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Fish Crazy
Nov 25, 2007
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I have recently decided that i absolutely love the german blue rams and i am very interested into purchasing some in the near future, i wanted to know what if any special treatment they need and if they are compatible with the fish that are listed in my signature. also if they need to be bought in pairs. and another advice on housing the amazing fish.
I'm not sure how large the pictus cats will get, so you may need to rehome them before long.
If they stay small or you remove them though the rams will be great with the tigers. You could get a nice pair, add some driftwood and flat river rocks and keep the tank soft/acidic and at about 80 degrees. You must keep the water clean though or they will not do well.
Beautiful fish -- I think you'll really like them.
Hope this helps!
thank you fishwatcher, are they rams bad with pictus cats????, and yes i realize the tank size issue, it will be taken car of when the time comes
the pictus cat will only reach 5 inches max but they need alot of open room in a tank that sixe and they need alot of ground room if you Know what i mean :good:
yes, as i said, i know about the pictus cat situation and what they need, i plan on taking care of that and at the same time i want to do the rams, and this thread is about rams, not pictus cats, do pictus cats and german blue rams go together or not???
Let's be nice, fellas.
To answer your question, there may be a problem with them once the rams start breeding. If I were you I'd go ahead and rehome the pictus cats and then you'd have room for some kuhli loaches or cory cats... something along those lines.
I've had both of those with my rams before and there was never any problem. The loaches and cories both learned to stay away from them when they were breeding. Rams aren't terribly aggressive or mean, but they are cichlids and will defend their brood.
With the pictus cats, since they get so big and are bottom-dwellers, you would be better off removing them before/at the same time as you add the rams. No need in upsetting the tank just when the rams are getting settled, ya know?
ok, thanks for the advice fishwatcher, and about that mean comment i made, its only because i have had about 100 people tell me that i need to get rid of the cats, which is why i am looking into other possible fish so that when i do move them i will have an idea as to what i will do with the extra space but i do appreciate the help.
No problem, I know how it is when you already know about something and others keep telling you the same thing. In tahneen's defense though, I'm sure he had no way of knowing what you already knew.
To recap, if I had your tank, I'd stock it with a pair of rams, I'd up the tiger barbs to 8, then add a bottom dweller like a group of 5-6 cories or khulies. That would give you lots of activity and still keep your stocking levels good.
Let me know what you end up going with! :good:
thanks alot fishwatcher, ill do that as soon as i make the money to get all the things i need :good:

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