Pygmy Corys


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2006
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hi i have a six g tank with 5 guppys does any one think i could get 3 pygmy corys in there? Please dont shout at me cos i know i will be slightly overstocked but i do reguler water changers and im running a fluval1+ filter
many thanks
You'd be fine

I know some will say you'll be overstocked following the 1 inch/gallon rule but the good will rule says you're fine! :)
Guppies and pygmy cory's don't produce much waste, so as long as you do keep on top of your maintainance you should be fine!
no pygmy cories, as you said, its over stocked and guppies really belong in tanks 10 gallon or bigger. pygmy cories would go in a 6gallons, but not with 5 guppies.
I know things do change but when I was a kid....(I'm 64 now) Old water was good water, breeders bred Angel fish in 10 gal tanks,( some still do), If you had a air stone you could double the number of fish, with a filter triple was OK. It was expected that big fish would not get big in a small tank.
OK..... Science has shown much of this was wrong but......I did have Angels and Discus together in a 20 High and they lived for many years. I had a room full of tanks and bred varius species of fish.
( actualy The fish did the breeding)
It's probably not ideal but you can keep a lot of fish in a small tank IF you give them proper care.
I was at my Grand daughters house last night. She has 5 goldfish in a 1 gal tank with an undergravel filter. I assured her dad that they would not live long.. He informed me that they were from a school project last year and had been there for at least a year! Don T.
jesus! 5 goldfish in a 1 gallon, im suprised they arent all dead now, sorry to be harsh, but come on, its wey over stocked, 1 goldfish needs 30g, and another 10 for extra fish.70gallons the goldfish would need, minmum. they will get stunted and die wey too early in the 1g.
jesus! 5 goldfish in a 1 gallon, im suprised they arent all dead now, sorry to be harsh, but come on, its wey over stocked, 1 goldfish needs 30g, and another 10 for extra fish.70gallons the goldfish would need, minmum. they will get stunted and die wey too early in the 1g.

Its actually 20g for 1 goldfish, and 10g for each after :) The 5 goldfish in this tank are surviving, but I wouldn't say its a pleasurable existance.
i'd say it to be fine they live in diff parts of the tank but you cant get enymore than that
thanks all i know im pushing it slightly on the stocking level but im very good at the upkeep of the tank. pygmy corys are best kept in a minum of 3s is that correct?
i still dont agree with adding more fish, but yes, atleast 3+.
guppies dont even belong in a 5gallon, 10 is much better.endlers are fine in a 5gallon, well better then gups.

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