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  1. fishboy619

    Dwarf Puffers

    some DP will except ottos and other tank mates as friends, others will not. i have ottos, apple snail and a ghost shrimp with 3 DP in a 15 gallon. they are very pieceful and never bother. the DP's are all really calm and keep to them selves.however i have 1 DP in a 5 gallon, who will attack...
  2. fishboy619

    Strange Problem, Need Help Please

    a little off the topic, but what does fish TB attually do to a human? how serious is it.
  3. fishboy619

    Substrate For Dwarf Puff

    i use sand for my dwarf puffer tanks, they seem to sometimes lie on the sand when resting, and pick up food from tyhe substrate
  4. fishboy619

    What To Put In My Tank?

    i wasnt saying get a fish to sort the problem out, but ottos that stay small, as do pit bulls, and bristle nose, would all fit in the tank, and eat some of the algae, of course, some would have to be removed manually. snails also do a good job, and most stay small, great for cleaning tanks and...
  5. fishboy619

    What To Put In My Tank?

    tetras and platies aren't best suited to brackish, mollies however can tolarate it.platies dont catch diseases more than other fish i think, mine never have. danios would be ok, dont see a problem with them and the other fish. with the fry all the time from the live bearers, just leave them in...
  6. fishboy619

    Not A Newbie

    how big is the tank? gouramies and bettas dont usally get on, and bettas can be picky with swordtails. the red rummy needs to be in a shoal.5 or more is good. the killifish might not get on with the betta, or gouramie, im not sure.
  7. fishboy619

    Puffers..... 10 Gal.....

    i have 3 dwarf puffers in as 15 gallon, i did have 4, but one was aggressive and lives lone in a 5gallon. my 3 in the 15g are very pieceful, the tank is well planted with lots of caves. it also have 3 ottos, a apple snail thats bigger then the puffers, and 1 ghost shrimp. although i wouldnt...
  8. fishboy619

    What Kind Is This?

    looks like ghost shrimp mine bend like that too, probally cleaning itself.
  9. fishboy619

    New Pond!

    what a lovely pond, better then mine, lol. any stock in mind?
  10. fishboy619

    Stocking 10 Gallon?

    maybe they mean when they die of old age, as they dont want to sell them or give them away, they are willing to look after the fish till they pass on... as for the shrimps and betta, some shrimps are usally fine, amano and ghost shrimps are often ok with a betta. smaller shrimps like cherries...
  11. fishboy619

    Fish Quiz

    sorry for asking the wrong question, i didnt realise you had to make it so easy, i did do reseach, but it seems not enough, sorry i asked a question. the answer i was looking for, as i didnt know lots of fish could walk on land, was climbing perch. this quiz used to be fun
  12. fishboy619

    Dyed Fish

    me too, its true aswell.
  13. fishboy619

    Algea Eaters

    for algea, ottos ive found are the best fish, but need mature and well maintained set-ups. my amano shrimps makes light work fo algea, and my pitbull plec also eats a fair amount of algea too. cories dont eat algea though
  14. fishboy619

    Stocking 10 Gallon?

    might work, usally no problems between the betta and cardinals, no issues with mine together
  15. fishboy619

    Will Cories Eat Veggies?

    my cories graze over cucmber, sometimes nibble of brocolii, and maybe finish off a bit of lettuce. but often they leave them alone, prefering foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp and tetra tabimin
  16. fishboy619

    Fish Quiz

    my question? erm...damn, now i have to think of one what fish can walk on land?
  17. fishboy619

    Stocking 10 Gallon?

    i dont think rams and bettas would get along, just my opinion tho, never tried it. maybe a shoal of "dull" tetras like black neons
  18. fishboy619

    What To Put In A 5g

    platies need atleast 10gallon, so do neons. and the shoal needs to be bigger too. atleast 5+ is whats recomended.fry tanks is a good use for 5g, aslong as they are being moved when older.
  19. fishboy619

    Pygmy Corys

    i still dont agree with adding more fish, but yes, atleast 3+. guppies dont even belong in a 5gallon, 10 is much better.endlers are fine in a 5gallon, well better then gups.
  20. fishboy619

    Hey Post Your Pictures Of Your Favourite Pet And Rate It Above Out Of

    my hamster that died a few months ago. shadow his name was.
  21. fishboy619

    Pygmy Corys

    jesus! 5 goldfish in a 1 gallon, im suprised they arent all dead now, sorry to be harsh, but come on, its wey over stocked, 1 goldfish needs 30g, and another 10 for extra fish.70gallons the goldfish would need, minmum. they will get stunted and die wey too early in the 1g.
  22. fishboy619

    From This To This meaning me, i didnt send you any riccia? i havent got any riccia. but yourselcome anyway, lol.
  23. fishboy619

    Fish Quiz

    firstly, i find that a little offensive, you may think your better then these common fish and can keep more oddballs etc, but for me, and for many others, tetras, gouramies, cories, ottos are fantastic fish that not only look good, but also have a very good use like the ottos eating algea. and...
  24. fishboy619

    Going To The Suface A Lot

    it may be the water quality, whats your readings, sometimes funny levels can make fish go a bit crazy. other than then, either low oxygen or just mad pygmy cories, lol. any other fish with them?
  25. fishboy619

    Pygmy Corys

    no pygmy cories, as you said, its over stocked and guppies really belong in tanks 10 gallon or bigger. pygmy cories would go in a 6gallons, but not with 5 guppies.
  26. fishboy619

    Post A Pic Of Your Fish And Rate Fish Above You

    9/10 for the platy. good central fish and nice coloring. C.harbrosus pygmy cory otto kuhlii loaches hiding out
  27. fishboy619

    What To Put In A 5g

    apart from bettas, dwarf puffers, bumble bee gobies, shrimps ( shrimp tanks are ace) snails, ADF's, pygmy sunfish. heres a website about small fish. of course, you will have to do more research about them before buying them, and most are probally had to find, but its worth it...
  28. fishboy619

    Corydoras Substrate?

    sharp gravel is a no-no. smooth round gravel is fine if there is no other option, but sand is the best IMO. sand mimicks the natural enviroment and helps them to feed. they is no danger if barbles becomming infected or waring away.
  29. fishboy619

    Platy With Betta?

    what size tank is the betta in? often livebearers and bettas dont work, but it can work sometimes, high risk though.
  30. fishboy619

    Feeding Time...

    tetra tabimin or tetra prima in the morning, and bloodworms,brine shrimp, daphina or glass worms in the evening. i feed loads as there as to be enough for all my cories, kuhliis, shrimps and my platies that pick up the food off the floor.
  31. fishboy619


    how fast do snails multiply : how fast can you count? the eggs could be either snails or fishes. but usally snails will either have live young or have clusters of eggs. it would help if the species of snail was known
  32. fishboy619

    Help With A Problem Platy...

    im glad its all sorted out, i might add a few more female then.
  33. fishboy619

    Advice For 3 Gallon Tank

    i wouldnt subject a betta to that tank, its too small IMO, needs atleast 5gallons. a shrimp tank however would be better, plenty of intresting shrimps out there.
  34. fishboy619

    African Dwarf Frogs Tank Size

    no its too small. ADF's still need room to move and i think 1 and half gallon isnt enough, i wouldnt put 1 in there. the frogs tanks also needs to be filtered and heated as the frogs are quite weak when it comes to water quality and need warm waters, its hard to achive in a tank so small. 3...
  35. fishboy619

    Freshwater Small Puffers

    firstly, bettas dont come from small confinded spaces in the wild, the bettas we buy are mostly tank bred, and even in the wild, the waters they come from are shallow, but range for miles. they are no way by means small, plus all the plants and natural weak movement of the water makes the water...
  36. fishboy619

    Freshwater Small Puffers

    i think 6 gallons is fine for 1 dwarf puffer. it probally wouldnt get on with the cories though.
  37. fishboy619

    6ft X 2ft X 3ft Tank!

    wound you say 75g is over stocked with 8 discus? what size are they?
  38. fishboy619

    How Many Cories Can I Fit In My 60liter Long Tank.

    60lt is about 12 gallons UK and 15gallons US. in my 60lt, i have some pygmy cories, because they are smaller, you can get more of them.
  39. fishboy619

    Up & Running!

    more plants means the bettas line of sight will be broken so it will see the other fish less,and it helps other fish to swim away if any attacked was to be made. tetras are good tank mates, sometimes they will nip the bettas fins, but keep an eye out just in case. what catfish? some grow big...
  40. fishboy619

    Pigmy Puffers

    have a look at other topics in this section and the pinned topic at the top of the page, tell you all you need to know. usally no fish can be kept with them, as it goes with my lone dwarf puffer in a 5gallon, but i do have ottos and apple snails with a trio in my 15 gallon.