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    Stocking My Tank

    Well i have not been on this think fish thing but i have heard it being very bad at telling stocking. If you have 2 internal filters and do weekly water changes of 20%. I think that stocking would be fine. I would suggest 4 males or 1 male 2-3 female guppies. I keep loads of males together...
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    Maby, If you are going to have other fish put them in first as they will porb be hardier than the neons. I put 5 neons as my first fish and they are still alive today and that was a year ago. I added 4 more to make a bigger school. I then addad guppies which gave birth and I still have loads of...
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    I agree, neon tetra disease is very rare, i keep 9 neons in with guppies and i have never seen the desiese. If by chance you do get it, Protizin clames it can cure it. (not sure if this is true, I dident think there was a cure). They are a good fish which are colourful and active, and will add...
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    What are the angelfish doing when they rub their little leg things together. I mean those things that come down from their stomach. All 3 of mine keep doing it, is it an illness. Thanks AQUAKING :lol:
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    Crazy Bp

    it seems like you r tormenting her! AQUAKING
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    Blood Parrots 'chcilids'

    OK thanks, i have seen 1 bright red one one this forum is it dyed. Thanks AQUAKING
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    I Got It!

    WOW, i have 3 tanks and i have been in this crazy fish world for a year and none of my fish tanks are that good. People are saying its good for a big-in-r but its good for anyone. I love the natural look, i wanna redecorate my 10 gallon like that black stones, rockwork a few plants etc. It looks...
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    Blood Parrots 'chcilids'

    I am going to buy them when they are about 3" so they will get them went they are small and they an grow up in the tank. What colours r not dyed, is it orange and pink/white? thanks AQUAKING
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    Blood Parrots 'chcilids'

    Can i keep 2 in a 45-55 UK gallon tank! Thanks AQUAKING
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    Blood Parrot Chiclids!

    It would be them on their OWN, I will double check in the hybrid section. Thanks for being so quick it was like 2 mins, AQUAKING
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    Blood Parrot Chiclids!

    I am going to get a 45-55 UK gallon tank, not sure of the exact gallanage. I would like to get 2 BPC, Can i get 2 in a 45-55 gallon tank? I dont want to get a dyed one what colours are natural? How would i decorate the tank? Thanks AQUAKING
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    Can I Getv A Turtle?

    Loko17 the bettas r doin fine, they have stopped schooling together and sort have set up their own mini teritories. Thats good he will be ok on his own, plus he will have all my attention. I have seen some massive gravel that would be perfect. I will have a look at my LFS to see about the...
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    Do They Dye Bettas?

    Sorry 'betta grl', ive just found out mine is not dyed and to see that just shocked me a little lol :lol:
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    Can I Getv A Turtle?

    After a long think today i have decided that a common musk, is the one for me. Easy to feed easy to house and small what more could i ask for. I also like the natural look of the rocks, i will do the legality check befour i spend all my £ on the set up and the Stinkpot. Thanks for all your...
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    Do They Dye Bettas?

    Mine are not dyed! Calm down betta girl, are you trying to say i shouldent keep them!
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    Can I Getv A Turtle?

    Ive had a look an the internet and have found quite a bit of infomation on them. They seem perfect for me, small, easy to house and easy to feed. What more could you ask for. On a US site it said you could keep one in a 24"by18" tank, this must be wrong dont you think. I was thinking of the...
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    Can I Getv A Turtle?

    Thanks, tracy rene, I will have a look up about the stink pot one, the food will be no problem as my lfs does ghost shrimp at 20 for 70p (not sure what that is in $). I realy want one as my fish, though i love them to peices are becoming a little less fun. I still enjoy them but i need to...
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    Ive Decided To Go Nano!

    thanks sfo5 i will keep that in mine when i go to the pet shop. AQUAKING
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    Do They Dye Bettas?

    The female bettas are fine at the mo, they have decided to give the keyholes back the cave and swim happily together along the top. I will buy and set up 3, 2 gallon tanks if someting goes wrong E.G. a fight breaks out. I think my pink one is changing its tail is going red, is this colour change...
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    Do They Dye Bettas?

    Why i was studying my bettas to see if they were dyed, which i think shes not, I noticed that the they were flaring at my keyholes. They had their fins spread out all facing one direction (at the keyhols) and rearing up all together, as if backing eachother. 1)is flaring common in girls? 2)if...
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    Do They Dye Bettas?

    She is mainly white/pink, she has shiny fins and tants why i thought she was dyed. Thinking of that she has a few black spots on her, there not spots but patches. I hope she is marbled and not dyed. Does anyone have pics of white/ pinky female bettas. Ill see if i can google one. AQUAKING
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    Biorb 30

    i would say dont bother i have asked the same thing simple answer no. thanks aquaking
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    Do They Dye Bettas?

    Oh, i get it ... thats dumb. Why dont they ban the importation of died/dyed fish into the uk, that makes more sense. AQUAKING
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    Will This Work?

    The other 2 are a 10 gallon and a 15 gallon, the 10 has 9 neons an african dwarf frog and guppy fry going to pet shop as feeders. The 15 gallon is has 4 serpae tatras, 4 cherry barbs and 5 neon dwarf rainbowfish. Im getting another 10 gallon. AQUAKING
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    Do They Dye Bettas?

    i dont understand what you meen demonmangus
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    Will This Work?

    Lets get a few things cleared up. 1)I have 3 fish tanks, 1 community with angels, keyholes, guppies(female), and sharks. My second tank has neons and growing guppies, and the 3rd one is a fin nipper tank. 2)The bettas are in the 1st one with the angels, keyholes, sharks and guppies. They are...
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    Can These Fish Be Kept In A 10 Gallon?

    I am setting up a 10 gallon nano. Can i keep ether... 1 neon goby 1 gold line goby 1 royal gramma or 1 royal gramma 1 damsel 1 neon or goldline goby Any suggestions AQUAKING
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    Will This Work?

    Im confused, :crazy: about the last 2 posts. Anyway, somone on this website said they keep their betta in saltwater, its one of those sick betta posts. I am more worried for my keyholes, since the bettas have arrived the blue one has become boss (most dominate) of the 3 and she sits out side...
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    Do They Dye Bettas?

    Oh, :lol: i sure hope she not, when they are dyed isant it injected not slapped on. AQUAKING
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    Could I Use These For A Nano

    Are you sure they are corys, I have never heard of corys in brackish water. Brackish can be just as fun as marine. Pipe fish are great, if they are home bread, they dont have the stress of transport or the jump from the open ocean to the box fish tank. If they are raised in captivity then they...
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    Can I Getv A Turtle?

    Thats a shame, :( i will have to stick to fish then. thanks moray and dany AQUAKING
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    What Kind Of Shrimp?

    I will get 5 then, they are in freshwater, soon i will have just 9 neons and 1 adf. (and 5 shrimp), thanks moray you have cleared that up! AQUAKING
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    Do They Dye Bettas?

    Cant you just cover up the hydroheater.
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    Will This Work?

    what they are ment to be in salt water? or do i personaly put them in saltwater? i dont personaly but are you ment to? AQUAKING
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    Do They Dye Bettas?

    I realy hope shes not dyed. I hate to go to the pet shop and see the dyed fish :angry: , they look better natural (i hate the people that dye fish, they just "poison" a fish for a quick buck) :angry: . The only reason i thought she was dyed was she has glowing fins, parts of them are clear and...
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    Do They Dye Bettas?

    My pinky white female looks like she has been dyed, do they dye them? sorry can get pics (crapy camera) AQUAKING
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    Molly Advice Needed

    Breeding guppies has become a bit of a bor, i may try sword tails will they fit into a 10 gallon either 3girls and 1 male or 4 girls and 2 males. AQUAKING
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    Rummy Nose Tetras

    I would say the more the better, but 6 would be OK AQUAKING
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    Can i get a coral. which one I have a freshwater system lighting Can i get a green furry mushroom (what they are labled at in the shop) In a 10 gallon tank. AQUAKING
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    Ive Decided To Go Nano!

    I will get a start on it now, i know what to get when i go to the local pet shop thanks AQUAKING