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  1. N

    Worried About New Cory

    Is this mean you haven't set the tank for a while? If not, you might want to seed your new filter with your established tank filter medium. You could also borrow some substrate from the established tank. Also you might want to fill your new tank half with water from the establish tank and top...
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I knew this gonna happen sooner or later since I got these group of C.Melanotanias. I don't mean to be cocky or nothing but I saw them pretty excited few minutes after I put them in the tank. But I never thought it would happen this quick. I didn't see them perform but I just collected 62...
  3. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Found ~46~ eggs(12 on top corner on the glass, 6 in the spawning mop, 2 on the leaf of Anubias and 26 on the leaves of Java Ferns) So while looking for the eggs all over the place, I did some water change also. Since it was pretty good number of eggs, I put in the own container and split...
  4. N

    Is This Normal

    What are you feeding? They go after pretty persistant when you feed some kind of worms. They would easily bury half of face digging try to catch those tasty meal. Luckily I have all fine sands in the tank with Corys and they have easier time to dig. But sometime they try so hard that they...
  5. N

    Lost Pandas

    Also water parameter(temp, ph and gh/kh), the filter set upbeside what Tokis-Phoenix asked. I find Pandas like highly oxtgenated cool water with current, well at least mine does. I keep mine with HOB and powerhead with sponge. I have all the info in one of my thread. Also did your Pandas...
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    Angel Eggs

    Oh common Heather, you can have money. As a matter of fact lots of it. If you only grow those million babies and sell for say pound a fish. You would have million pounds! :hyper: I don't know about where you live but here in U.S, you can find used tank cheap. Heck quite often, people give...
  7. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Thanks AlexAndCarmen, No worry, I do have several empty tanks since I do pick up the used tank here there when I see the good deal. However, I do need to find the reliable heater that it keep the right temperature for Sterbai frys. I sure don't want to boil nor chill them. And I am...
  8. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    So this afternoon, I met another aquarium society member to trade some baby Pandas for some C. Melanotaenia. I told her I give her 12 Pandas for 8 Melanotania. But end up she can't find 8 but 5 and we decide to swap 5 Melanotaenia and 1 Melanistius for 9 baby Pandas. So I decide to do...
  9. N

    Angel Eggs

    Heather, Are you gonna give all away or keep some for yourself? Because now I am curious what do they look if one of your babies pair up and get babies. Are they all look like the parents. Or get 50% look like parents and another 25% look like gold and another 25% look like more stripe and...
  10. N

    Line Breed Or Colony Breed?

    I would say keep as many fish in the same tank. And fish will take care of the rest. Like I mentioned about my Sterbais tank, there are 2 males but I know one stronger one fertlize eggs most of the time if not all the time. The other male try to place himself in front of the female but the...
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    Line Breed Or Colony Breed?

    Hi Saphphx, I don't know exactly what is your question or what do you mean. But here is what I believe and try to implement. I have been raising many Panda frys from the eggs. I have been getting eggs from my Pandas regularly since last November. Although the group is consist of 4 adults...
  12. N

    Angel Eggs

    Heather, Are you ready to raise some baby brothers and sisters for them yet? I'm curious that if you got any other spawn from them after you were raising your picture models. Just a thought.
  13. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I collected about 37 eggs but 5 are darker so I must missed from last batch. Found 27 on the leaves of Java Fern, 3 on the glass and 2 on the Java/Xmas moss. This female prefer natural plants. It kind of funny that not always eggs are found at same place. So I am pretty sure that I am getting...
  14. N

    Breeding Angel - Female Died

    I'll say find the local breeder or small shop who would trade your big male for small group of juvis. I'm sure someone interested to obtain big and healthy male Angel. Or find the buyer and sell it and get group of young Angels. And grow them out and see you have a pair or 2.
  15. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    AlexAndCarmen, Yes, Pandas seem to lay egg almost always at night time. Sometime even after the lights are out. In the beginning, I used to watch for a while to see if they ever finish. And end up wait for 2 or 3 in the morning. But now day, I just collect eggs in the morning. Beside the...
  16. N

    Different Types School Together?

    I just realized that you never mentioned the size of the tank and what fish in it. I checked your profile and if you are talking about the 28G tank, then I don't see any problem putting 3~4 of each Cories(Green and Sterbai) if the water parameter is fit for them. I found my Sterbai prefer high...
  17. N

    Angel Eggs

    Heather, They look nice and cute. It is interesting to see that it seems all the babies have marble or caliko or whatever the marking they call but there are no gold babies. As I remember correctly, you have a gold and a marble/caliko(I never know the difference but you know what I mean)...
  18. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    That was kind of odd that I only found 7 eggs. Maybe it came from 2nd or 3rd female. Then again, maybe the water. I checked to see when I did the water change and it was week ago and it is due. I was thinking to do it same time when I have to catch some babies for tonight. Then, I might see...
  19. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Yes. The Easter came early this year for me as a matter fact it came since last November. Also I need to egg hunt this morning since I saw the Pandas were hiding eggs last night. :shifty: Although lately I am thinking about making the tank set up simplified. Since I take many Panda babies...
  20. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Be careful what you wish for. You might have to stick your hand in the tank every other days or more looking for eggs everywhere. :rolleyes: Change water twice a day and feed as often as possible with small amount. Then again, I can't complain to see this small eggs change to little living...
  21. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I got more eggs today. 23 of them although 1 must be from another time since it was darker. I guess they really liked the new water. The female that layed eggs really prefer the spot near the surface and where the water current is good. I found almost all but 4 within the 1" from the surface. I...
  22. N

    Angel Eggs

    Show off :rolleyes: :lol: I am still try to get a pair from the 3 I got. Then again, if I get spawn from them right now, I probably not quite ready yet. Not to mention I am raising Panda Corys since November non-stop. And finally start to get some eggs from Sterbai Corys. Also I better...
  23. N

    Different Types School Together?

    Generally speaking, the Corys do prefer to stay with same species than another species of Corydoras. So it is highly recommended to keep 4 or more of same species but 6+ is even better. Of course, this is not always possible for many hobbiest. Whatever the reason is from tank size to lack of...
  24. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I guess they really liked brunch today that they decide to do some nooner. I was planning to do some water change today anyway. So look for the eggs at same time. Unfortunately I only found 5 eggs, 2 in Java Moss and 3 on the glass. I guess it was quickie. Now I am curious if I get any...
  25. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Collected 18 little beads. I didn't mean to but left 1 for the janitor, darn gravity. At least, I know the janitors and I'm sure he/she recycle it. 9 on the glass near outlet from the powerhead, 2 on the leaf of the Anubias near surface, 2 in the Java/X'mas moss and 5 more on the leaves of the...
  26. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I see the female placing eggs this morning after I fed them breakfast so I should collect this afternoon after I run some errands(include get more caulks for aquarium project I have). I also communicate with Sterbai breeder on another forum who is happened to be in same State and got some...
  27. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Hi ant0, I am glad someone agree with me. Although I can't stress enough that not all the Pandas are same. Which I learned from the unfortunate incident from jorrysue's Pandas. So please be careful about any change to Pandas tank. It seems they need more time to adjust to the new water...
  28. N

    Angel Eggs

    :thumbs: :hyper: :wub: Wow, they sure become larger. And they are no mistake but little Angels. Although they still have big bug eyes. And it is always the biggest get to the food first, that is why it is biggest. And get bigger even faster. I do have 3 young gold pearlscales and...
  29. N

    Angel Eggs

    Any new pictures of the babies, Heather? :wub:
  30. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Thanks Biulu, However I have to mentioned this since jollysue didn't have good result from the attempt to keep Pandas in cooler temperature didn't go well. Generally speaking, I believe Pandas like cooler temperature with good water movement. Although there are some exceptions just like...
  31. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Yes Bozza, although it is not totally free but it is pretty cool getting new fish without PAYING. Especially some new Corys that I never kept before. Although they are not my Cory wish list nor I found them paticularly pretty looking. But I'm sure I will come to like them. Beside I don't see...
  32. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I just collected 16 more eggs although 2 looked much darker and I suspect I missed from 2 days ago. Yes, they made eggs after the breakfast. They sure like to do some work out after breakfast. ^_^ Found 2 on the front glass on the corner. 2 on the bogwood(I think she missplaced instead of...
  33. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Yesterday, I decide to post on the web site for the local aquarium society to see if anyone want to adopt few of my young Pandas. I list all the water parameter I kept so they can prepare the fit tank for them. I ask for $2/fish(they are sold $4~5 around here) or some kind of trade. I list...
  34. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    So last night I noticed that 3 eggs from the first batch hatched. They are so small compare to the Panda fry. It may require extra TLC to grow them. And make me wonder if that is the always the case for the Sterbai or just because my group is still young and still growing. And they may...
  35. N

    Filter Media

    Good question. I don't mean to take over your thread but I always wondered also whenever I see the filter floss looking cottonly poly filler at the fablic store, craft store and such. I know it usually say 100% poly---- but I never tried using them since I am not sure of the safety. Has...
  36. N

    I've Got Fry!

    So they just hatched last night. Then you don't need to feed them just yet. The first few days after they hatch, they feed off the egg sack they came with. Of course the time vary by depends on the temperature and species. Generally speaking as long as you see the big round stomech on them...
  37. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Yes, they finally did left me some eggs. I'm not certain since they must be many generations away from the wild specimen but their natural habitat is listed below in the link. And it seems they prefer the acidic water 6~7.6 ph...
  38. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    OK That's good. Because I think someone can benefit from some of the articles on the link I listed. I personally like to read those since they are the experience from the breeders who did right. Instead of cookie cutter date sheet you usually get from many site. I'm sure you will hear from...
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    How Can You Discourage.........

    I knew I have some eggs to collect this morning. I did the water change yesterday evening about 5 out of 10 G. And I saw the female holding her fins and looking for the place to deposit the egg last night. Anyway, I went Sterbai tank and fed them and came back to the Panda tank. I found...
  40. N

    My Glowlight Tetras....

    I think female glowlight become huge around her wastline when they get older. I have my Glowlights for over 3 years and all the Female have huge stomech. I think they just store all the energy after they get old. I even tried to obtain some eggs but they don't spawn. Maybe they have all the...