

Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2005
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I am very interested in buying neons as i think they look very nice. however, i know that they are more prone to neon tetra disease than other fish, and i was hoping some people could tell me about their experiences, or whether they have ever encountered this disease. Also, would not buying neons lower the risk of any fish catching it?

It's not that common, a lot of people who say their tetras had/have it are either making excuses for poor water quality or mistaking other diseases.
I agree, neon tetra disease is very rare, i keep 9 neons in with guppies and i have never seen the desiese. If by chance you do get it, Protizin clames it can cure it. (not sure if this is true, I dident think there was a cure).

They are a good fish which are colourful and active, and will add a neon blue and red effect to your aquarium. They are peaceful and eat anything, i mean anything. They do like shade from lights, if they have no shade their brilliant colours are lost. You can use plants or decorations E.G. rocks.

A word or warning, they seem to stop schooling as much as they get older.

A bit off topic but worth mentioning , i wouldent get cardinals if i were you, as they are sensitive to change in enviroment, for example PH and tempature. Also they are usualy wild caught, as they are nearly impossable to breed in captivity. They are genraly less hardy than the neons and are in need of more care.

Thanks and hope this helps!

thanks for the info, also i am currently cycling fishless and i was wondering if it would be safe to add neons in the first batch of fish i will add?

Maby, If you are going to have other fish put them in first as they will porb be hardier than the neons. I put 5 neons as my first fish and they are still alive today and that was a year ago. I added 4 more to make a bigger school. I then addad guppies which gave birth and I still have loads of fry. At the end of the day if you tank is cycled it will be OK. Its your choice, Its all up to you.

Maby, If you are going to have other fish put them in first as they will porb be hardier than the neons. I put 5 neons as my first fish and they are still alive today and that was a year ago. I added 4 more to make a bigger school. I then addad guppies which gave birth and I still have loads of fry. At the end of the day if you tank is cycled it will be OK. Its your choice, Its all up to you.


thanks, i was thinking of doing it the other way around- guppys first (and maybe glowlights) then neons but i dont know now, ill do more reading
The guppies first would be perfect as they are hardy and would be able to stand the new aquarium betta than the neons. Sounds like a plan to me.


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