Does Stocking Sound Ok?


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
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Stocking for what my tank will be...

Juwel rio 125 (125 litres)
Planted tank
External tetra ex600 filter

20 cardinal tetras
5 german blue rams (2m 3f)
2 Discus (ive read that Discus can be kept in no lower than 100 litres for a pair so is my tank adequate?)
6 cory cats

Its an amazon fish tank, if anyone has any other suggestions or if they want to comment/criticise my list then go ahead, id rather have a good list than a bad one :rolleyes:

Cheers for reading
Stocking for what my tank will be...

Juwel rio 125 (125 litres)
Planted tank
External tetra ex600 filter

20 cardinal tetras
5 german blue rams (2m 3f)
2 Discus (ive read that Discus can be kept in no lower than 100 litres for a pair so is my tank adequate?)
6 cory cats

Its an amazon fish tank, if anyone has any other suggestions or if they want to comment/criticise my list then go ahead, id rather have a good list than a bad one :rolleyes:

Cheers for reading
cut down on the rams or the discus and i think you'll be fine.
German blue rams form pairs not hareems so keeping 3 females to 2 males might cause issues. Two pairs would form and the remaining female would be harassed by both, causing undue stress. Instead how about just keeping 2 pairs? They should each have enough territory and it would be very interesting watching them interact with eachother. If your lucky they might even breed. Just make sure to have some densely planted areas for them to retreat to if need be. I don't know anything about discus, but I have a feeling they need to be in larger groups to shoal - someone else should be able to clarify this (don't take my word for it, lol). Other than that it sounds like a great tank stock-list. (If the discus don't work, how about a pair of angles perhaps). HTH
i put 5 blue rams because i thought it would stop aggression of the males chasing specific females :blush:
Does anyone know how quick angels grow?
I have 2 stocking lists now as i kno discus are off, please say which you would get and why...

Stocking 2

15-20 cardinal tetras
4 german blue rams
4 angelfish
6 cory cats
1 albino rainbow shark (these just have to be on my stocking)

Stocking 2

20 cardinal tetras
15 rummynosed tetras
1 albino rainbow shark
6 cory cats
4 german blue rams
(maybe another fish you can think off)

I would cut back on the amount of tetras you are having in the tank. In option 2 you have 35, I feel this will be too much for a tank thats 81x36x50cm. The albino RTS might also be a problem with aggression towards other fish.

In honesty I think both options are overstocked, though I do not know that much about such fish, I feel it would be too much for that a tank with that footprint.
125 litres is about 33 US gallons which means you can have about 33 inches of fish (1 per gallon). If you have good filtration and do regular water changes you may be able to exceed this level, but for beginners it is not recomended until you have some more experience under your belt. If it were my tank this is what I might do:
6 cardinal tetras
6 rummynosed tetras
2 (or 4 rams depending on how much cover you provide for them)
2 angel fish
5 corys
Even then, that might be pushing it in terms of stocking levels and you should build up to it slowly. I don't know anything about albino rainbow sharks, but if they are agressive I would be inclined to leave them out as they will only cause problems - especially if your rams and angels decide to breed. I know it's hard when you have your mind set on a fish, but sometimes things just don't work. I hope this helps you. I would also recomend you have a browse around the beginner section and read up on cycling and other topics that will help you start out on the right foot - they certainly helped me! And keep the questions coming! :good:
125 litres is about 33 US gallons which means you can have about 33 inches of fish (1 per gallon). If you have good filtration and do regular water changes you may be able to exceed this level, but for beginners it is not recomended until you have some more experience under your belt. If it were my tank this is what I might do:
6 cardinal tetras
6 rummynosed tetras
2 (or 4 rams depending on how much cover you provide for them)
2 angel fish
5 corys
Even then, that might be pushing it in terms of stocking levels and you should build up to it slowly. I don't know anything about albino rainbow sharks, but if they are agressive I would be inclined to leave them out as they will only cause problems - especially if your rams and angels decide to breed. I know it's hard when you have your mind set on a fish, but sometimes things just don't work. I hope this helps you. I would also recomend you have a browse around the beginner section and read up on cycling and other topics that will help you start out on the right foot - they certainly helped me! And keep the questions coming! :good:
this is good advice. :good:
I'd go with 1 angel, 1 pair of rams, 1 shark, and then a group of 15 rummy-noses (they are awesome in large schools!)
That will give the rams enough room so there shouldn't be too much problem with the shark and the angel will grow to a nice size and rather quickly if the water is kept clean and the tank isn't overstocked.
I think that would be a fantastic looking tank!

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