Going To The Suface A Lot


Fish Herder
Aug 3, 2006
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Baltimore, MD
My pygmy cories in my 6-gallon seem to be going up to the surface for some air more than my pandas do in my 29-gallon. I'll see them do it maybe twice an hour. Is this okay? I have a filter that moves the water around and I have live plants, so I don't think oxygen is a problem. When they dart to the surface real quick to get some air, does it mean I have an oxygen issue?
A lot of times this is a oxygen issue, how often do you do water changes and at what percentage?
it may be the water quality, whats your readings, sometimes funny levels can make fish go a bit crazy.
other than then, either low oxygen or just mad pygmy cories, lol.
any other fish with them?
How high is your temp as it getting abit warmer now, and you have to increase aeration.

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