How Long After Major Disease Outbreak To Add New Fish?


Fish Crazy
Nov 21, 2010
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I lost half of my fish to what seemed to be an outbreak of septicemia. The survivors were treated with Marcyn 2 and medicated food, and seem to be doing well a week later. Any suggestions for how long to wait before adding new fish? I did a full course of treatment, but I still feel nervous about adding anything else for some reason- I just keep thinking it could somehow be lingering in the tank, or one of the survivors could be a carrier of something. The problem is I do have to do it soon, as the guppies are getting more aggressive because the group size isn't large enough. They did better when I had more of them.

I do plan to quarantine new fish, which in and of itself is an issue as my hospital tank is currently in use for a gourami with the most persistent case of ICH of all time.
At least a month after end of treatment + however long it takes to make sure that they are clear. Essentially you are now "quarantining" your existing fish, and I usually use 6 weeks for that, given that the normal recommendation is 4-6 weeks.
Okay, great, thanks! I'd rather wait a little too long than not long enough.

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