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  1. F

    Need A Little Help

    Slight change -- I'll be keeping the res (he's about 4" now -- rescue that will put out in our real pond when he gets big enough) in a 29 along with a small fish or 2, and I will also have another 29 g for the firemouth and whatever tankmates. Do you think that would be large enough (for a...
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    Stress Zyme & Keeping The Tank Clean

    Stress Zyme, I think, is pretty much like Amquel -- it gets rid of ammo, nitrates and nitrites. It doesn't replace wc, but does help a lot, esp if you run behind on maintenance (like when you take a vacation... you can add some when you first get back to help deal with any problems until you...
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    Need A Little Help

    Hey folks - it's been a while since I've been on, and now I need some serious help. We're expecting a baby in a while and some of the tanks have to come down (at least for a while, until we add on to the house). I'm having horrible trouble trying to figure out what to keep and what to return, so...
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    Peppermint Shrimp

    Now I do (a valentini puffer, though he hasn't bothered a soul yet - it's been about a month and half) but before I got him I only had a oc. clown, a yellow watchman, a lm blenny and a coral beauty angelfish. They never have been out and about like my skunk/cleaner shrimp was (he did mid-molt a...
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    Peppermint Shrimp

    I've had 2 for a while now (I guess about 6-8 months) but I never see them. Is there any thing I can do to encourage them to come out more?
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    Invert Population

    OK, well, I am thinking along the lines of regular shrimp (peppermint, cleaner, etc), starfish, crabs/hermits, urchins... Is there a formula to know when a certain number is too many?
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    Invert Population

    How much is too much when it comes to stocking inverts in a tank? What is the general rule?
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    Sw Tank - New Lr Arrangement

    What do you think of this set up? It didn't come out looking quite as I had hoped, but I think I like it all right. The picture is rubbish, but you can see how it looks, at least. All opinions/advice welcome! Oh, and yes the yellow thing is fake... my little boy was just sure the clown fish...
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    My New Tank

    Looks great! I did the same with my shells. During the first water change after fish were added I moved the shells all around and so much gunk came out I decided to remove them. I like the setup though!
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    A Few New Pix

    Wow! What an eye! That is in fact my bubble-tip brittle star. I love watching him when he comes out good. Everyone that comes over calls him an octupus! LOL I have to figure out how to take better pictures. Like the background in real life isn't any where near that blue. I just don't know how...
  11. F

    Blue Rams

    Awesome!!! I love rams...
  12. F

    Question About

    No problem, I know how it is when you already know about something and others keep telling you the same thing. In tahneen's defense though, I'm sure he had no way of knowing what you already knew. To recap, if I had your tank, I'd stock it with a pair of rams, I'd up the tiger barbs to 8, then...
  13. F

    Question About

    Let's be nice, fellas. To answer your question, there may be a problem with them once the rams start breeding. If I were you I'd go ahead and rehome the pictus cats and then you'd have room for some kuhli loaches or cory cats... something along those lines. I've had both of those with my rams...
  14. F

    A Few New Pix

    Here's his tank. He shares it with a few platies and their babies right now. I hate the color that basking light gives off - very yellow! Sorry about that! He constantly changes the plants and things around, too. Crazy little thing.
  15. F

    Dwarf Cichlids

    In a 20g I'd do a pair of rams, a small school (5-6) of rummy-nosed tetras or harlequin rasboras and then maybe a few hatchets for the top level. You may could even add a few kuhli loaches.
  16. F

    Question About

    I'm not sure how large the pictus cats will get, so you may need to rehome them before long. If they stay small or you remove them though the rams will be great with the tigers. You could get a nice pair, add some driftwood and flat river rocks and keep the tank soft/acidic and at about 80...
  17. F

    Dwarf Cichlid Tank Stock Ideas

    You could do an angelfish. You could also go with a pair of kribensis... beautiful fish! If I were you I'd also make the 2 schools a little larger - maybe bump them up to 7-8 of each. In that size tank I think they'd do great. Also, just a suggestion, I would even consider just having one of...
  18. F

    Does Stocking Sound Ok?

    I'd go with 1 angel, 1 pair of rams, 1 shark, and then a group of 15 rummy-noses (they are awesome in large schools!) That will give the rams enough room so there shouldn't be too much problem with the shark and the angel will grow to a nice size and rather quickly if the water is kept clean and...
  19. F

    Mixing Larger Americans

    I would go with a group of rosy barbs or tiger barbs, myself -- very active and as long as you keep at least 7 they'll behave. Oh and you'll love the firemouth and the severum... they're really nice looking!
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    My Tank Rescape!

    I think it looks great! The rocks really add a natural feel to it, too. Great job!
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    Stocking Ideas

    Personally I think they'd be a bit overstocked. In the first half I'd do without the bleeding hearts and add a few barbs (they tend to be less nippy if kept in a larger group of say 5 or 6). The next half I think will be ok, though I'm not real familiar with orange goodieds, so you may want to...
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    A Few New Pix

    Here are a few of my fish... there is a valentini puffer (who now eats from my hands!), a clown, a coral beauty angelfish, a group shot including my cleaner shrimp, a lawnmower blenny (can you find him??) and then Crush, my red-eared slider. I know they aren't great pix, but I just can't really...
  23. F

    He's Spoiled....

    My valentini puffer, who I just got a few days ago, is already spoiled! She will eat, but only a little, unless I hand feed her. She will actually eat from my hand already! She's such a cutie, too, buzzing around the tank. She has the angelfish and clown so much more active, as well. Even if she...
  24. F

    Rearranging Lr

    Cool beans! I'll be working on it tonight probably. I'll post some pix when I'm done to get some feedback. I don't have much in the way of pretty colors on the rocks, bc my lighting is pathetic, but hopefully it'll look ok. Thanks for the help (again!) :thumbs:
  25. F

    Rearranging Lr

    That's exactly the look I'm after! Thanks for the link! And you're sure the weight not being even won't be an issue? (Yeah, I'm a little paranoid!) Thanks again!
  26. F

    What Could Be My Next Fish?

    I love my coral beauty angelfish. The rusty angelfish are really nice looking, too. You could do clown, of course, or a firefish - they're really pretty. Royal Gramma's a super fish, too, IMO. There are quite a few you could go with. If I were you I'd look in the fish index, too, and see what...
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    Rearranging Lr

    I am thinking of arranging my lr so that it's stacked up on one side, then tapers down towards the other side. The right side of the tank would be open sand, with a little open sand along the front and back edges for cleaning purposes. I have 2 questions, though. One is whether the weight would...
  28. F


    I'm not sure about the pictus cats, but I'm sure someone else can answer that for you. For decor I'd just add some driftwood and rocks so there will be broken up areas that each cichlid can claim for territory. The rest of your decor sounds fine.
  29. F

    Room Temperature

    The 2 29g have 150w, the twenty (turtle) has a 50w (I know it's alittle small, but I thought it would be ok since it's only about 15-16g of water), and the tens have 50w. I'll just have to tinker around and see what I can discover, I think.
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    Room Temperature

    Sorry, Bignose, the tank I'm most concerned with is a turtle tank, hence the respiratory infection possibility. I apologize for the confusion! :P Mark, that is exactly what I thought heaters should do, but most of mine do not. They are all fairly new, too, no more than a year or old. All...
  31. F

    Room Temperature

    Hhmmm... interesting. I have one tank I'm a little concerned with, bc the cooler water can cause respiratory infections, but for the most part all of the fish are ok at 72-74 degrees. I was hoping there was a way to make the heater stay on longer so that it would warm the water up more, but I...
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    I have black on my turtle, shelly and rams tanks, dark blue on my salt water, and a picture of stacked stones in the south/central american cichlid tank.
  33. F

    Room Temperature

    How much does the room temperature affect the water temp in a tank that has a heater? It seems that my tanks are never as warm in the winter as they are in the summer, even with the heaters set the same (or even a little higher). How much of a difference is considered normal?
  34. F

    Help, What Is This?

    I always leave mine in, only removing some if they get over populated. It's a good measurement of how you're feeding your fish.... if there is a huge explosion of them then you're overfeeding. I think they add charm and they help in the cleaning area, too. That's just my opinion though.
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    Heater Question

    well, dang... I was hoping not to have to buy another heater. I guess I'll have to though. Thanks for the advice fellas!
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    Quick Filter Question

    Just wanted to say that it's working great! I had to add a piece of rock under the water to help soften the water movement, but the filter is staying put just fine.
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    Heater Question

    Can you put a submersible heater in a tank that is smaller than what the heater is rated for? The heater in my turtle tank (20g tank, about 16g water) is just not keeping it warm enough and the only other heater I could use in a 200w. I don't know if this will over heat the heater and mess it up...
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    Recommend A Centrepiece Fish?

    I'd do a trio of pearls - 1m, 2 fm. Fits the coloration pretty well and will add a nice touch.
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    Last Inhabitant

    Will do! I'm sure I'll have some other questions after I pick her up tomorrow... :fun:
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    Quick Filter Question

    It's a whisper 20i... it's in my turtle tank. I just took the hook off and put on the 2nd cup, and so far, so good. I'll double-check it before I go to bed tonight just to be safe.