Frustrating, So Frustrating...


Eternally pruned fingers!
Feb 10, 2007
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Swinging London, UK.
I have some bronze corys and some shultz corys and they all display the typical mating dances. I've had three sets of eggs now, all of the layings have been totally unprompted by me as in unplanned, and each time I've removed eggs and got them to hatch perfectly.

The problem I am having is growing them on!

First time round, my LFS recommended I put the eggs in an ice cream tub with tank water and a drop of methyl blue, and see if they hatch. All of the eggs hatched and I had a whole tub full of fry who started to feed on infusoria. Each morning I'd come down to dead fry until they all died off within a few days.

Same the second time round.

Last time they laid eggs, I put them in the tub, they hatched, I changed the water with old tank water religiously, got them feeding on liquifry once their yolk sacs had gone, then as they were a week+ old, I got a fry net, put it in the main tank and popped the ones that survived in the net. They survived for 2 days then died :(

I'd love some advice from any experts on growing the fry on as there's so little info on the net (and believe me, I've searched high and low) :crazy:
Hi jennybugs,

I am no expert since I only have bred 3 species and any of them is the cory you have. And it is always somewhat different depends on the species and difficulty of raising the frys. And every person do differently and have success or unsuccess with one method or another.

I know most people use methyl blue or another fungcide chemical but I don't use any chemical to hatch the eggs. Instead I use some egg tumbler to make sure the eggs are not sit on the bottom to gather dust or get the fungus.
But you have no problem hatching them. I don't think you need to change.

I know most people raise them in bare bottom but I also know that flat smooth bottom tend to grow some slimmy coat bacteria coat which sometime make eggs/frys to fungus. Unless you scrub it often. So instead, I keep my frys in the container with thin layer of sands on the bottom as soon as they hatch. And I find it fungus less often.
And once they become free-swimming, I add few small Ramshorn snails and cherry red shrimps to clean the left over/dead body whatever. And also some Java moss. And do daily water change with water from the adult tank. I rarely use the infusoria but I use walter worms from free-swimming to until they become 1/2"TL or so. Then I start to mix some grind up dry food.
I usually keep them in small container with shallow water for few weeks. And make sure their stomach is full and round. And feed them often without fouling water. That is another reason live food is better than other food. They are less likely to foul water.

And about a month old or so, they will move to 5G or 10G with some kind of filter(sponge or HOB with intake covered with small mesh or sponge to avoid the frys to get sucked in), depends on the number of frys and size. And another month or so and they are 1/2" and start to show the coloration of adults, I move them to bigger tank again.

This is how I do. I'm sure it is not best way or only way to do. But it does work reasonably well enough for me. Although I still have to tinker with since I still have tough time raising C.Sterbai frys.

But hopefully this may help you in some way.
Thanks for that advice! I need to hear people's experiences and yu've already told me more than I've found through my searches. Thanks :D
You are very welcome.

It is not always you can do it right from the beginning and sometime you just have to keep at it.
And it also vary by the many factors like the age of the fish, type of specie., etc.

I now have 200+ 1/2" C.Mlanotaenias. I collect about 550+ eggs in a span of week about 2 month ago. And I collect almost 1,000 eggs a month from C.Sterbai and I only have handful of 1/2" fry from them so far. So I still need to find the better way to raise them.

So you just have to keep trying. :good: At least most of the Corydoras will spawn again. Some seems never stop once they start. :rolleyes: So you most likely have many more chance.
After several attempts, I finally have my first panda fry that looks like mama and daddy. It has a good chance of surviving now.

It takes time as NEONCORY said to get a method that works for you and your fish. And each fish is different and has a different survival rate.

I use the net in the parents' tank until they are quite large. I keep two nets in the pepper tank for two stages. I just set up a 5 usg fry grow out tank that I put my first larger batch in. Before it has been a couple or so at a time. I have learned to keep an air bubble of some sort under the net and I am learning which stages are the most vulnerable and when to move them....etc, etc, etc. With all you read and are told, it is still trial and error.

You are starting with a good species. The bronze are very forgiving and will continue to spawn for you.
Thing is I don't know if it's my bronzes or my schultzy boys :lol:

I will persevere with the net, but I find the fry can also get out through the holes! Gonna try some tights (pantyhose?) over the frame as that's closer knit than the net.
Nice to know it's trial and error tho. Been grilling the guys at my LFS too. Fingers crossed for next time! :D

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