Finally Sterbai Eggs

I know it got hot last few days around here. But this must be the longest stretch I didn't get any eggs from them, but I saw them start this afternoon. So I figure it's gonna be pretty good batch. I found 157 or so eggs, 10 on the glass and rest was in the spawning mop. I don't know how many females layed these eggs but my guess would be either 2 or all 3.
I guess the weather turned down enough that it is acceptable for them. They left me more eggs today. Now I know one of the female like to leave eggs all over the place. I collected 107 eggs total but found 48 on all over the places(glass, decoration, driftwood, plastic part of powerhead.,etc) and 59 in the spawning mop. I don't know if there is another female involved or not, but I see one of the female just go stick eggs at many places while I was there watching for a while.
I know this is a stupid question. But where are your spawning mops situated in your tanks? Floating free, Stationary? As always a interesting topic to read how many eggs you've collected and stuff
I know this is a stupid question. But where are your spawning mops situated in your tanks? Floating free, Stationary? As always a interesting topic to read how many eggs you've collected and stuff

Hey Bozza,

No, no that is not stupid question. Especially I never mentioned about where it is before.
I used to just let it free-float(it has cork from the wine bottle tied to the top) and usually it end up tangle up with the airtube from the powerhead. And that is the one of the prefered spot in the tank they deposit eggs. At the front corner of the tank where the current from the powerhead hit.
But now I intentionally hang it over the edge of the tank so it is stationed in the front corner.

Now I am wondering if I can collect more eggs in the spawning mop instead of all over the place, if I put more spawning mops also longer spawning mop which reach to the bottom or near bottom. The one I have right now is probably half way the tank depthespecially the current flow the yarn. Or even go further and place some sinking mop.

I think I need to experiment. It is not that bad scraping eggs from the higher part of glass but it sure harder when I try to take them from deeper side of the glass.

We'll see how it goes. All I know is one female among 3 do not care where she put the eggs and end up putting all over the place. It maybe worth putting spawning mop near the bottom part of the tank. The other two seems prefer the spawning mop near the water current.
So I notice that they were getting busy around noon. And I saw the 2 females carrying eggs at same time. And made me think that the 2nd male get lucky today. Who is usually get beat by the dominant male if only 1 female is laying egg. But 2 females at same time, the 2nd male get his chance.
And I need to run some errands and came back several hours later. And found about 180 eggs. About 50 on the glass and decorations and 130 in the spawning mop. I did placed one more spawning mop and weighted to stay on the bottom of the tank since the last time. I did find few eggs in there but spawning mop near the surface was more popular. And it did not eliminate the eggs on other places. :angry:
So I still need to dip my arm to my near elbow to scrape off some eggs from some hard to reach place.
And while I was writing the last post, one of the female(must be 3rd one who didn't make eggs in the morning) decide to make some eggs at night. Which is really unusual. They almost always make eggs in the morning to early afternoon. And almost never at late evening. :blink:
Anyway, so I have to pick more eggs at night. Although there weren't many but I collected 26 eggs, 2 on the decoration and 24 in the spawning mop.
I did find 38 eggs last night. Some reason the female decide to make eggs at night. 14 was on the glass and rest were in the spawning mop.

And again this morning, one of the female decide to make some eggs after the breakfast. So I collect 43 more eggs this afternoon. 19 on the glass and decoration and 24 were in the spawning mop.
Last few days some reason I could not connect to this site, *&%& computer. :angry:

Anyway, I got 61 more eggs on 8/1(Wed), 40 more on 8/2(Thu) and 12 on 8/3(Fri).
I did collect 75 eggs this evening. 32 on the glass/decoration/heater and poerhead. :rolleyes:
And 43 more in the spawning mop.

How big are the ones you got in the first month now? Wish you were near me, im looking for some sterbais now!

orange shark
Hi Orange shark,

The survivors from the earliest spawn are about 1". Unfortunately, I still have trouble raising them. I only have handful of offspring growing. Which is not many considering the number of eggs I collected over the 4 months or so.
So I am still try to figure the better way to raise them. Fortunately, they still continue produce eggs frequently. Also I am start to wonder if their spawns and frys get better as the time goes on. After all, this is only their first year of spawning.
I did collect 111 eggs this evening. 12 on the glass, 36 on the decoration and 63 more in the spawning mop.
I did find 57 eggs yesterday, like 11 were on the glass and decoration. and rest were in the spawning mop. I know I need to collect today also since they have been making more eggs this afternoon.

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