I've Got Fry!


May 17, 2006
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Virginia, U.S.A.
My cories laid eggs Saturday and I had no place to put them as the fry tank and hospital tank are in use so I put them in a livebearer trap . Last night I was rehanging my bedroom curtains when my daughter started screaming. I forgot I was on a chair when I spun around and fell off and landed on my bum. I rgot up and ran to see what was wrong and she tells me the eggs hatched. I looked and could barely see little wriggling things in the trap. Boy are they tiny. My problem is where to put them. I can't get to the store till this weekend to get something for them. Anybody have any ideas what to put them in?
So they just hatched last night. Then you don't need to feed them just yet. The first few days after they hatch, they feed off the egg sack they came with. Of course the time vary by depends on the temperature and species. Generally speaking as long as you see the big round stomech on them, they don't need any outside food yet. However you might want to start giving some food when the stomech is shrink and almost roundness is gone.
Usually some small live food is better. Like microworms(walterworms), vinegar eels, BBS or some green water. You can also could transfer to the container some Moss like plants if you have them in the established tank. They have some micro organism the frys could eat. Also you could squeeze some dirty looking water from some established filter material like sponge or filter floss from the established tank. There are some microorganism the fry could eat. Just few drops would do.
You could buy some baby liquor food from the store. But you really have to watch not to foul water(no overfeeding!). I imagine the livebearer trap is attached to the parents tank. And have same water parameter? If so, you can change some water in the container daily. Especially little after you fed them using the water from the parents' tank that they have same water parameter.
You could also feed some yolk from the hard boiled eggs for emergency as I heard main ingridient of liquor fry is that. But I can never stress enough that you better make sure you don't overfeed. Since the frys are really sensible to the water quality. Also you could put gentle water movement by adding the airstone. And you could also set up bigger container 1~5G(depends on the number of frys you have) with sponge filter once they start free swimming and you start feeding.
Sponge filter is ideal but you can do with air stone and some daily water change if you do not have established sponge filter. You cannot use most other filter that the frys are too small and the most filter is either create too strong water movement or denger of sucking frys.
Anyway, good luck raising them. Also you could always research and read about how to raise Cory frys. I think there is a guideline in the main part of this site.
Thanks for the replies. Hopefully this weekend I can get a net to put them in till the fry tank empties out. I'll make sure to fill it with water from the tank they're in now.
Hey Madmom
Congratulations!!!!!! My Cories were loving each other today, babies for me too I hope!!!!!! Well not me ,the cories, but you know what I mean lol
Yesterday I carefully shifted the fry to the net byputting the net around the tank and slowly tilting it to make sure all the fry moved into the net. They seem to be doing well and I can see them better .Probably because the net is blue. Never saw a yolk sack as my eyes are just that bad. They are starting to swim around more and hopefully will survive. This is the first time I got eggs to hatch after about 4 spawnings. Anyone know how long it takes them to grow? I wonder as I can barely see them. Being albinos doesn't help.

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