Will This Work?

ugh its probably the same person as that "tropicalfishbreeder" orwahtever the hell his name was o_o

anywaysss wheeee reached over 1800 posts :lol:
Aaah, nevermind if he was real and wanted a helpful forum he should of clearly stated what he wanted...

Wheee almost 1000 posts lol

Who is 'tropicalfishbreeder', my 83 year old great aunt says 'take the rise' lol. Im not just posting to waste time. I am just not sure what to get hense all the posts. Bettas starting saltwater. Anyway i got 3 female bettas one bright red, one blue with a light blue sheen and one pinkey white one.

It was over dramatic on my behalf, i know.

Simple answer? NO. The angels and cichlids would be my main worry. As when they breed or whatever they get territorial and the betta, being a curious fish will swim all around the tank and get attacked. I know which would fair off worse


AquaKing, I wouldn't even chance putting females in that tank with them. you said you have a ten gallon that you put a different fish in? since you went ahead and bought 3 females against advice, best suggestions I can give you now would be to turn the 10 gallon into a betta sorority tank with lots of plants (Real or fake) for the females to have some 'alone time' if they want it.
They seem OK. They have been eating OK and they have taken over the keyholes massive cave. lol :lol: They like to sleep in it at night time. The keyholes have moved into smaller cave.

(ill see if i can get some pics)

what they are ment to be in salt water? or do i personaly put them in saltwater? i dont personaly but are you ment to?

No bettas are not to be kept in saltwater but by the sounds of it keyholes are? thats just the way it sounded to me but bettas are definately not to be kept in saltwater.
Right, no one is getting anywhere here because no one knows what anyone else is talking about.

Aquaking, some quick fire questions I'm sure we all want to know.

1) What fish do you have and what tank are they in?
2) In which tank did you put the bettas, and what are their tankmates?
3) What did you mean by 'Bettas starting saltwater. '
Im confused, :crazy: about the last 2 posts. Anyway, somone on this website said they keep their betta in saltwater, its one of those sick betta posts.

I am more worried for my keyholes, since the bettas have arrived the blue one has become boss (most dominate) of the 3 and she sits out side the cave protecting it why the others chase the keyholes off. The keyholes have gone form being agressive to being the pushovers of the tank. The keyholes and the bettas are flaring at eachother. Is it normal for females to be so territorial and to flare. I thought only boys flared. The keyholes do the same thing.


Heh, they dont keep them in SALTWATER they put a pinchful of aquarium salt in to heal wounds or just to soothe the betta
Female bettas really shouldn't be kept in groups of less than 4, and even with ideal conditions, are prone to fighting. If you want to reduce your chance of injuries, you should make sure your tank is extremely well-planted with plenty of caves; at least one per female. Betta girls are just as agressive as the males sometimes, so you must watch them carefully to make sure no fighting errupts, and ALWAYS have a back-up tank in case one gets bullied and needs to be seperated.
Also, it would be good to get the info requested above: what size tank are the girls in, what are all of their tank mates, etc.
Lets get a few things cleared up.

1)I have 3 fish tanks, 1 community with angels, keyholes, guppies(female), and sharks. My second tank has neons and growing guppies, and the 3rd one is a fin nipper tank.

2)The bettas are in the 1st one with the angels, keyholes, sharks and guppies. They are eating and they stay together. my bluse on is the boss.

3)Sorry 'Bettas starting saltwater' should have been 'Bettas, starting saltwater'. Meaning i dident know weather to start keeping bettas or start keeping saltwater fish tanks.

Sorry about the confusion,

And how big are each of the tanks, and which fish are in them and in what numbers? Judging by whats in the 30, I'd guess the other tanks have pretty bad stocking problems.

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