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  1. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    This is something I never seen before. This morning I found 15 more eggs from Panda. No, no that is not surprise but I found 1 set of triplet! :hyper: They usually lay the egg singly or twins in once a while but never triplet until today. BTW, she left 3 sets of twins also. And rest were...
  2. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I did find 9 more eggs this morning. 5 on the front glass, 2 more in the back glass and 2 more in the Java Moss. And I did saw 2 egg mark on the glass so someone must be ate the eggs. :angry: And I did look hard try to find the 10th egg but I couldn't.
  3. N

    Is She Eggbound

    What kind is she? And are there any suitable male(s) with her?
  4. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Hi Orange shark, The survivors from the earliest spawn are about 1". Unfortunately, I still have trouble raising them. I only have handful of offspring growing. Which is not many considering the number of eggs I collected over the 4 months or so. So I am still try to figure the better...
  5. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I did collect 75 eggs this evening. 32 on the glass/decoration/heater and poerhead. :rolleyes: And 43 more in the spawning mop.
  6. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Yeah, s/he must be one tough cookie. I just leave him/her alone. I just kep collect the unhatched only. I did find 13 eggs in the Java Moss this morning. They do still hide but they do not run away. :shifty:
  7. N

    I Got Frank's Weitzmani's :)

    Hi Polardbear, That is so interesting. Because I have totally opposite. I did get small 12 wild caught Green Laser shipped from FL middle of last month. They are about 1 1/2" TL. And I just run into big Orange Laser at the local store last week. They are about the twice the size of...
  8. N

    Black C. Aenus .....

    Hey jollysue, Don't worry about me. You do not need to apologize. After all I should've used the correct terms. I can see your point after I think about it longer and deeply. "Man made" does sounds like some kind of non-alive object like robot or products come to think of it. And I...
  9. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I found 40 eggs on 7/29(sun), 2 eggs 7/30(Mon), and 53 eggs! on 8/1(Tue). I'm sure most were in the Java Moss. I also saw something today. No eggs it seems but I saw one self surviving small fry about 1/2"TL and just about to show the adult coloring. :hyper: So I would say, a month or...
  10. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Last few days some reason I could not connect to this site, *&%& computer. :angry: Anyway, I got 61 more eggs on 8/1(Wed), 40 more on 8/2(Thu) and 12 on 8/3(Fri).
  11. N

    Black C. Aenus .....

    I am sorry to cause the heated argument or resentment.,etc. I just typed the term "man made" before think it deeply. I meant to say was "selective bred". It is solely my lack of understanding and command of English language. And I sincerely regret the miss use of the word. -_-
  12. N

    Black C. Aenus .....

    This maybe little off topic but I always wonder which species they are developed from. You know the Black Aeneus is man made. Must be selective bred. And looking my C.Melanotaenia and make me wonder if they are the specie which used. I see the similarity of their body shape and fin color...
  13. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I did find 38 eggs last night. Some reason the female decide to make eggs at night. 14 was on the glass and rest were in the spawning mop. And again this morning, one of the female decide to make some eggs after the breakfast. So I collect 43 more eggs this afternoon. 19 on the glass and...
  14. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I guess I should add some update of them. Since the beginning of the month, I don't think they spawned. So the big spawning week from June, they grew to 1/2" SL and about 1/8 scale of parents. It was about 550+ eggs I collected. And now I have about 200 of them. I just moved 100 of them...
  15. N

    Frustrating, So Frustrating...

    You are very welcome. It is not always you can do it right from the beginning and sometime you just have to keep at it. And it also vary by the many factors like the age of the fish, type of specie., etc. I now have 200+ 1/2" C.Mlanotaenias. I collect about 550+ eggs in a span of...
  16. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Well, this morning I saw something make you smile and warm your heart. :wub: As usual, I was syphoning out some water so I can use the water to change the fry tanks. And I notice a dark egg on the root part of Java Fern. And I thought I missed the egg from few batch earlier. Anyway I...
  17. N

    Frustrating, So Frustrating...

    Hi jennybugs, I am no expert since I only have bred 3 species and any of them is the cory you have. And it is always somewhat different depends on the species and difficulty of raising the frys. And every person do differently and have success or unsuccess with one method or another. I...
  18. N

    I Got Frank's Weitzmani's :)

    Oh boy, you must be made out of "fish money". :shifty: You probably need more tanks than you are planning to put them in. I hear the seller in Jersey tend to put SOME EXTRA beside the fish listed on the auction. I don't think I can afford anymore fish(except 1 or 2 male C.Arcuatus as soon...
  19. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I forgot to post yesterday. I found 10 eggs in the morning. I only saw 1 in the Java Moss and I thought there must be more or got eaten so look around. And found 9 more on the sponge attachment of powerhead. :rolleyes: And this morning I found 26 more eggs. 1 on the front glass and 6 in...
  20. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I found 88 eggs this evening. 46 in the spawning mop but 42 more on the glass everywhere. :blink:
  21. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I did find 9 more eggs this morning. There were 1 on the front glass and 8 more in the Java Moss. so far so good. But I also saw 2 egg marks on the glass. So I know someone ate at least 2 eggs. :angry: You know the egg have to be lucky enough to be right place at right time.
  22. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I didn't know but while I was taking some water out I noticed little pearly ball in the Java Moss this morning. So I look among the Moss and there are 17 of them and 2 more in the spawning mop. So 19 more eggs.
  23. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    And while I was writing the last post, one of the female(must be 3rd one who didn't make eggs in the morning) decide to make some eggs at night. Which is really unusual. They almost always make eggs in the morning to early afternoon. And almost never at late evening. :blink: Anyway, so I...
  24. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    So I notice that they were getting busy around noon. And I saw the 2 females carrying eggs at same time. And made me think that the 2nd male get lucky today. Who is usually get beat by the dominant male if only 1 female is laying egg. But 2 females at same time, the 2nd male get his chance...
  25. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    It was pretty busy day for me today since the fish got busy. This morning, I saw some eggs on the glass and it seems one of the female is attempt to eat. So I figure I better collect as soon as possible. Even before have my morning coffee. Anyway, there are 21 eggs on the front glass, 3...
  26. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I guess I missed again. I did collect 14 eggs on 7/16 Monday. All was in the Java moss but 6 was old. And I did collect 31 more eggs this morning(7/19), all was in the Java Moss.
  27. N

    Angel Eggs

    Where the heck have you been? I thought you are gone to the place without internet and broke my heart. :-( Some of the tiny Neons joined to their parents, aunts and uncles in the community tank. At first they were forming their tiny fish union and stick together but now they are about...
  28. N

    New Cories Coming My Way!

    Good for you. :good: It is always nice to get new fishy. As you may know I got 4 new Corys this month. Which it doubled by my variety of Corys. Speaking of new Corys I have few questions. Do you know how big do the "green Laser" get? I got them group but they are still small and...
  29. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Hey Bozza, No, no that is not stupid question. Especially I never mentioned about where it is before. I used to just let it free-float(it has cork from the wine bottle tied to the top) and usually it end up tangle up with the airtube from the powerhead. And that is the one of the...
  30. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I guess the weather turned down enough that it is acceptable for them. They left me more eggs today. Now I know one of the female like to leave eggs all over the place. I collected 107 eggs total but found 48 on all over the places(glass, decoration, driftwood, plastic part of powerhead.,etc)...
  31. N

    I Got 5 C. Adolfoi!

    Hey Bozza, Good for you. Get your favorite Cory with the price you can't refuse. :lol: Smaller size mean you have more time to pumper them and give them good enviroment to raise them healthy. Not to mention, they should have more time with you. I read somewhere some Corys can live up...
  32. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I know it got hot last few days around here. But this must be the longest stretch I didn't get any eggs from them, but I saw them start this afternoon. So I figure it's gonna be pretty good batch. I found 157 or so eggs, 10 on the glass and rest was in the spawning mop. I don't know how many...
  33. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Found 14 more eggs in the morning. 3 in the Java Moss, 10 in the spawning mop and 1 on the back glass.
  34. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    More eggs. This morning, I notice 2 eggs visible on the front glass. And yesterday was pretty warm also, it wasn't as hot as 2 days ago. But I know the tank water was around 80F. During the night, it did cool down a little since this morning we had little sprinkle and thunder and lightening...
  35. N

    Angel Question

    That is so interesting about their behavior. I hope it is not too late but I do think the small one have big eyes for his/her body size. I will try to get the med as soon as possible and hopefully s/he will grow.
  36. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Yesterday around here was record high temperature of 97F and fish tanks got really hot also. I think the it reached 84~86F. I worried and decide to turn off the light and leave the lids open. So I wasn't expecting any eggs from Pandas. But I notice the egg in the tank this morning when I...
  37. N

    Angel Question

    Hi Straydum, Thanks again for taking time to diagnose my problem. So you don't think the pecking or spatting is that S/he is trying to re-establish his/her territory? Because I see it majority of time just after the water change. I will keep eyes on the Angels that are between the size...
  38. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Hi digger, What kind of Cory do you have? Probably your method would work well on the Cory specie that lay the eggs in crustered fashion or the one lay lots of eggs. Like C.Anueus, C.Melanotaenia and many other corys which like to stick eggs on the glass in bunch. But from my experience...
  39. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I did find 17 more eggs this morning. I noticed 1 egg on the back glass and look for more eggs and they were in the Java Moss. Once again, 3 were darker so I must have missed from last batch. :blush: Those darn eggs always try to hide from me.
  40. N

    Angel Question
