Platy With Betta?


Mar 13, 2007
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I was considering getting a few platy's to room with my betta.Is it a good plan?I mean I've thought about it and I'm curious,would my betta,Tatsu rip them apart or let them be?
I would say "no"- once i kept some small half grown platy fry with my old betta years ago, but he was very agressive towards them and constantly chased them (they also tryed to nip his tail a couple of times too), so i had to remove them very quickly from the tank.
Livebearers in general and betta's don't tend to mix very well.
Thanks, yo.I might as well just go and get some corys to go with him or something.
I'd second the question - how big is your tank?

Whenever I've kept bettas in community-type set-ups, I've included either swordtails or platies without issue. I've also kept them with endler's but that was a one-off - I don't know how well it would work in other circumstances. Mollies or guppies would be a definite no-no, IMO, but I don't think it's that clear-cut with platies.
ive got a female Betta with five Mollies and two Platies, but they arent as aggressive, from experience id say your ok but bettas are strange as you cant generalise there behaviour, some are peaceful some are as aggressive as hell

i'd say ok but have an extra tank incause your betta wont get along thats is wat i will do.

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