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  1. dmpfishlover

    How long left?

    What kind of Platy is she by the way? She is very beautiful.. especially in the very first picture where you can see a sheen of blue/green against the red..
  2. dmpfishlover

    How long left?

    Keep an eye out... Even though you couldn't find any fry immediately, doesn't mean they aren't there. They are really good at hiding!! I had Platys in the past, and I didn't even know that one of my females had given birth until weeks later when there were miniature Platys swimming around in...
  3. dmpfishlover

    “Best“ type of Cory cat?

    I use an App on my phone to record all of my water parameters. It can even graph your results over time so you can observe any trends that might be going on. You can record your Livestock, Equipment, Maintenance Routine and even set reminders for yourself for things like water changes, or other...
  4. dmpfishlover

    How long left?

    Perhaps? It is so hard to tell from a picture.. Can you still see a gravid spot? Looks like there might still be one... but again, it is hard to tell from a picture. It is so much easier in person to see. EDIT... I looked a some of the first pictures again, and yes, I think her belly does...
  5. dmpfishlover

    General Consensus on Light Levels at Night

    I am so glad that I purchased a timer for my lights!! I don't have fish in my tank yet (it is still cycling... on Day 16), but when I do, I know now that they will get a consistent Day/Night cycle with the timer. This thread drove home for me, the importance of providing a consistent daylight...
  6. dmpfishlover

    So Many Babies

    This is sooo cool that we get to see the whole process, of eggs hatching and fry getting bigger! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!!! :D
  7. dmpfishlover

    How long left?

    It looks like she has a gravid spot (dark spot near the base of her anal fin) in the picture (as far as I can see?), which if you are seeing one too(?) is a sign that she is definitely pregnant and could be close to getting ready to deliver. Live bearers are typically pregnant for around 4...
  8. dmpfishlover

    How long left?

    How long has her belly been that large?
  9. dmpfishlover

    My new bettas are arriving tomorrow!

    :yahoo:Yay!!! Send pictures once they are all settled in.
  10. dmpfishlover

    Ammonia nitrate no nitrite?

    There can be a "gap"...Ammonia may remain low as it takes Nitrites a little while to build up.
  11. dmpfishlover

    Ammonia nitrate no nitrite?

    I suspect (and it is a theory, I could be wrong), that as water has evaporated from your tank it has caused the concentration of nitrates in your water to increase... You indicated that you have not perfromed any water changes, and I am guessing you also have not added any water since you...
  12. dmpfishlover

    What are these

    Ummm, no thank you... I would rather not!!! :p Although that would make a really good Sci Fi/Horror Movie plot.. however a little trite....
  13. dmpfishlover

    What are these

    Yes, I can kind of see that... It's so hard because the picture is just not clear enough... Shapeshifting alieans?!?!?! :eek: Thank God they are tiny, or I'd be scared for the OP. :hyper:
  14. dmpfishlover

    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    Ok, phew.... I thougt I was losing my mind (which is still a real possibility I guess!) :D :p
  15. dmpfishlover

    What are these

    Well this explains why you have so many of them!!! There is nothing in there to eat them! :) You could feed them to fish in another tank if you have one.. depending on the type of fish.
  16. dmpfishlover

    What are these

    No they don't, you are correct, however some of their legs are much smaller and can be hard to see... So it may look like they just have 4 legs... Unless you have a hand lens, you usually can just see those legs that are larger which are the ones that are usually moving more than the others...
  17. dmpfishlover

    Ammonia nitrate no nitrite?

    The Nitrate level being higher than the Nitrite level is most likely due to the fact that there are Nitrates in your Tap water. The bacteria that consume Ammonia and release Nitrites (ammonifying bacteria or Nitrosomonas ) colonize in an aquarium first, and then the nitrifying bacteria...
  18. dmpfishlover

    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    That's odd???, it is in that section... But when I first saw the post, it looked like it was under general Tropical Fish Discussion?? My mistake!!! :D ... I am sure someone in this section can provide specific advice on species/numbers of Killifish for you!:)
  19. dmpfishlover

    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    I know that some species of Killifish are more aggressive than others, so I wouldn't want to recommend amounts for them as I don't have experience with them... I believe there is a Killifish section on this Forum, so you might have some luck posting a thread in that section.
  20. dmpfishlover

    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    Ok, well it sounds like you have the information you need to make an informed decision! That is good. Definitely keep these numbers in mind when selecting fish... As well as the size of your tank and other tank mates...
  21. dmpfishlover

    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    Do you know the actual hardness of your water in numbers/units? Just hearing that your water is extremely soft doesn't really give you all of the information that you need. Water hardness/softness according to water providers and water hardness/softness according to fish keepers in the hobby...
  22. dmpfishlover

    New tank help required

    No worries!! It's a team effort... Most important thing is that the OP receives the advice they need. :)
  23. dmpfishlover

    What are these

    Sounds like Daphnia... Do you have fish in the same tank? Many fish LOVE to eat Daphnia (or other aquatic crustaceans, if they are not Daphnia), so they will be happy.
  24. dmpfishlover

    New tank help required

    Ahhh!!! I see... Yes, it does sound like that was misunderstood. Sorry, I thought you were referring to my comment. :)
  25. dmpfishlover

    New tank help required

    I didn't say it was... Here's what I said: Yes you will need to add a water conditioner to remove chlorine/chloramines from your tap water, "and" adding a product like API Quick Start or Tetra Safe Start are also a good idea as they contain live cultures of the beneficial bacteria you will want...
  26. dmpfishlover

    New tank help required

    You can't go by a set number of weeks when it comes to cycling your tank... It takes a different amount of time for every tank is unique... You can not assume that because your tank has been set up for "X" amounts of weeks that it is cycled and ready for fish. The only way you can determine...
  27. dmpfishlover

    What are these

    Still a little unclear :( Sorry,, I know taking pictures of the inside of a tank when it is something so small is really hard... If I were to guess, I would say it is probably Daphnia, Amphipods, or Copepods... But again, a clear picture would allow me to nail it... I took a class...
  28. dmpfishlover

    Pregnant swordtail help!!

    Firstly, I would let her out of the netting... It is not necessary and is probably very stressful for her. Secondly, don't panic... if she is giving birth it will be natural for her to go hide among the plants or rocks... Let her do "her thing". She will be far less stressed hiding then being...
  29. dmpfishlover

    What are these

    We might not see another picture or video for a little bit. The OP has another thread going that their salt & pepper Cories are spawning in another tank... so they may have their hands full... lol :D
  30. dmpfishlover

    Salt and pepper corys laying eggs

    @NCaquatics, Could you offer advice??
  31. dmpfishlover

    Salt and pepper corys laying eggs

    Sorry, I don't have any experience with Cory breeding... I think it is recommended that you try to remove the eggs into a smaller bare bottom tank if you can so the eggs don't get eaten?... But there are some individuals on here with Cory breeding experience, so I will leave this question to the...
  32. dmpfishlover

    What are these

    Without a clearer picture it would be impossible to guess. They are likely a type of aquatic arthropod or crustacean, but beyond that I couldn't say without a clearer picture.
  33. dmpfishlover

    What are these

    Oh, so they are a living thing, moving and swimming around?
  34. dmpfishlover


    It wouldn't hurt to test your water parameters just to make sure they are where they should be. Water parameters can change over time... I would watch her closely for any other signs/symptoms of illness... If all you are noticing so far is a fat belly and she is not exhibiting any other signs...
  35. dmpfishlover

    New tank help required

    Sounds good.... If you have a hard time getting information from the water company, or they don't have actual numbers/units to provide to you... there are commercially available testing kits that you can use to test your Tap water's hardness (GH) and Alkalinity (KH). API puts out a test kit for...
  36. dmpfishlover

    Salt and pepper corys laying eggs

    Oh, so are the things you are asking about in your other post, eggs?
  37. dmpfishlover

    What are these

    The picture is a little unclear... What are you asking about? Can you describe what "these" are? Or get a better picture?
  38. dmpfishlover

    New tank help required

    No problem... Just keep monitoring your Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates... and DONT add fish until you see a spike in Nitrates. If you are not seeing any Nitrates, the cycle is likely not complete. When you do see Nitrates, perform a Large (~ 90%) water change, and dechlorinate the water, before...
  39. dmpfishlover


    I should have added to my previous post.... What are the water parameters in your tank? Hardness (GH), pH, Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates?
  40. dmpfishlover

    Newbie with stocking questions for larger tank

    Yes, having different dimension tanks makes things even more confusing... as different "footprints" of the same volume of water could actually provide more swimming "space" for fish, depending on the species.