9...
  35. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    Met up with Gvilleguy this afternoon so he could donate some media to my cycle process :good: . Thanks a lot :D
  36. drobbyb

    If The 1" To Gallon Is Only Vague.........

    With 180L you have enough space to accommodate 2 more schools as long as you don't get too crazy with the numbers.
  37. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    Dorsey does have a great sense of humor :D
  38. drobbyb

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    Ok, 1 week in. Everything is still nominal: Temp: 80-82 F Ammonia: 4 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: 0 ppm pH: 8.2 native KH and GH are both >1 but I have added sodium bicarbonate to put my pH in the optimal range.
  39. drobbyb

    Could I Use This For Co2?

    That's the problem, I don't have that part. That's why I took the first picture as I haven't used pressurized Co2 before, I have no idea if there is standardization when it comes to regulators.