What Fish Is This?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 13, 2011
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Im just wondering what Fish this is in the picture below, any help would be appreciated. Someone i know has given it to me as he can no long find the time to look after it. Im thinking of adding more fish to the tank and would like to know what fish this is so i could compare compatible fish.

The picture is below and, thanks in advanced for your replies :)

Fish in question:
Thank you for such a quick reply. Ive been looking around the web but cant seem to find any fish that would go well with this one. Can anyone recommend me any?

This species is quite boisterous and can easily intimidate less robust species with its activity levels and sheer bulkiness. In a spacious tank it can be combined with other rheophilic Asian fishes such as larger Danio, Devario, Barilius, Garra and balitorine loaches. This could make for a very interesting biotope-style community. That said it can actually be kept alongside many species of suitably rugged temperament that are too large to be considered food. There are numerous barbs, characins, catfish and even cichlids that are suitable.

It can be confusing when trying to decide whether to keep Puntius lateristriga in a group or not. In nature juveniles of the species can be found swimming in large schools but as the fish mature collectors have reported that they tend to become more solitary. Adult specimens can actually become rather spiteful in the closed environment of an aquarium and in small tanks may bully tankmates, especially at feeding time. Conversely, some keepers are adamant that it can be maintained in groups and claim to have never witnessed any aggression from their fish. It´s likely that some of the regional variants of the fish vary in temperament a little and in general we recommend a group of 6 or more specimens in a large tank.

Source: http://www.seriouslyfish.com/profile.php?genus=Puntius&species=lateristriga&id=158#top

I've never kept this species itself, but I've found quite a few websites whom all seem to agree to this. Basically, any fish which is large enough not to be considered food, is also similar in disposition, and likes similar conditions would be suitable.

It would probably go in well with large tetras like B.A. tetras, Convict cichlid, Rainbowfish (the ones that get over 3 1/2 inches,) etc. There are many more possibilities than these, but just to name a few. If you had a really nice shoal of Giant danios used as dither fish, you might even be able to add some other more shy, but robust fish.
It's a T Barp also known as a spanner barb, I've got 4 of these they look really nice when they're fully grown! :good:
defo a spanner barb,mine are ok at mo with my tigers but i will have to rehome them as they get to large to be with them (shouldn't have listened to guy at lfs with out doing my own research ) so i've got to get another tank, hubby agrees woo hoo (cos he likes the way tank 2 looks ) :)

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