Recommend A Centrepiece Fish?


Fish Crazy
Jan 8, 2007
Reaction score
Shropshire, England
My boyfriend's 29g is currently home to three pictus catfish and six black phantom tetras. The mid and upper water levels look a bit empty, and I thought it would be nice to have either one or a pair of 'centrepiece' fish to complete the tank by adding interest higher up. I'm having trouble thinking of something that wouldn't grow too big - I thought perhaps dwarf gouramies but have only heard bad things about their susceptibility to disease. Any ideas? Ideally I would like the fish to match the silver/black/hint of blue theme of the current inhabitants.
For 29 gallons I wouldn't have silver sharks. They get much too big and need to be in shoals.
If you want upper level, go for a golden panchax/african butterfly fish (just make sure that other fish arn't of eatable size).
what about a few silver sharks, quite fun to watch

silver sharks would require a much larger tank

I can't really think of any larger fish atm that would fit with the colour theme but a shoal of black widow tetras could be a possibility. or how about rainbows. madagascan rainbows have silver, black and blue tints along with a small amount of red and yellow.
another option could be narayan barbs if you can find them
I wouldn't put silver sharks in anything less than a six footer so no worries on that account :good:

The black widow tetras would be too similar to the phantoms, but the rainbows look fab - definitely something to investigate, cheers!

shroob - He will LOVE the butterfly - he was attracted to the pictus because of their quirky whiskers and predatory habits, and this one is even more quirky. Will have to read up on them and see if it would be suitable.
Pictus Catfish need at least 50 Gallons. Silver Sharks need at least 75 Gallons

I disagree - I've never seen pictus cats (Pimelodus Pictus) grow bigger than 4.5 inches, and that was with mature specimens in my uncle's six foot community tank. Pimelodus Blochii (four line pictus) do grow bigger and would probably need 50g.

Agree with you on the silver sharks though.
a proved pair of angels if you can get your hands on them would be nice. Or even just one angel.
Just dont do what I did - I couldn't find pearls so after a while I got impatient and picked up a blue gourami instead, thinking "similar size, similar species, should be fine..." The blue gourami started killing my platy though :(
:eek: Is there really that much difference in aggression between the gourami species? Had been looking at blue gouramis and am very much put off them now.

Just called the LFS and they are having some pearls in next week, will go take a look at them :)
Three spots are possibly known for being slightly more territorial than the pearls, so in a small tank with more than 1 male you may have a problem, but generally i'd say with similar sized tankmates they would be ok.

Just out of interest which LFS do you shop at?
Three spots are possibly known for being slightly more territorial than the pearls, so in a small tank with more than 1 male you may have a problem, but generally i'd say with similar sized tankmates they would be ok.

Just out of interest which LFS do you shop at?

The pictus cats won't take any mess from a mere gourami :p The tank is well planted enough for the tetras to get out of the way if needs be, but I'd only be looking at one male in a tank this size anyway so hoping it won't be a problem.

I shop at Maidenhead Aquatics, both the Telford and Mere Park (Wolverhampton) ones, Dolittles near Wolverhampton and Ripples Waterlife in Telford. :)

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