Worried About New Cory


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
We went out this weekend and got one of those bronze green corys to go with the one we have in our main tank after it gets quarantined for a week or so. We were going to get some sterbai as well, but the petstore didn't have any and won't be getting more until Weds.

Well I'm getting very worried about our new one b/c it just doesn't seem to be acting right. When you look at it, it has very rapid gill movement. At first I just thought it was b/c of the stress from moving into a new tank and such, but it's been 2 days and it still hasn't really changed.
Also.. we've had to move a few things around in the tank, which of course is going to scare the fish, but when we do.. we could actually get close enough to touch the cory before it would move away, which is also worrying me since I figured it would try to dart away quickly when it saw a hand coming close.

I don't see anything visibly wrong with it except for the rapid gil movement. The tank is pretty much brand spankin new. We put the fish in and then put in some Bio-spira. Also using Prime to dechlorinate the water so ammonia and stuff shouldn't even be a problem if there is any (which I'll be testing tomorrow when I get up).

What should I do if its condition doesn't change?
Dernit.. knew we should've just waited til we could get the other corys but newbie impatients strikes again.. sigh.....
We have Maracyn 1 & 2, Tetracycline, Melafix, some kind of Fungus treatment and parasite remover stuff if we have to medicate for any reason.
The tank is pretty much brand spankin new.

Is this mean you haven't set the tank for a while? If not, you might want to seed your new filter with your established tank filter medium. You could also borrow some substrate from the established tank. Also you might want to fill your new tank half with water from the establish tank and top it up with de-chlorinated tap water. Also add the air pump to the new tank to help the fish breath easier
Good luck, hope it gets better.
The new tank has been set up for a few days now to let everything run and settle for a bit. It already has an airstone in it that's been running the entire time. Also the filter seems to be adding in some oxygen as well. Low oxygen doesn't seem to be the problem b/c the guppies that are in there with it are perfectly fine.

I also put Bio-Spira into the tank to cycle it that way. All readings are ok so far... ammonia is 0, nitrite 0, gonna have to do nitrate test tomorrow.

I think it's just very stressed out. Probably with the moving and then moving around all of the stuff in the tank so much. Poor lil guy or gal!
I'm gonna keep a really close eye on it though.
I've been getting up every hour to check on it. It moves around but still breathing pretty rapid. If it would just move while I was watching it (without me having to disturb it and stressing it more) I could see if it's swimming ok.
AS I've previously said.... I put in Bio-Spira to cycle the tank. Whether it works or not is probably a bit too early to tell since I put it in right after the fish, but all readings are just fine for now. No ammonia, no nitrites.. still have to do a nitrate test.

All other fish are fine including the panda cory that's in there with them. Panda cory acts just like any healthy cory would. Swimming around looking for food etc etc.. but the other still breathing rapidly, not moving very much, and not eating as far as I can tell.
my female albino cory's been having the same problem for over half a year now.
Just updating on the cory.
I actually saw it swim today.... It didn't look very normal. Like it was struggling to swim to the top. I saw it on the bottom. Looked away for a min and it had moved. And I finally saw it resting on the heater suction cup and then it finally got to the surface for it's breath.
Not sure if it was b/c of the current or b/c it was weak or b/c something is physically wrong with it.
It definitely doesn't move as quickly as the panda though.
The panda darts around, and the green does this really slow wiggle..
Just updating on the cory.
I actually saw it swim today.... It didn't look very normal. Like it was struggling to swim to the top. I saw it on the bottom. Looked away for a min and it had moved. And I finally saw it resting on the heater suction cup and then it finally got to the surface for it's breath.
Not sure if it was b/c of the current or b/c it was weak or b/c something is physically wrong with it.
It definitely doesn't move as quickly as the panda though.
The panda darts around, and the green does this really slow wiggle..

he may be a bit stressed still. I would treat them with a tonic, and keep the lights low and movement around the tank to a min for a few days to help him settle in :) New corys are often a bit off. I always treat with tonic these days and keep the lights off for about 3-4 days, then all seems well :) if your really worried you can move him to a breeder trap so he is closer to the top, but if he doesn't hang out at the top gasping, I would just tonic the tank and leave them be to sort themselves out.
Yeah it was sad.
I went into the kitchen to check on it. It hadn't moved from the spot it was at all day, but was still gasping so went about doing something.
Went back into the kitchen a few mins later and the poor little guy/gal was on it's side at the bottom dead :(
Well.. this really sucks.
One of the sterbai died. Absolutely nothing was wrong with it. It showed no physical distress... nothing like the green that died.
They were all acting normal last night before I went to bed and then this morning... one of them was dead :(
Well.. this really sucks.
One of the sterbai died. Absolutely nothing was wrong with it. It showed no physical distress... nothing like the green that died.
They were all acting normal last night before I went to bed and then this morning... one of them was dead :(

I'd give them some tonic just to help chill them.

I lost one of my sterbai last night. Not the bashed looking one, but a really good looking one. The bashed one is still bobbing about as per normal. The lad at the fish shop thinks the girl that netted them was probably a bit to harsh on them.

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