Stocking My Tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
well ive been using the community creator to get a guide on the stocking levels for my 54 liter tank (12.5 gallon) (60 x 30 x 30) and it tells me that with the stock i have chosen: 4 guppies, 6 glowlights and 6 neon tetras i still have plenty of room left, even though i entered my filtration as undergravel, whereas its acctually 2 internal filters, filtering the aquarium 12 times an hour. My question is, would that stock be ok in my aquarium? thinkfish says this:
Guide stocking level: 54cm Current stocking level: 39cm
(and thats with filtration set as undergravel, with oversized internal it says guide stocking level as 75cm)

what do you think?

thanks alot.
Well i have not been on this think fish thing but i have heard it being very bad at telling stocking.

If you have 2 internal filters and do weekly water changes of 20%. I think that stocking would be fine.

I would suggest 4 males or 1 male 2-3 female guppies. I keep loads of males together.

With the filtering you have, you should be ok with the stock you already have in place. I wouldn't add anymore though and make sure you stay up on your water changes and all too. I would opt out of the female guppies though unless you can home the babies that survive elsewhere. They may just get eaten, but chances are eventually a few will survive and then you'll have to be able to rehome them. With the tetras being fairly slim though you should be alright with what you have listed. Myself though, I'd go with just one of the tetras (maybe the glowlights since they are hardier) and the guppies, maybe a few pygmy cory cats if you can find them. JMHO.
thanks for the help, im getting male guppies only, and that was going to be my next question- what about a few pygmy cories, but i kinda prefer neons to glowlights
If you want pygmy cories then dont get glowlights. The corys are good for the tank as they clean the uneaten food etc.

So the tank will have

Male Guppies
Pygmy cories

Sounds good

yeah that does sound good, i intend to upgrade to a 125 liter pretty soon anyway, this is to just introduce me to tropical fish really.

Thanks again for the help
I have a 125 litre aquarium.

sharks (up grading)
Female guppies
Female siamese fighters

I know its so exciting when you first get it. Do have a good think about what fish you want, i do have a few regrets of Sper of the moment buys of fin nipping fish. I have had to start a fin-nipping tank with serpae tetras, neon dwarf rainbows and cherry barbs.

Happy fishkeeping

neon dwarf rainbows nip? that sucks, they were on the list for the next tank.

oh well, theres plenty more fish in the LFS
Tell me about it. I read up for like 6 months and everything said they are peaceful and schooling fish. I got them home. The next morning they were chasing my angels and female guppies and tearing chuncks out of their fins. If you are going to get male guppies, i would say dont get them or have a empty tank spare. They are also pigs they eat all of the food befor the other fish, so i have to put loads in and then net out whats left on the bottom. Its a shame because they would have looked so good in my larger community tank.

Bummer, dont worry there are just as colourful fish and more peaceful.

Well i have not been on this think fish thing but i have heard it being very bad at telling stocking.

I would agree with that. I've just registered at that site and it says that I can put loads more fish in what I thought was pretty much stocked to capacity. I'd treat their advice with caution.
Tell me about it. I read up for like 6 months and everything said they are peaceful and schooling fish. I got them home. The next morning they were chasing my angels and female guppies and tearing chuncks out of their fins. If you are going to get male guppies, i would say dont get them or have a empty tank spare. They are also pigs they eat all of the food befor the other fish, so i have to put loads in and then net out whats left on the bottom. Its a shame because they would have looked so good in my larger community tank.

Bummer, dont worry there are just as colourful fish and more peaceful.


yeah, its a shame though, i guess the books and websites can tell you anything, but theres nothing better than information from someone who has acctually kept them.
That is so true, books are good but you have to keep a fish befour you actualy know what they are like! Books are good for reference but not as good as hands on fishkeeping!


PS big brother just started (A UK thing)

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