My Glowlight Tetras....


New Member
Jan 27, 2007
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i love them, they are so cute and calming.
i think they look great but i just wanted your opinion as i think they're about the roundest glowlights i've ever seen!
what do you think?

My Glowlights are great big fat things too - although that one of yours on the left looks enormous. I don't think they use up enough energy ... lazy by inclination ... and verrrrry fond of their grub :lol:
thanks for replying!

i think its the angle of the photo with that one, they're all about the same size in reality. i've just cut right back on the feeding so that might help. but yes, they are very lazy. but they are cute, so thats ok.... :rolleyes:
Just lost the last of my glowlights. The tank looks so dull without 'em. Think I'll go get some more tomorrow. Yes they are lazy and fond of food but they look so nice, especially in a group of ten or more.
My females are plump, give them some shelled peas.
i have tried but they just dont seem interested and the danios have them all hoovered up before you know it!
got some spirulina tablets, are they any good if they wont eat other veggies?
Do you mush the peas between your fingers as all my tetras love peas, even the glow lights.
Do you mush the peas between your fingers as all my tetras love peas, even the glow lights.
i try to. i'll try to make them smaller in future. i give them about once a week, is that about right?
thanks for everyone's comments/advice!
much appreciated :good:
I think your Glowlights are gorgeous :wub:
Mine are fat and lazy too :blush:

I usually give mine peas once a week, but sometimes I give them twice, cos if I'm having peas for tea they swim around watching me eating and waiting for their share :nod:
I feed my fish peas twice a week.
I think female glowlight become huge around her wastline when they get older. I have my Glowlights for over 3 years and all the Female have huge stomech. I think they just store all the energy after they get old. I even tried to obtain some eggs but they don't spawn. Maybe they have all the fat and no eggs.
Maybe I just have to move them from the regular community to another tank so I don't feed them too much. They may need to lose some weight. They are pretty greedy when it comes to the food. ^_^
Never know a female tetra not to be greedy and fat.

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